on the horns of a dilemma
Much as random Islamic violence now marks time, random Leftist violence is catching up.
The system–law enforcement and social scientists–will write algorithms to signal when a citizen is about to go active and cause harm. People will be monitored, boxes will be checked, but it won’t work because each new attacker will learn from their predecessors and change their approach.
Algorithms can only model what is already known, yet, the system will keep adjusting the software and applying it to everyone because we must be politically correct and targeting groups who’ve historically spawned violence might be prejudicial.
So, as with Islamic violence, Leftists will now curtail all of our freedoms by causing the security apparatus in our society to ratchet up, forcing every American through a tighter sieve of scrutiny and acceptable behavior. And the political violence will still increase.
The choice appears to be to grant the Leftists totalitarian power by giving them votes so they can implement communism directly, or watch our freedoms diminish by the gradual constriction of safety measures.
Such are the accommodations that toleration of cults–religious and political–require.
roll ’em up
Frank Gaffney: Trump Foreign Policy Must Start with Designating Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization
Breitbart, by John Hayward, November 8, 2016:
Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily to offer his thoughts on the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States.
“First of all, thank God,” said Gaffney. “I think the comment you guys have made so far is right, up to a point: the Republic has a chance to be saved. And I think the team that Donald Trump is going to be bringing around him – including, I’m quite confident, the superb people that you mentioned a moment ago, Steve Bannon, Kellyanne, General Flynn, and others – are actually going to lead us to saving the Republic.”
“It is a great blessing literally from God, but also I think obviously from the candidate himself, Donald Trump, and not least, Breitbart,” he declared. “And I just want to salute you guys for the incredibly important role you’ve played, I believe, in bringing this moment to pass.”
Gaffney said Trump’s election was “clearly a popular revolt against the elite, the bipartisan elite.”
“What fueled this, as you know so well because you both were speaking to those who felt this way, and you were giving voice to them by the millions, people felt that they had been betrayed not only by Barack Obama – that was clear – but by their own leadership in the Republican Party, in the Senate, and in the House, who they’d given mandates to, to stop the abuses of the Democrats and Obama most especially,” Gaffney said.
“So this was a revolt very much in the spirit of Brexit,” he continued. “You guys covered that so well, as well, and know that sentiment was alive on both sides of the pond. What we’re tapping into now, I hope, is an opportunity – again in the spirit of saving the Republic – for a course correction. And there will be tremendous pressure, I need not tell you, on Donald Trump to forget about that, in the spirit of comity and in the spirit of trying to move past all of this unpleasantness, and pull the nation together.”
“The Democrats will, of course, once they stop licking their wounds, figure out how to sabotage him at every turn,” Gaffney anticipated. “The question is, will he have Republicans in charge who want to help him succeed, or will he have guys who, you know, we’ve been wrestling with for whatever it’s been now, the past four or six years, who have been more concerned about getting along with the Democrats than in trying to respond to this popular sentiment and protect our Republic against the global statists, as you’ve described them.”
Looking ahead to Trump’s first hundred days, Gaffney said there were “many things said in the course of the campaign that could be the basis for a hundred-day program in the national security space.”
“Clearly rebuilding the military is front and center,” he said. “That won’t get done in a hundred days, but it’s got to get started in it. Cleaning house, in terms of lots of folks who have burrowed in, who will be sabotaging him at every turn, in all of the national security agencies – including, I think, the military and, frankly, the intelligence community, Homeland Security, and so on.”
“But overarching it all, it seems to me, there will be a need: he will likely be tested to deal with Russia, to deal with China, to deal with North Korea, in a form that Reagan, my old boss, used to call ‘peace through strength,’” Gaffney expected.
“But most especially, everyone in the world will be watching whether he executes on his strategy of victory over jihad. He couldn’t have been more clear that that’s the problem here. We’re dealing with an Islamic terrorist movement that is global, imbued by sharia, that has to be met by preventing more of those jihadists from coming to the United States, by ensuring that people who are coming from places where sharia is the order of the day are, in fact, people who share our values,” he urged.
Gaffney said one of the most critically important challenges for the new president would be “stopping, designating, rolling up the Muslim Brotherhood in America as the terrorist organization it is.”
“It’s going to be vital to everything else he’s trying to do. We’ve got to stop taking counsel from them, direction from them, and allowing them to operate in our midst subversively, and that’s what’s been going on for some fifty years now,” he said.
“I just want to praise God for making this possible, and to urge all Americans to pull together, to try to ensure that we do, in fact, save the only Republic we have. God bless you all,” Gaffney concluded.
a rational survival strategy
“A man’s got to know his limitations,” said the character Harry Callahan. A community also has to know its limitations. What can a community do? It can hold meetings. It can pass laws and resolutions. It can collect and spend money. It can affect things within its domain.
The murderers yesterday lived in multiple community domains. At least one of their domains embraced religiously motivated mass killing of innocent people.
Meanwhile, the majority of people in the publicly visible community domains which the killers shared when they weren’t preparing for their murders, apparently did not know about the murders the killers were preparing to do. Whatever clues to their intentions the killers may have left in the world as they travelled internationally and assembled their murderous hardware were insufficient to trigger a response in the general community.
