The media said they were a nonpartisan check on power. They weren't. The US govt. is the largest source of funding for "independent media" worldwide. Many sought partisan regime change. They got away with it by hiding the money & threatening to sue journalists who exposed them.
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) February 6, 2025
“The one thing the Left will never do is solve a problem”
The Issue Is The Revolution
This is the same media that has buried the fact that the man was shot in the face 10 weeks ago because it doesn’t suit their narrative.
Everybody, also let's remind ourselves one of the reasons Trump is such a force and is now the nominee for the party for a third time ~~ it's because we know how rotten the system is and what they do to us. The condition of this debate proves that we have been right all along…
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) September 11, 2024
Social justice sociopaths?
Death throes of the Left
Wake up to the wokesters
The Constitution was written and ratified in the context of Christian state governance and culture. To this day, it provides successful mechanisms for the governance and growth of America.
Constitutional language succeeded in curing the country from the Civil War because both Northerners and Southerners shared Christian religious foundations and a common understanding of the origins of God-given liberties memorialized in the Declaration of Independence. Their fight over slavery was subordinate to a common Christian foundation.
Now come the Left who have rejected our Christian religious foundation, and consequentially, rejected the principle of God-given liberties. The Left think the state is the grantor of liberty.
A grantor of liberty and a guarantor of liberty have fundamentally different powers. A grantor can withdraw their grant and thereby eliminate liberty altogether, whereas a guarantor can merely fail to guarantee liberty, but the right continues to exist.
This fundamental division between the Left and Constitutional adherents cannot be compromised. There is no middle ground between the two positions.
A similar irreconcilable division exists between Islamic and Judeo-Christian fundamental beliefs. There is no middle ground for compromise between the Common Law and Sharia Law.
Now that American Democrats have turned hard Left, their fundamentally irreconcilable positions have ripened to a relevant concern.
Previously, the Christian approaches to constitutional confrontations with deviant political and religious beliefs have emphasized tolerance – based on a Christian value of forgiveness and a belief in the strength of our constitutional system to provide resolution mechanisms – just as it did during and after the Civil War. But a common foundation no longer exists with the hard Left.
It’s become clear that the Left give no credence to Christian sensibilities, and, moreover, actually intend to dismantle the Constitution and all of its related fundamental liberties in favor of omnipotent governance.
Do you remember the scene in the movie Independence Day where the President shares a telepathic connection with the Alien, and the Alien says, “No Peace.” The President asks what the Alien expects us to do, and the Alien says, “Die.”
That about sums up the Left’s intentions for constitutional conservatives. Today, tolerance is a fool’s errand.
One does not require metaphysical certainty about religion – Christianity in this case – to appreciate the fundamental principles that make America possible and successful. The Left have nothing to offer that remotely compares to our constitutional framework grounded in the DOI and the Common Law in their systemic capacity to provide an orderly framework for American success.
It’s time every American awoke to the wokesters and considered what should be tolerated, and what should be intolerable. Dismantling our successful constitutional system is intolerable.
The Rule of Men
The Left’s devices for supporting their various agenda items share a common theme. They all have the effect of removing personal responsibility from their chosen [i.e. politically correct] behaviors.
You want to be gay? No problem. Consider yourself pre-destined to be that way through mysterious mechanisms. Anyone who disagrees with your position is a de-facto bigoted homophobic racist.
You want to abort babies? No problem. Define them as not babies, but inhuman fetuses, and sell their body parts to baby body part brokers.
You want to get stoned? No problem. Recreational drugs can be legalized and taxed. Don’t worry about health consequences, job consequences, impacts to families and children, etc. It’s all legal.
You don’t like a law? No problem. Just ignore it and wait for someone to sue you. You’ll probably get away with it. But if you’re caught, legions of lawyers looking to make names for themselves, write books, and get on the commentariat circuit will step up to defend you. And then you’ll probably get away with it.
Your guy loses an election? No problem. The 1st Am. protects the right to demonstrate to your heart’s content. Assemble a few like-minded friends and attempt to de-legitimize every possible aspect, feature, behavior, decision, family member, and characteristic of the guy who beat your guy, until the next election. Occupy all public spaces and keep doing it ad infinitum until your chosen [i.e. politically correct] result is achieved.
You don’t like the content of somebody else’s speech? No problem. Threaten violence at every venue that person attempts to speak at and make it too expensive for the host to risk allowing the speaker to be heard.
You don’t like what your neighbor does with his property? No problem. Go to your local government and instigate proceedings under any number of thousands of laws that will tie him up in court for the next century.
