How can a “non opinion” from one “unqualified to make an opinion” be the basis to implore an outcome? That just makes no sense.
inaudibly faint praise from the Left
The Elbert County Left’s on-line venues continue in silent mourning over Commissioner Schlegel’s announcement that he’ll not seek a second term. The news must have completely overturned their strategy for the next election cycle. [Read more…]
Duvall and co. sue Rowland
Post by Brooks Imperial.
Duvall complaint against Rowland
Looks like Democrats politicking through the justice system once again.
BOCC analysis by Tim Buchanan
Elbert County BOCC – A study concerning organization and leadership
Mr. Buchanan’s report is a must-read for anyone interested in Elbert County politics. [Read more…]
“no” taxes, debt, or bullies
In law school you learn that the English language can be used to construct a persuasive case for ANY position whatsoever. Leaving aside the philosophical question this raises about the existence of objective truth, it at least leads one to a healthy skepticism about political statements. The fact is, most aren’t worth the paper – or pixels – they’re printed on. [Read more…]
The American President
The American President: From Cincinnatus To Ceasar by Clyde N. Wilson
It appears that American presidential politics have become systemically, structurally, incapable of producing a man rightly fitted to the office of the presidency – an office not constitutionally designed for men produced by political parties.
It seems they are all going to fail us, and we should know better than to invest them with any sort of policy leadership.
the smoke from a distant fire
The Left says, “Do what we say, or terrible and awful [hyperbolic] things will happen.”
Children will spontaneously combust. The earth will cease to support human life. Total Hollywood stuff – looks flashy and sells well. The more extreme, the better it sells.
The Right responds, “When we do what you say, bad things happen in reality.”
Things get more expensive, people lose choices in the market, regulators get more power – bad, but kind of boring things. There’s no flash in these outcomes, little screen potential. They just slowly grind us down, take away our options, make things more expensive, and cause our freedoms to evaporate. It’s a slower process, not the stuff of big budget disaster films.
The Right is generally correct. But the Left has a bag of saleable images, so they have market share. [Read more…]
Romney Rally at Fiddler’s Green
Our seats were right next to the press box at Fiddler’s Green yesterday (11-3-2012). We arrived just as John Roberts was collecting gear from his advance work, loading out, bound for Ohio. He was very gracious, though he didn’t like when I said, “So you’re the talent!” Turns out it’s kind of a pejorative reserved for behind-the-lens techs to refer to the “on-airs” as the “talent.” Who knew? We visited with the local crew from Channel 7 just over the wall – very nice gentlemen. For all the crews, it was old guys behind the cameras, younger guys in front, though not that much younger. Denver is a career media market. You don’t start out here. It’s where you might make it after paying your dues out in the provinces somewhere no one has heard of.
The local affiliates had the back, upper level of the press box, the front level,closer to the stage, was reserved for the national press who travel with the campaign. All the press-riser real estate had been lined out and assigned to lessees. The network guys arrived shortly before the Romneys took the stage. It was awesome to see the national guys work. They came in like thoroughbreds, lean, purposeful, conditioned by years of transiting the world to capture the leading edge of media. They didn’t look like family men, these Ronin, Samurai warriors of the press. More than occupy their patches of camera real estate, they consumed their environment in the shadows of the show with the mere power of their presence. The locals had put down gaffers tape to protect their wires, brought chairs, some had picked up food, they had moved in for a time. Not the national network guys. Their only connection to the set was a power cable. Fast in, grab the content, check Blackberries, fast out. Campaign Carl made his exit scrambling over rows of seats. When they decide to go, nothing stops these guys.
Romney at Red Rocks tonight
schooling the left
spending, insurance mandates, tax increases
There’s simply no money to pay for Obama’s plans. After adding $6 Trillion to the debt, why should he care? If the American dollar is inflated out of existence, it means he’ll get to preside over the disintegration of our economy, and it will provide him with the excuse he seeks to impose his totalitarian vision — a win/win for Obama.
Paul Ryan rally at Lakewood HS
I met former Boulder County Republican Party Chairwoman Marty Neilson, now head of CUT, and her colleague/chauffeuse LeMoine, at the Paul Ryan rally yesterday. They really know how to work a rope line!
re: ELCO Primary Election
As a member of a family whose roots in Elbert County date back nearly 140 years, it saddens me to witness the transformation of the county from its rich rural ranching history to an increasingly urbanized populace with corresponding philosophies more attuned to the Denver-Boulder demographic axis. Perhaps the changes were inevitable considering the influx of people from urban centers from other states relocating to our wonderful corner of the world. Over the long haul however, I believe this has led to a creeping, corrosive effect upon Elbert County’s traditional agriculture-oriented culture.
