Approximately 5000 people had their cup of tea at the state house in Denver on tax day, and their message to limit spending was heard loud and clear by the Colorado House in session inside the capital building who were, coincidentally, debating the state budget. I did not see a single disruptive demonstrator, nor did I hear any angry conversations. People had a great time; it was a party atmosphere with a serious side. There was no evidence of overriding organization, of Fox News’ involvement, or of any commercial posters or signs of the sort you see at a political party rally.
Videos of speeches:
Gunny Bob
Jon Caldara
Mike Coffman
Tom Lucero
Mike Kopp
Lenina Close
IBD: The Tea Party System
The following pictures are higher density than I usually post so they can be enlarged to read the various signs. Click on them to enlarge. [Read more…]