Talk about cultural misappropriation . . . The Left are masters at it. They issue non-revocable guilt-free licenses to themselves to do whatever they want. And in so doing they fracture and balkanize America into a set of contentious sects who will never get along with each other.
Diversity, as a flag of convenience for excusing the Left’s agenda, is nonsense. It makes a chaotic mess of the orderly society our Founders attempted to legalize with the Constitution.
The uncivil strategy for offensive Leftism
The Left foreshadowed their ongoing street theatre of harassing leadership and throwing up phoney charges at the opening of the Kavanaugh hearings. Audience members jumped up shouting and wailing in a calculated and prolonged demonstration, made to appear like random testaments, to insert themselves into, and destroy the hearing process – egged on by phoney procedural delay attempts from their Leftist Senators.
It was all planned, and it raised a big middle finger to the American people who tuned in to learn something about their government.
The Left cannot permit reason to control. Under reason, they lose. But the rule of law is no match for the rule of the mob. Civility can’t compete with barbarity. Consent means nothing in the face of force.
The Left moved the bar to shouting, property destruction, procedural disruption, and all things uncivil. Without civility, what remains to check human impulses? How long until they start shooting?
That’s how previous Leftist movements all ended up. The fascists, communists, and socialists always end up imposing violent repression because citizens don’t usually voluntarily give up their freedom. Freedom gets taken surreptitiously. It’s stolen quietly, a bit at a time.
Like now. Our Supreme Court nomination process has been taken from the people and put under the force of Leftist dominion. Our Republican leadership seems oblivious to the theft.
Antifa, BLM, the Indivisibles, the Resist movement, the DSA, all the Soros-funded groups, etc., want their violent escalations to end up in revolution. No way are they moderating themselves.
Resist the resisters
Indivisibles, resisters, Democrats, Leftists, ANTIFA, BLM, whatever flag they wave on a given day, get the cart before the horse. Adversity is the game they play with any issue, any personality, and any physical or mental manifestation. Objects take many forms, and they can all be used in the struggle.
Present the object in a light most unfavorable to their opponents, and most favorable to themselves. Pound the issues, pound the law, pound the table! Take the adversarial theatrics from the courtroom and apply them in every other room in America under the innocuous labels of “dialog,” “demonstration,” and “protected speech.”
As employed by the Left, the accurate term is “dialectics,” right out of Marxism. It is process untempered by reason.
In the courtroom, a jury of reasonable people decide which adverse position is most reasonable and which is most unreasonable. The loser pays, goes to jail, or desists, and the process ends.
But the dialectics applied by the Left don’t respect the outcome of a vote, and don’t have an ending. A vote against the Left just signals it’s time to amp up the adversity. The beat always goes on. Look around. Non-stop opposition media propaganda makes it pretty hard to miss.
It’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of the Left. The tragic images they present scream injustice and cry out for resolution. But the images rarely withstand much scrutiny. Closer inspection always ends up debunking the image. And there’s always another image waiting in the wings.
It is unnatural to be changeless, to stay the same way, and have the same answer, all the time, for all situations – except when it comes to the Left. Perhaps this is the ultimate irony – the group that consider themselves progressive, never seem to progress.
Pity the Left
Anyone familiar with history knows the hard Left have terrorist hearts. Before his death in 2014, R.J. Rummel calculated the Democide – Deaths caused by Leftist governments – at over 174 million in the 20th century. Conservatives who know history know the truth of Rummel’s analysis. Despite their seeming pathological inability to admit it, the Left own this history.
Force, muscle, intimidation, propaganda, suppression, branding, torture, and death, the Left employed these tools vigorously in service of their politics all over the world. More subtle were the degraded human health and welfare conditions, and lost economic opportunities, caused by socialist policies throughout the West in the same time frame.
Today, the hard Left still employ these tactics, but at their own peril since it’s only a handful of zealots who didn’t learn their history who remain engaged in the revolution. Their number seems large due to the amplifier the opposition media gives them – 24/7 coverage with loops of tight camera shots that make 5 people look like 500, repeated sound bites, hosted by doe-eyed panting journalists – to create the impression of a mass movement.
This is manipulation on a grand scale by a tiny minority. Unfortunately, anyone who turns on a television cannot avoid Leftist propaganda.
But that’s really no excuse for an otherwise sane majority of Americans to give in to Leftist provocations. Pity the Left, but don’t enable them by responding to the ghastly images and fears they propagate.
That’s just swinging at ghosts.
We’re still a Republic
When did social media become the vehicle for the American polity to enforce compliance on the part of elected officials over their magisterial discretion? Oh, that’s right. Never. America never became a direct democracy, informally or officially. We’re still a Republic.