With the election of the two new county commissioners, what can we now expect? If we can use as a guide, the friction-interface between the outgoing commissioners and the newly elected individuals over the last several years, I believe that we can expect the emergence of more stringent and restrictive policies geared more toward satisfying the urban lifestyle. This may appear as new policies discouraging the development of the county’s oil and gas resources, ever more restrictive use of water for agricultural purposes (read greener lawns in the northwest part and drier pastures in the rest of the county). Certainly not the least of the policies may be the imposition of higher taxes.
Through the late 1950’s and 1960’s, I had the privilege of serving as the only resident veterinarian in Elbert County. And as a result of that experience even today, nearly sixty years later, I value my relationships with my clientele at that time with their basic decency and honesty, as being my most treasured memories. While some of the children and grandchildren of my clients from that era are still ranching in the county, I fear that the remnants of that shining phase of the county’s history may be gone forever.
Marvin O. Maul, DVM
8320 Ashford Court
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
(719) 593-1290
“a conflict of visions”
election complaint
From: Cherie Radeker
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:10 PM
To: Brooks Imperial
Cc: Karen Shipper; Bill Harris, Del Schwab, John Shipper
Subject: FW: 2012 Primary Official Results
Attachments: 2012 Official Primary Results.pdf
Hello Mr. Imperial:
I have attached the Primary Election Results for your review. I have reviewed these with a few folks and my concern is….there was an error with respect to counting of the ballots. I was hoping you can review them and give me your opinion.
On or about June 27th a plethora of phone calls received from Citizens of Elbert County voicing their issues and concerns of which were brought to the attention to the Secretary of State, Elections Division, Wayne Munster. Pursuant to a phone conversation with Wayne Munster, the Secretary of the State’s office received many calls (25) as well and were planning to perform an audit. On that date, Mr. Munster stated he would contact Del Schwab, Nancy Harris and myself so that we may be present during the audit. Mr. Munster stated, the SOS believes in transparency and would make sure to contact this office prior to making arrangements for the audit.
On or about July 10th, during a meeting with the Secretary of the State at their office, with Mr. Munster, the Secretary of the State himself, Scott Gessler and a few other SOS employees’, it was reiterated on or about July 5th, Mr. Munster and another SOS employee came to the Clerk and Recorders Office, Elections Dept., to perform the aforementioned audit. To my surprise, none of the above parties were contacted. During the meeting on July 10th, Mr. Munster stated he had never said he would contact anyone! Mr. Munster’s statement is not true, he did. After listening to the concerns, Mr. Gessler stated he will “look into” certain matters reiterated.
There have been reports of alleged mis-conduct during the course of the election process to include but not limited to, training, seals, etc. If indeed there was a mistake or error made, the citizens of Elbert County have a right to be informed. On behalf of the many citizens who have called, I am asking for everyone’s assistance to make sure their Constitutional Rights were not misrepresented.
Everyone I speak to is saying, their “gut” tells them something is wrong if something is wrong!
Thank you for your valued time.
Sideshow Bob
We all remember last August when we discovered that the current Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) appeared to be headed toward approving a Water plan for one Karl Nyquist that would have granted him statewide authority and that we believed and now know was a serious threat to our county water resources. We all remember how it took 1,200 of us showing up at that historic BOCC meeting to stop that threat. We all remember that this BOCC, under public pressure, then implemented a one-year moratorium on making water decisions, a moratorium now set to expire next month in August 2012.
Following that, the current BOCC selected individuals and put together a Water Task Force to study Elbert County water issues and to report back to this BOCC with recommendations for future decisions about our water resources. This Task Force has been meeting, and to date has not allowed any public comment or input into their meetings or procedures.
We all know that the primary election is over, and that two of the current sitting Commissioner will be leaving office in January of 2013. We all know that the one remaining sitting Commissioner made it quite clear last year that he supported passing the plan at that time, and was very vocal in stating his intent and support for the applicant.
We have been told that on July 12, 2012, the Water Task Force is presenting their recommendations to the current Board of County Commissioners in a meeting that must be open to the public. Our work is not done, and our presence and our voice in critical water decisions affecting every resident of Elbert County must be heard again. We do not know what the recommendations will be, we do not know what, if any plans the current BOCC have in making binding water decisions before the board changes in January. We are waiting for official confirmation of this meeting with the required legal public posting, which traditionally the BOCC does at least 24 hours in advance.
