Transcript: Pat Caddell – The Audacity of Corruption
Public Enemy No. 1
Mainstream Media: Public Enemy No. 1
Posted 09/27/2012 04:43 PM ET at
President Obama offers an applause at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in Washington on April 30, 2011.
Mitt Romney can still win this election, but first he has to confront the largest single domestic threat to our liberty, our values, and our national and economic security — the mainstream media.
Most mainstream “journalists” unethically supported then-Sen. Obama in 2008, and most have doubled-down on that bet in 2012. And that biased and corrupt support may be the least of their professional sins.
The nation and world face an epic crisis made more dangerous by the proliferation of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and twisted minds who’d think nothing of using them to advance their cause or “theology.”
Yet, our mainstream media deliberately choose to ignore these exponentially growing threats while working in concert with the Obama campaign to ensure the president’s re-election.
Much worse, some in the media are themselves betraying national security secrets in an effort to make Obama look more “presidential” or harm the conservative narrative.
Beyond their leaking of highly classified information, the media are a real threat to security because they flat-out know:
• Public employee unions have decimated the finances of an expanding number of cities, counties and states.
• Poverty is rising, unemployment is accelerating, median household incomes have fallen and Obama has created a debt poison-pill that will cripple our economic future.
• Teacher unions are destroying the futures of poor and at-risk children, but the media look the other way to protect one of the largest special interests of the Democrat Party.
• Obama has no foreign policy, and his ineptitude, along with that of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was exposed with the planned terrorist killings of U.S. diplomats in Libya — murders the president dismissed as “bumps in the road.”
Yet the media choose to attack Romney for rightfully calling on the president and Clinton to stop their campaign of appeasement and apology.
• “Green” initiatives such as Solyndra are paybacks to major donors, outright frauds or alternative energy “solutions” with one real purpose: to give liberals false talking-points while sucking hundreds of billions more out of taxpayers’ bank accounts.
The list goes on, but suffice it to say a case can be made that the mainstream media represent a clear and present danger to our well-being.
They also represent a clear and present danger to Gov. Romney’s chances for election.
Even in the age of the Internet, blogs, cable shows and alternative news, I maintain that upwards of 80% of Americans still get 80% of their “news” from the left-leaning mainstream media.
Those who still have jobs under this president work extremely hard — often at two or more jobs. And between taking care of their children, after-school activities or even night classes, they don’t always have the time to hunt and peck to find honest news.
What little “news” many Americans do get is filtered or invented by liberal media. Knowing that, and knowing these liberal media have it in for him, Romney needs to confront them as many times as possible between now and Election Day.
He must challenge them to be honest. He must ask who among them still cares about ethics, morality and doing their jobs in a professional manner? He should write op-eds calling out compromised liberal papers like the New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post.
Romney needs to let the American people know that the fix is in and the mainstream media are either trying to suppress the vote of millions of would-be Romney supporters or blatantly trying to steal the election for Mr. Obama.
During his first debate with Obama, Romney needs to shame the media by telling Americans exactly how they’ve conducted themselves during this election.
Should Romney choose not to confront this No. 1 domestic threat to our security, he may not only doom his own campaign, but hurt us all in the process.
If not him, who? If not now, when?
• MacKinnon is a former White House and Pentagon official.
Ministry of Truth
by Joseph Farah
There was a rather low-key confession made in the New York Times last week that deserves to be blared throughout this country so that every American understands what they are reading in the establishment’s ultra-controlled, government-managed “press” – and I use that last word loosely indeed.
The admission came in the form of a story by Jeremy Peters on the politics page of the Times July 16. I’ve been waiting for others to point it out, discuss it, debate it, express shock and exasperation over it. But I’ve waited for naught.
What this shocking story reveals is that even I – one of the kingpins of the new media and a refugee from the state-controlled spin machine – underestimated the utter and total corruption of the euphemistically called “mainstream press.”
It shows that most – not some – members of the print media establishment with access to the White House submit their copy to government officials for review, “correction” and approval before it reaches the American people!
Even “progressive” WND columnist Ellen Ratner agrees – media under a spell!
Here are some key excerpts from the piece, if you think I’m exaggerating:
- “The quotations come back redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative.”
- “They are sent by e-mail from the Obama headquarters in Chicago to reporters who have interviewed campaign officials under one major condition: the press office has veto power over what statements can be quoted and attributed by name.”