So, these calls for a community discussion and a community response to end gun violence, to the extent they don’t account for things that happen outside of the general community, seem naïve.
Ironically, to aggravate the problem, we’re governed by a true Islamophobic president who cannot bring himself to openly address the murderous sub cult within the Islamic community who have on numerous occasions killed innocent people in American gun free zones.
Realistically, Islamophobic leadership added to the list of inherent community limitations makes the outcome of more religiously motivated innocent killing foreseeable. It will occur again.
Attempts to control the hardware for killing in the general community won’t have any affect inside the murderous sub cult of Islam, just as it’s impossible to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals.
Still, an individual can have a rational, instinctual response to the above set of circumstances, in the interest of self and family preservation. This is the position American individuals now find themselves. They can and must respond with anticipatory behaviors that will improve their chances of survival by reducing the set of their individual limitations.
Becoming more lethal, more evasive, more cautious, more mobile, getting in better physical condition, integrating defensive capacity into their lives, these are all rational responses for individuals to counter the risk of religiously motivated innocent killing that the general community limitations, by default, permit.
Different combinations are going to work for different people, but prudence would indicate that proceeding under the status quo until randomly harvested by a foreseeable threat is not a rational survival strategy.
move on . West
The only way Islamic fundamentalism can defeat the West is by getting the West to defeat itself. But the West controls its own destiny.
People in the West may continue to learn, create, innovate, invest, advance, grow, prosper, and guiltlessly affirm their constructive way of life, by simply choosing to do so.
Barbarians and leftists try to keep the West obsessed with barbarianism and leftism by manipulating Western media to keep the focus on barbarians and leftists.
Westerners, however, may minimize propaganda exposure by making better media choices in the media market. Westerners may use market forces to reward media that upholds the West, and starve media that does not. Every time we turn on a TV or click a mouse, we make media market choices.
By not rewarding barbarians and leftists with media attention – i.e. money – they will eventually starve from lack of attention, and fade away.
You don’t defeat evil by incorporating it into your life. How much more Islamism and leftism does it take to understand these social pathologies? Neither have changed their nature. They both, always, invariably, predictably, foreseeably, lead to death and destruction.
It’s best to leave folks captivated by these cults alone. You can’t save them, and they certainly aren’t interested in saving you.
Cult Education Institute
Islamic Fundamentalists
gathered about Islamic Fundamentalists.
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blunt talk – essential speech
See the most relevant 40 minutes of television ever produced. The mix of authoritative voices who refused to be intimidated by political correctness gave us a frank factual analysis that everyone must absorb. This is a defining moment for our culture. It’s a rare conversation these days that supersedes politics.
the trap of revisionism
Fighting the Ideological War
From an essay by Stephen Ulph, Islam and Totalitarianism: The Challenge of Comparison, in, Fighting the Ideological War, ed. by Katharine C. Gorka and Patrick Sookhdeo, 2012.
A conspiracy requires the existence of a constant enemy. If for Nazi Germany the role was filled by the Jews, in the case of the Islamists it is actually more than merely the Jew, it is the ewige Kafir, the eternal infidel. If the “enemy” defines those with an unclear sense of their own identity in the modern multi-faith pluralist environment, Islamist ideologues make ample use of the device to force the message of an eternal plot of disbelief against Islam. Beyond Jews, Christians and imperialists luring Muslims away from the true faith, the roster of enemies expands to the more sinister, internal conspirators: these are the liberal Muslim thinkers and the secularists. The al Qaeda affiliated al-Neda jihadi website provides us with the list and the commentary on elements that pull Muslims away from the true faith:
The Threat to Islam from Muslims
“Sometimes a hundred times worse than the hatred of the enemies of the nation, the Jews and the Christians” emanating from the leaders of Islamic countries and the clerics who serve them.The Secular Threat
“One of the greatest threats to the hegemony of Islam and the dominance of Shari’a is the American secularism that will be imposed forcefully on the region… The Islamic world will change from dictatorship to democracy, which means subhuman degradation in all walks of life.”The Threat of Those Who Abandoned the Islamic Tradition
Since secularism will be rejected by a large section of Muslims, the Zionist-Crusader coalition is encouraging major spiritual groups such as the Sufis, “who are mostly infidels” and believe in monism, pantheism, and re-incarnation and observe “conscience, inspiration, and other endless falsehoods.” Orders such as the Sufis “oppose Jihad and do not oppose the infidels.”The Threat of the Rational School
A “deadly seedling that maintains that Islam is not opposed to atheism, and that Islam must get close to the infidel and coexist with him.” A school of thought, planted by British imperialism and “established by Muhammad `Abduh and which maintains that logic takes precedence over the text [of the Quran].” This school “may become the first stepping stone to secularizing the region, because it is a mixture of secularism and Islam.”More intensive than Fascism, the plot in this case is nothing less than machinations of Satan against the Truth, and his exploitation of the enemies of Islam within the Islamic world for this purpose.
No matter how you slice it, Obama fits multiple infidel threat categories. Turns out it was never reasonable to expect he could become a peacemaker between Islamism and America.