But we do know, that this issue, and the potential impact on our county is a very serious matter and requires that every one of us stands up, listens and participates to continue protecting our water resources.
We need a showing of citizens at this upcoming meeting that again sends the message that you are still our elected officials and we expect you to hear our voices. We need everyone to tell your neighbors, your friends, your email contacts that we must all show up at this meeting like we did last August. I will notify everyone the moment this meeting is confirmed, but we all need to mark our calendars now and plan on being at this meeting the evening of Thursday, July 12, 2012.
(Elbert County Board of County Commissioners)
7:00 P.M.
Location: Presumed to be Exhibit Hall, Kiowa Fairgrounds
(more information to follow)
Robert Rowland, Republican Candidate for Elbert County Commissioner, District 1
Received from Mrs. Shipper:
“The Task Force has no designs on water, neither do the Commissioners. And last August NOTHING HAPPENED. And with or without the crowd nothing would have happened. The Nyquist project didn’t pass the feasibility bar. So John and Del would have voted no. Thus, Nyquist simply withdrew — end of story.
So the Task Force had a chance to get organized, the Commissioners put in place a one year moratorium on water projects. Nevertheless, Mr R must create a crisis.
I understand this meeting was announced at the previous meeting. Nothing is being hidden.”
for the primary majority
For the last several months, I noted how the “public comments” section of BOCC meetings had been abused for electioneering and politicking by challenger candidates and their supporters. I was a little surprised to find proof of that practice in today’s public comments segment.
Now that the election is over in their favor, it appears the utility of their basket of complaints is exhausted.
PC in EC
Where is the lack of transparency? This BOCC broadcasts and publishes everything they do in an official capacity. Where is the financial mismanagement? This BOCC has not increased overall county indebtedness, has balanced the budget, and has met functional county obligations with less revenue while preserving proportionally more county jobs. Where are the closed doors? This BOCC allows for public input at each of their meetings.
Take off the pink colored glasses and you’ll see a set of able administrators doing a decent job in the midst of an attempted strong-arm takeover that has thoroughly corrupted the two-party system in Elbert County and abused every available county process to create disruption, foment division, and generate a false sense of urgency that things are mismanaged.
This coalition of freelance power seekers brings an overall agenda made up of many subordinate agendas. All of them fall into a leftist basket of tricks. Scratch the surface of any one of them and you’ll find environmentalism, smart growth, anti-industrialism, and dictatorial zoning power, all waiting for the green light to unleash their do-gooding upon the county.
It is most disturbing that they hold themselves out as representatives of the people at large, but they do not follow a process that empowers the people at large. From the start of this campaign season they’ve attempted to shanghai a single party – the Republicans – through subversive manipulation of Colorado’s flawed caucus system. When subversion failed them, they went public with their plan and called for open corruption of the Republican primary system in an attempt to dilute Republican interest in their party, and put it in service of their leftist agenda.
Liberal publishers in the county, and there are many both in print and on-line, excuse this attempted coupe with ameliorative language about why we should all just get along. This has been tried many times with the left, but appeasement has never worked. It’s led to wars, a shifting legal standard that has gutted much of the constitutional foundation of the country, the dismemberment of religious liberty, coarsening moral decline, gaming the public coffers, and a reduction of liberty.
Listen to the loudest voices in the public spectrum this primary season. The ones you hear the loudest all share the agendas. They intend to do big things to you and me. Lots of things. Waving their various and sundry banners, they want licenses to direct us. They all fundamentally misconstrue the proper limits of government in America.
Interestingly, they’re all so steeped in their leftist mythologies that they actually think they can direct you and me, and that it’s a good thing. As a result, they’ve become shameless. They no longer hide their fascist inclination. Now they wear it proudly. Like I said, wars have been fought against this sort of thing.
Good intentions are admirable, but when those good intentions lead to compunction, force, and the execution of government power, they’ve become a means not justified by the ends.
I say we shut down the left at the polls in Elbert County, whatever party they happen to call themselves at any given juncture. I say we focus on limiting government in all its capacities and intentions. He who governs least, governs best.
Look at the candidates. Judge them by this standard when you go to the polls. Elect men, not agendas.
If the left want to impose their agendas, let them take their agendas, issue by issue, to the ballot box for the voters to decide. Don’t award activists carrying baggage quasi judicial authority with a commissioner seat in Elbert County.
In America, consent of the governed is measured by a vote, not by lip service from a commissioner who listens while mouthing bromides about transparency. Vote for commissioners who enable the people to govern themselves by bringing important county issues to the ballot box.