We elect officials and thereby grant them a license to make governing decisions, for which they have magisterial immunity, for a period of time. At the end of that time we may re-elect them or put someone else into their office whom we like better.
Still, the Left practice informal direct democracy as if they, the Left, are a co-equal, if not superior, branch of government with ministerial powers.
On the negative side, they riot, burn, loot, kill, slander, subvert, abuse, misrepresent, suppress, disenfranchise, deconstruct, and foster division, unboundedly, about anything, any person, and any policy they don’t like.
On the positive side they promulgate unobtainable utopian visions to underpin all of the necessary negatives they must, regrettably, practice—the “break a few eggs” part of their duality for the greater good.
Locally, the Elbert County Left roam the county’s meeting halls and offices on the lookout for any opportunity to inject, influence, aggravate, and impose their direction. When not physically engaging government, they publish.
Their publications—social media, local press—usually construct a battle ground with social justice warriors defending all that is good and right in the world on the one hand, and the evil old guard polluters and environment destroyers on the other. They can find a morality play for a Leftist good guy and a conservative bad guy in any set of facts. And when short of facts, innuendo works just as well.
The Leftist elite in Elbert County, a mere handful of zealots, sow more division and disinformation than they’re worth. There is no greater good about these self-serving ideologues who look down upon the uneducated proles whom they must, regrettably, control.
Victor Davis Hanson: The State of the Nation
Trump’s Way Out of the Progressive Labyrinth
In every single week of the Trump presidency, the investigators and attorneys of FBI Director James Comey or, subsequently, of special counsel Robert Mueller, have leaked information that President Donald Trump was under investigation for either colluding with the Russians or obstructing justice—allegations so far without any substantiating evidence.
In the case of Comey, we now know that his office or sympathetic third-parties leaked to the press false stories that Trump was under FBI investigation at precisely the time that the careerist Comey was privately reassuring the president himself that he was in fact not being investigated.
The appointment of Mueller was a concession to opposition demands that Trump appoint a Lawrence Walsh-type Special Prosecutor. The Comey-Mueller investigations and leaks occur simultaneously with House Intelligence member Adam Schiff’s passive-aggressive and often pompous announcements of evidence of Russian collusion—including raising the specter of a Grand Jury investigation—that are never followed by any evidence.
Since January 2017, the Congress ceased being a legislative body. It is now a Star-chamber court determined to decapitate the presidency.
Never in the history of the republic have there been so many legislative and political simultaneous efforts to 1) sabotage the Electoral College, 2) sue to overturn the presidential vote in key swing states, 3) boycott the Inauguration, 4) systematically block presidential appointments, 5) surveille, unmask, and leak classified or privileged information about the elected president, 6) nullify federal law at the state and local level, 7) sue to remove the president by invoking the Emoluments Clause, 8) declare Trump unfit under the 25th Amendments, 9) demand recusals from his top aides, 10) cherry-pick sympathetic judges to block presidential executive orders, 11) have a prior administration’s residual appointees subvert their successor, and 12) promise impending impeachment.
And that is only the political effort to remove the president. [Read more…]
on the horns of a dilemma
Much as random Islamic violence now marks time, random Leftist violence is catching up.
The system–law enforcement and social scientists–will write algorithms to signal when a citizen is about to go active and cause harm. People will be monitored, boxes will be checked, but it won’t work because each new attacker will learn from their predecessors and change their approach.
Algorithms can only model what is already known, yet, the system will keep adjusting the software and applying it to everyone because we must be politically correct and targeting groups who’ve historically spawned violence might be prejudicial.
So, as with Islamic violence, Leftists will now curtail all of our freedoms by causing the security apparatus in our society to ratchet up, forcing every American through a tighter sieve of scrutiny and acceptable behavior. And the political violence will still increase.
The choice appears to be to grant the Leftists totalitarian power by giving them votes so they can implement communism directly, or watch our freedoms diminish by the gradual constriction of safety measures.
Such are the accommodations that toleration of cults–religious and political–require.
Comey: dirty cop
The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie
This program touches on all of the fatal flaws of the AGW movement. It is an antidote to mass hysteria.
advocacy politics
Advocacy – post electoral bureaucratic politics
Presenting facts in the light most favorable to your position, and most harmful to the position of your adversary, is expected of trial lawyers in the zealous pursuit of their clients’ case, or prosecution thereof. The jury decides which facts presented by the advocates to accept as persuasive, and the judge moderates the procedure to keep the process fair. Since the trial forum is balanced and moderated, advocates can go to any lengths in their representations of reality that they think they can get away with.