- “Most reporters, desperate to pick the brains of the president’s top strategists, grudgingly agree. After the interviews, they review their notes, check their tape recorders and send in the juiciest sound bites for review. The verdict from the campaign – an operation that prides itself on staying consistently on script – is often no, Barack Obama does not approve this message.”
- “Now, with a millisecond Twitter news cycle and an unforgiving, gaffe-obsessed media culture, politicians and their advisers are routinely demanding that reporters allow them final editing power over any published quotations.”
- “Quote approval is standard practice for the Obama campaign, used by many top strategists and almost all mid-level aides in Chicago and at the White House – almost anyone other than spokesmen who are paid to be quoted. (And sometimes it applies even to them.) It is also commonplace throughout Washington and on the campaign trail.”
- “Many journalists spoke about the editing only if granted anonymity, an irony that did not escape them.”
- “From Capitol Hill to the Treasury Department, interviews granted only with quote approval have become the default position. Those officials who dare to speak out of school, but fearful of making the slightest off-message remark, shroud even the most innocuous and anodyne quotations in anonymity by insisting they be referred to as a ‘top Democrat’ or a ‘Republican strategist.’”
- “Those [reporters] who did speak on the record said the restrictions seem only to be growing. ‘It’s not something I’m particularly proud of because there’s a part of me that says, Don’t do it, don’t agree to their terms,’ said Major Garrett, a correspondent for The National Journal.”
- “It was difficult to find a news outlet that had not agreed to quote approval, albeit reluctantly. Organizations like Bloomberg, The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, Reuters and The New York Times have all consented to interviews under such terms.”
I could go on and on. I urge you to read the entire story. This may be the most important story broken by the New York Times in years.
What it means is this: When Americans read these reports – whether in newspapers, wire services or on the Internet – they are not really reading news stories at all. They are reading approved, pre-packaged press releases from the government and politicians. But, even worse, they are not labeled as such. They are labeled as actual news.
That’s how low the national press establishment has descended. And, when you read the story in its full context, you will understand that the concerns expressed about this practice by those submitting themselves to it are not ethical concerns. They are not concerns for the truth. They are concerns about their own convenience and for the loss of “color” in their stories.
Let me state what I hope is obvious to all reading this column: This sort of willing capitulation to government censorship was not the norm five years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago or 30 years ago. This is a new phenomenon – chilling and alarming to an old-timer like me who would never agree to submit his copy for approval to politicians.
These so-called journalists are selling their ethical and moral souls for access to politicians. And this practice raises expectations by politicians that they can routinely manipulate the press to their advantage. That makes the job of real journalists – independent reporters faithful to their craft – even more difficult, because they will be shut out from access.
It reminds me of the fact that, just last week, WND was denied credentials to cover the Democratic National Convention. Why do you suppose what has become one of the largest and most influential news agencies in the country would be denied access to the convention floor? Simply because the Democrats know we won’t play by their rules of control like the members of the establishment press club.
All I can say about these people I once considered “colleagues” is that I am so ashamed of them. I am mortified. They are humiliating themselves and a vital institution for any free society.
It seems the biggest threat to the American tradition of a free and independent press is not government coercion. It’s the willing submission of the press to being handled and managed by government and politicians.
What Have They Done? Have They Earned Re-election? (1)
What Have They Done? Have They Earned Re-election? (2)
From the title, one’s mind opens to the implication that an objective analysis will ensue. This is just a device to get you to drop your guard. What follows, then, is a rehash of the rhetorical leftist myths about the current BOCC presented in quasi analytical tones, amply seasoned with conclusory innuendo, scare mongering, unfounded accusations, and fear.
Typically, the answers to the questions posed in the title were never in doubt.
The Democrat talking points got a much needed makeover in this journalistic facial. From the raw campaign effluvia the newly minted Democrat-light Republican challengers cobbled together to attack anything and everything they could tangentially associate to the current BOCC, now comes the polished product to set the stage for the big show.
Will Fogel and Duvall bite on these tempting tidbits Thomas chummed into the political waters this weekend? Will this grist also coalesce into a hard nut of Schlegel umbrage to fuel their recall, err, off year election continuation, efforts?
Since our loopy local left is incapable of reaching a conclusion that doesn’t lead to a little patch of utopian bliss under their lordship, the answers would appear to be foregone.
some China issues
We recently returned from a couple weeks in China. On our travels we read the English language papers to keep up on the news and the latest propaganda.
Here are some interesting Chinese perspectives on the value of life:
These articles illustrate the Chinese view of government revenue which they call “Capital.” The economic fallacies this view engenders have filled many volumes.
