The least common denominator strikes again
Elbert County Democrats will be pleased to learn that the Facebook group Elbert County Republicans has torn a page from the Elbert County Citizens Facebook group and begun ejecting members with whom the moderators disagree. This practice infuriates me as it completely discredits the whole point of being a Republican, a political philosophy built on a foundation of reasonable and defensible ideas.
When a Republican must resort to high school clique antics to defend a position, then he should not be in a position of power over the publication of other’s ideas, Republican or whatever. Censorship is a notorious Democrat tool. A Republican who uses it has signed up for the wrong party.
—for if Men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind; reason is of no use to us—the freedom of Speech may be taken away—and, dumb & silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.
From George Washington to Officers of the Army, 15 March 1783
hands up don’t shoot
For 4 years Boehner sent up bills from the House that he knew would languish and die in Harry Reid’s inbox. He was free to make symbolic gestures without consequences, and he made hundreds of them. You’d think there was some conservative grit inside the man. Almost.
But now, on the brink of substantial Republican majorities in both the House and Senate, Boehner’s parting Christmas gift to America is legislation that funds Obamacare, funds the President’s immigration plans, and funds 1800 pages of pork spending — a bill that will sail through the lame Democrat Senate and get signed by Obama.
You’d think that a national tide already having receded from the Democrats, and the American people already having spoken with their votes in favor of conservatism, would have emboldened Boehner to provide one more symbolic gesture, and defund some of the nasty Democrat programs the voters elected the next Congress to take down.
But no. He wants to go out in capitulation to the other side, and completely undermine all of that inconsequential symbolism he parlayed about over the past 4 years.
In pleasing Senate Democrats and Obama, Boehner did the Republican brand no favors yesterday. And he rolled out the big middle finger to American taxpayers.
Boehner does not deserve to speak for a conservative House in the next term. He’s shown his true color when more than symbolism was on the table.