Legacy Academy Blog

A Charter School in it’s 12th year serving Elbert County families

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7/10/07 board meeting

August 16th, 2007 · No Comments

Meeting audio file links are available below.  I did not take notes at the meeting, however, a few impressions stand out:

Dir Bleich came well prepared for this meeting.  His board training document was fairly thorough and he covered it succinctly without much unessential discussion.  The meeting lasted just under 2 hours, and this was about right.  A number of elements of a normal board meetings were not done since Dirs Bleich, Walter, Craley and Campbell were the only ones present, i.e. no staff, no other visitors than myself, no normal school business or tangential explorations, etc., so 2 hours is probably an unrealistic expectation for a normal board meeting.  But it is a worthwhile goal.  If directors and staff can be as well prepared in the future as Dir Bleich was last night, and if the meeting business can be kept as well on track as it was by Dir Bleich last night, then meeting times can be significantly reduced in the future.  They showed that more substantive material can be covered in less time and this is an important positive development in this board.

Another important development is that the board is going to formalize a protocol for audience contributions to the board discussion during meetings that will permit audience members to participate in context as subjects are addressed.  This board expressly stated they have no intention of being dictators and they welcome public input at board meetings.  Anyone familiar with the history of this board knows that this is a sea change and it bodes well for future school relations.  

Dir Bleich led the meeting well by guiding the discussion through prudent fact finding and keeping things moving toward resolution.  On the one hand this was probably an easier meeting to do that because the scope was probably more narrow than usual.  On the other, preparation and focus on the subject, economy of thought and consideration of everyone’s important time, these things telegraph respect to all parties and are significant improvements that should be carried through future board meetings and emulated by all who participate in them.  

Another important positive development is that Dir Bleich said he intended to propose a bylaws change to make replacement director appointments interim jobs until the next regularly scheduled board election, at which time the interim seat will be subject to a general election.  The appointee is welcome to stand for general election at that time along with any other declared candidates.

The last big thing that sticks out in my mind is that the meeting was held in the library, and this environment is way better than the cafeteria.  Acoustics, seat comfort and work space are far superior.  The facts that everyone can hear everyone else and that everyone is comfortable make for a less stressful time and, I thought, improved the content of the meeting.  I hope future meetings can be held in the library and any tighter total space issues resolved.  It’s a big improvement.

I can’t say how well the early boards of the school behaved, but since I’ve been watching things over the past few years, this group exhibits managerial expertise that is frankly superior.

7_10_07 Board Meeting 01

7_10_07 Board Meeting 02

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7_10_07 Board Meeting 07

7_10_07 Board Meeting 08

7_10_07 Board Meeting 09

7_10_07 Board Meeting 10

7_10_07 Board Meeting 11

7_10_07 Board Meeting 12

Tags: Board of Directors