Political advocacy, also largely conducted by lawyers, has no jury for vetting facts and no judge to moderate a fair process. Political advocates are presumed to be tempered by the ethics of statesmanship.
It only takes a few minutes observation of the C-Span coverage of Congress to refute that myth and see how the throttle on advocacy of adherence to the ethics of statesmanship gets abused and ignored.
Locally in Elbert County, hard Left writers routinely build cases using all the devices a lawyer might employ in trial advocacy. And after one of them presents such an analysis, an applauding cadre of supporters dependably, relentlessly, repeat and elevate the case ad nauseam to drown out any questions of fact.
The longer they can keep the attention of the media, the thicker their patina of legitimacy becomes, and the more insistent the accolades get. The media rarely fail to cooperate.
Periodically the voters get a chance to reset the players after an extended clock numbered in years has expired, but the vote really only checks the most egregious offenders. Meanwhile, in the middle of the clock where untold thousands of bureaucratic actions play out, the ebbs and flows of advocacy politics do the most damage.
the Left have no justification
This is why the media and the Left have ramped up anti-Trump mania. He threatens to disembody the soul of socialism by forcing the deep state to justify itself, and deep state actors know they cannot.
Presidential Executive Order on a Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch, May 13, 2017
(d) In developing the proposed plan described in subsection (c) of this section, the Director shall consider, in addition to any other relevant factors:
(i) whether some or all of the functions of an agency, a component, or a program are appropriate for the Federal Government or would be better left to State or local governments or to the private sector through free enterprise;
(ii) whether some or all of the functions of an agency, a component, or a program are redundant, including with those of another agency, component, or program;
(iii) whether certain administrative capabilities necessary for operating an agency, a component, or a program are redundant with those of another agency, component, or program;
(iv) whether the costs of continuing to operate an agency, a component, or a program are justified by the public benefits it provides; and
(v) the costs of shutting down or merging agencies, components, or programs, including the costs of addressing the equities of affected agency staff.
Obama swung the pendulum far Left
“[T]hose who remain faithful to Marxism are getting reinforcements from all sides. They no longer pretend that Communism as an economic system was good in itself, in the absolute sense, nor that it remains an ideal to be concretized. Communism’s merits are gauged in relation to the execrated capitalist system, the old adversary against which it wages eternal warfare. Thereby it has gained this definitive advantage: it does not have to exist in order to be true.”
“The American campus phenomenon, which extends also into some American newspapers, magazines, radio and television channels, is a reminder that the Marxist mentality can flourish and have considerable effect on public debate even in nations where Communism did not succeed in forming a party with electoral clout or influence in the unions. Communism can be an ideological presence even where it has never been a political player.
With regard to Communist crimes, the American moral dilemma differs fundamentally from that of Europe. In the United States, the deeds of Stalin and Mao never drew the active complicity or the massive approbation that Europeans bestowed on them. Today, in the American circles where the Marxist delusion still flourishes, it is for the most part theoretical and abstract, or the posture of a minority of “liberal” intellectuals.”
from: Jean-François Revel, Last Exit to Utopia
The above was published in 2000 and Revel passed away 10 years ago, prior to the resurgence of Communist and Marxist ideas mainstreamed by the Obama administration. Let’s not kid ourselves that the current state of the nation at the beginning of the Trump administration is in some political balance. America went far Left under Obama. The signs abound–street actions, speech suppression, wilding thugs, government occupation of the healthcare market, entitlements off the charts, a Leviathan regulatory monster over head, and the Left fighting tooth and nail lest any of it get rolled back.
“I got the answers, I’m bona fide!” Ulysses Everett McGill
The best thing about the Left and about Islam is they have all the answers to all of the problems in the world. How do we know? Just ask them. They’ll tell you exactly what the capitalists and the Christians are doing wrong. Poverty, disease, inequality, unemployment, injustice, and immorality exist because the capitalists and the Christians failed to do something about them.
If only we would follow Leftist and Islamic principles, all of these human scourges would be eliminated. All you have to do is look at . . . and then there’s . . . um . . . hold on, I just had it . . . um . . . crap . . . well . . . um, no matter.
Still, socialism works and Islam is all about peace. I just can’t think of any examples right now. I know hundreds of millions of people over more than a millennium have tried these approaches, I just can’t think of one that worked. But at least it’s a good thing that the Left and Islam have all the answers.
It must be the faults of capitalists and Christians that Leftism and Islam haven’t solved any of mankind’s big problems yet. Yeah that’s it.