These four articles play up Chinese differences from the West. Western politicians do this in their own way too. To be sure, there’s nothing fundamentally different about Chinese and American people. The Chinese government really needs us to be different.
- Xenophobia row belies love affair with the West
- Less power and prejudice
- US Memorial Day marked by excessive patriotism
- Us Still Playing Currency Card
Here are a couple articles on Chinese censorship:
Here are a couple articles on Chinese revisionism:
This article gets a category all its own because it’s a yearly propaganda opus:
These articles offer glimpses into the pervasive role of the state in Chinese and American life:
Occupy’s Attack On Democracy
Occupy’s Attack On Democracy Posted 05/01/2012 07:10 PM ET
The Left: After a day of mayhem, Occupy protesters have shown themselves to be little more than a dangerous mob. Democrats coddle them even as their outrages escalate. Criminal behavior has no place in a democracy. [Read more…]
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, we’re not done yet. I’ve got five more years of stuff to do. But
not only saving this country from a great depression. Not only saving the auto industry. But
putting in place a system in which we’re gonna start lowering health care costs and you’re
never gonna go bankrupt because you get sick or somebody in your family gets sick. Making
sure that we have reformed the financial system, so we never again have taxpayer-funded
bailouts, and the system is more stable and secure. Making sure that we’ve got millions of
kids out here who are able to go to college because we’ve expanded student loans and
made college more affordable. Ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Decimating al Qaeda, including
Bin Laden being taken off the field. Restoring America’s respect around the world.
The issue here is not gonna be a list of accomplishments. As you said yourself, Steve, you
know, I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years
against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln — just
in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history. But, you know, but when it comes to
the economy, we’ve got a lot more work to do. And we’re gonna keep on at it.
disaster redux
Landmark Speeches of National Socialism, Edited by Randall L. Bytwerk
- “National Socialism was the most prolific rhetorical movement of the twentieth century.”
- “…[R]hetoric moved a civilized nation to support Nazism, and to close its eyes to the crimes that were not difficult to see.”
- “Everything that Nazism intended was revealed in its rhetoric.”
- “[Hitler] thought that the average person is uninterested in complex arguments, being ruled more by emotion than intellect. Nazi rhetoric therefore avoided presenting detailed solutions to complex problems.”
- “Propaganda also needed to be one-sided. Since the masses did not understand complex issues, presenting balanced arguments would only shake their confidence in the rightness of a cause.”
- “A speaker, Hitler thought, should stand before an audience with the fervor of an evangelist preaching a religious faith.”
- “Just as a religion or a church can never stop preaching and explaining the faith in a thousand ways from the pulpit, no more can National Socialism surrender the direct and powerful effect of the speech, which ever and against strengthens the faith of the movement and provides new power for the never-ending struggle.”
- “To maintain power required unceasing efforts to persuade Germans that National Socialism deserved their unconditional allegiance.”
- “Germans did not support Hitler because they expected him to lead them into a ruinous war, but rather because he and his party drew upon deeply rooted values and beliefs.”
- “…Nazism presented itself not as a political party, but as a movement that encompassed everything Germans held to be true and just.”
- “What propaganda avoids saying is at least as important as what it does say. The Nazis realized that blatant lying often fails, and that people accept some things in general that they reject if they know the details.”
The number of speeches Obama has given since taking office roughly equals the number of days he has been in office.
The editors and columnists at Investor’s Business Daily [] regularly provide sound analysis of the Obama administration, however, they may be missing the real nature of Obama.
He’s not just campaigning. He’s relentlessly propagandizing a dangerous mythology with himself at the center.
The Beasts of Buchenwald by Flint Whitlock
- “The persecutions did not come all at once; they gradually grew more onerous once the Nazis saw that the open harassment of Jews and the imposition of unreasonable restrictions on them were not being objected to by the great bulk of non-Jewish German society. There was, of course, no way for the Jews to know if the Nazi’s threats were substantive or merely idle. There was no way for the Jews of Germany (and, later, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, etc., too) to realize that concentration camps, death camps, gas chambers, mass graves, and ovens were in their future.”
- “By the time they comprehended the enormity of the danger, it was too late.”
BS flag thrown on Gasland
Phelim McAleer, Director and Producer of “Not Evil Just Wrong,” questions Josh Fox, director of “Gasland,” about relevant omissions from his movie. Also see Mcaleer’s short video here.
Why does the left consistently alter reality to fit its’ agenda? What do they owe to this false agenda that gives it such power over them?