– and –
Pat Condell’s excellent commentary The Religion of Fear
"Just the facts M'am, Just the facts." -- Sgt. Joe Friday
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
NYTimes on Pakistan lawyer demonstration “The pressure on the lawyers is far more intense now than it was even in the spring, when their anger had been stoked by General Musharraf’s attempt to dismiss the chief justice. The step was seen as a direct threat to the independence of the judiciary, and hence themselves. Led by Aitzaz Ahsan,…
Aitzaz Ahsan is an active member of Pakistan Peoples Party. “Among the express goals for which the Party was formed were the establishment of an egalitarian democracy and the application of socialistic ideas to realize economic and social justice.
The Life Chairperson – Pakistan Peoples Party Benazir Bhutto
Pakistan Sharia Law “The Enforcement of Sharia Act 1991 affirms the supremacy of the sharia, (defined in the Act as the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah) as the supreme law of Pakistan. The Act states that all statute law is to be interpreted in light of the sharia and that all Muslim citizens of Pakistan shall observe the sharia and act accordingly.
Why is the NYT so sympathetic to the Pakistani sharia left? The NYT wouldn’t even exist if the sharia left controlled America.
By Brooks
“The Western mind-set—that if we respect them, they’re going to respect us, that if we indulge and appease and condone and so on, the problem will go away—is delusional. The problem is not going to go away. Confront it [Islam], or it’s only going to get bigger.”
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
By Brooks
I Was Thinking… by Frank J.
Who profits if there’s a war with Iran? I think that’s pretty obvious. It’s people who make protest signs, effigies of Bush, giant puppets, and anti-war bumper stickers. It’s hard to get people out to protest these days with such high employment, so the protest industry needs wars to sell their wares. I bet if you look who’s behind the push for war, it’s Big Protest.
By Brooks
Convention Lecture | April, 2004 | Haim Harari
HAIM HARARI, a theoretical physicist, is the Chair, Davidson Institute of
Science Education, and Former President, from 1988 to 2001, of the Weizmann
Institute of Science.
During his years as President of the Institute, it entered numerous new
scientific fields and projects, built 47 new buildings, raised one Billion
Dollars in philanthropic money, hired more than half of its current tenured
Professors and became one of the highest royalty-earning academic
organizations in the world.
Throughout all his adult life, he has made major contributions to three
different fields: Particle Physics Research on the international scene,
Science Education in the Israeli school system and Science Administration
and Policy Making.
“As you know, I usually provide the scientific and technological
“entertainment” in our meetings, but, on this occasion, our Chairman
suggested that I present my own personal view on events in the part of the
world from which I come. I have never been and I will never be a Government
official and I have no privileged information. My perspective is entirely
based on what I see, on what I read and on the fact that my family has lived
in this region for almost 200 years. You may regard my views as those of the
proverbial taxi driver, which you are supposed to question, when you visit a
country. [Read more…]
By Brooks
From www.danielpipes.org |
by Daniel Pipes
October 3, 2007
“Everything” did not change on 9/11, as some expected, but one thing certainly did: the U.S. government’s willingness to preempt enemies before they act. This new policy has outraged so many, it may be discontinued. [Read more…]