Archives for 2012
weekend evenings
a class act
You might be a racist
fracking frenzies
Longmont Is Ground Zero In War Over Fracking
By Vincent Carroll
The Denver Post
If you haven’t seen the video of anti-fracking protesters hectoring Gov. John Hickenlooper in Longmont last month and then thrusting signs against his car, you should Google it to get an idea of the passion behind the movement — here and nationally — to outlaw hydraulic fracturing for oil and natural gas. [Read more…]
Economic Indicators
Economic Indicators, September 2012
Economic Indicators – All Years
Look at the growth in the money supply under the Obama administration. Look at the percentage increases under Obama compared to the Bush years. Obama has been hyper-inflating money supply to fund his economy of social justice. Continued travel down this economic path will bring the whole thing crashing down. It’s an open question whether Obama is even aware of the damage he’s done. After 4 years of not learning how to run this country, our only recourse is to vote him out.
A moral right
Cardinal Pride Marching Band
one way street of progress
Jonah Goldberg, The Tyranny of Cliches, 2012.
From the Introduction:
“One small example: During the recent debate over reforming Medicare, many liberals insisted that any backsliding amounted to a sacrilegious violation of a fundamental “covenant.” Writing in The New Republic, Jonathan Cohn, a leading health care expert, quotes LBJ’s Medicare law signing statement:
“No longer will older Americans be denied the healing miracle of modern medicine.” Johnson said at the signing ceremony. “No longer will illness crush and destroy the savings that they have so carefully put away over a lifetime so that they might enjoy dignity in their later years.”
“Read those quotes carefully,” Cohn advises us, “because they spell out the covenant that Johnson made with the American people on that day: A promise that the elderly and (certain groups) of the poor would get comprehensive medical insurance, no matter what.” Now I cannot and will not criticize Cohn for believing that the government should ensure that the truly needy and elderly receive medical care. That is an honorable, intellectually defensible position. Though I should at least mention that wanting the needy to receive health care does not necessarily require a vast expansion of the federal government. But my point isn’t to debate the means to a desirable end.
No, the reason why I find Cohn’s argument so useful is that it illustrates the progressive mind-set so perfectly. [Read more…]
What Israel is.
Danny Danon, Israel – The Will To Prevail, 2012.
“Israel is the one hundredth smallest country in the world, home to less than 1/1000th of the world’s population with just 7.1 million people. Its $100 billion economy is larger than all of its immediate neighbors combined. Israel has the highest average living standards in the Middle East. Israel has the highest number of university degrees per capita among working people, ranking third in the industrialized world after the United States and Holland. It also has the highest number of museums, orchestras, and zoos per capita. Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin – 109 per 10,000 people—and also has one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed. [Read more…]
“Law is a human institution.”
A Lawyer by Training, Obama Ignores Rules of Law
A Commentary By Michael Barone
Thursday, October 11, 2012
“The Illegal-Donor Loophole” is the headline of a Daily Beast story by Peter Schweizer of the conservative Government Accountability Institute and Peter Boyer, former reporter at The New Yorker and The New York Times.
The article tells how, a website owned by an Obama fundraiser who lives in China but has visited the Obama White House 11 times, sends solicitations mostly to foreign email addresses and links to the Obama campaign website’s donation page.
The Obama website, unlike those of most campaigns, doesn’t ask for the three- or four-digit credit card verification number. That makes it easier for donors to use fictitious names and addresses to send money in.
Campaigns aren’t allowed to accept donations from foreigners. But it looks like the Obama campaign has made it easier for them to slip money in. How much foreign money has come into the Obama campaign? Schweizer and Boyer say there’s no way to know.
The campaign — as my former boss, pollster Peter Hart, likes to say — always reflects the candidate. A campaign willing to skirt the law or abet violations of it reflects a candidate who, as president, has been doing the same thing. [Read more…]
Church and state
“If Rowland’s church is actively promoting a candidate or a party, then its participation should be questioned because it is in violation of the Constitution.” William C. Thomas
Wrong. A church so engaged may violate a tax regulation, but it’s definitely not violating the Constitution. Mr. Thomas, like many liberals, forgets that the Constitution, including the Amendments such as those in the Bill of Rights consist of negative laws against government power. Constitutional limitations on government powers, by default, create the free domain in which citizens, and yes, even citizens acting in legal organizations like churches and corporations, may exercise their freedom.
Seems like liberals like to think that the Constitution mandates certain behavior. They seem to always be searching for a constitutional justification to force one of their notions upon the country. They fundamentally don’t seem to understand how freedom works. Our Constitution sets the boundaries for government, the rest of what we do is up to us. Maybe, since they don’t seem to understand freedom, that’s why they don’t seem to understand how so much of what they promote actually damages our freedom. They don’t get that by growing laws, they actually shrink our free domain.
The 1st Am. limits what government can do with regard to religion. “Congress shall make no law…” The 1st Am. simply does not limit what people can do in their own religious interest.
One more thing, constitutional amendments modify and supersede language in the body of the Constitution. If an amendment exists on the subject, that’s where the analysis should begin. Mr. Thomas can’t cut and paste the Constitution to find a bit of language to support his case. Well, I suppose he can…. but it’s not going to be very persuasive.
Obama’s lies
Klavan on the Obama fantasy
Andrew Klavan
A Fantasy Election, an Imaginary Man
Barack Obama has always been less real than dream—a media dream.
5 October 2012
Even before his inauguration, Barack Obama was an imaginary man, the creation of his admirers. Think back to the 2008 Time magazine cover depicting him as FDR, the Newsweek cover of the same year on which he was shown casting Lincoln’s shadow, or the $1.4 million Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”—this in 2009, less than a year after he had taken office. It was not that Obama had done nothing to deserve these outsized comparisons and honors—it was not just that he had done nothing—it was that he seemed for all the world to be a blank screen on which such hysterical fantasies could too easily be projected, a two-dimensional paper doll just waiting to be dressed in leftist dreams. [Read more…]
Left protect tyrants money source
The Global Plot Vs. U.S. Fracking Posted 10/03/2012 06:39 PM ET
Geopolitics: What do Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, Gulf oil sheiks and President Obama have in common? They all want to halt the U.S. energy revolution in fracking. No wonder so many of them are endorsing Obama. [Read more…]
Obama speaks jive
“Enemy of the American people”
Transcript: Pat Caddell – The Audacity of Corruption