Post-Mortems, Lessons Learned, and Recriminations
By John F. Di Leo
VDH enumerates the Democrat faults
There’s really no mystery here. The Democrat gang could learn from VDH. But it’s unlikely.
2020 Democrat vote fraud
More than 2 millennia have passed since Aristotle considered the tyranny that now engulfs Democrats and Kamala Harris – an analysis that also informed the Founders when they wrote the Constitution.
Aristotle, great Greek philosopher, researcher, reasoner, and writer, born at Stagirus in 384 BC, was the son of a physician. He studied under Plato at Athens and taught there (367–347); subsequently he spent three years at the court of a former pupil in Asia Minor. After some time at Mitylene, in 343–342 he was appointed by King Philip of Macedon to be tutor of his teen-aged son Alexander. After Philip’s death in 336, Aristotle became head of his own school (of “Peripatetics”), the Lyceum at Athens. Because of anti-Macedonian feeling there after Alexander’s death in 323, he withdrew to Chalcis in Euboea, where he died in 322.
Requesting the West Virginia Legislature not recognize an illegitimate presidential election
The Issue Is The Revolution
Voting, Politics, Politicians and Other Problems
By Ray DiLorenzo at
RFK Jr. drops out of the 2024 race and endorses President Trump: Full Speech
Obama’s speeches at DNC 8-20-24
Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the
Swing States
The uncivil strategy for offensive Leftism
The Left foreshadowed their ongoing street theatre of harassing leadership and throwing up phoney charges at the opening of the Kavanaugh hearings. Audience members jumped up shouting and wailing in a calculated and prolonged demonstration, made to appear like random testaments, to insert themselves into, and destroy the hearing process – egged on by phoney procedural delay attempts from their Leftist Senators.
It was all planned, and it raised a big middle finger to the American people who tuned in to learn something about their government.
The Left cannot permit reason to control. Under reason, they lose. But the rule of law is no match for the rule of the mob. Civility can’t compete with barbarity. Consent means nothing in the face of force.
The Left moved the bar to shouting, property destruction, procedural disruption, and all things uncivil. Without civility, what remains to check human impulses? How long until they start shooting?
That’s how previous Leftist movements all ended up. The fascists, communists, and socialists always end up imposing violent repression because citizens don’t usually voluntarily give up their freedom. Freedom gets taken surreptitiously. It’s stolen quietly, a bit at a time.
Like now. Our Supreme Court nomination process has been taken from the people and put under the force of Leftist dominion. Our Republican leadership seems oblivious to the theft.
Antifa, BLM, the Indivisibles, the Resist movement, the DSA, all the Soros-funded groups, etc., want their violent escalations to end up in revolution. No way are they moderating themselves.
Borking Kavanaugh
Any USSCt nominee who doesn’t pledge allegiance to the flag of RoeVWade, or any of a dozen other PC shibboleths, will get Borked by any means possible. Kavanaugh is the target-du-jour in the Leftodrama. Tomorrow the honor will go to another victim of political correctness. The key concept is that the victimologist posers under political correctness are not the victims at all. They’ve become the perpetrators.
Republican leaders who play games with this tiger only delay the day it turns its appetite for non-compliant flesh on them.
The best response is no response
The best response to Leftist violence is to starve it of attention. Theater only works with an audience present. Don’t attend, only publish the conflicts on social media alongside critical analysis. Don’t give the barbarians meme space. Leave the angry Left alone to demonstrate and yell at itself.
What possible reason exists to confront it in the streets anyway? Few arguments, however reasonably delivered, could be sufficiently compelling to change a zealots mind during a mob event. Confrontation sustains the mob, and that’s exactly what the mob is there to generate.
Philosophical arguments aren’t settled in the streets. They require cool heads to even be heard.
The Left knows this. That’s why they keep their people in a constant state of agitation. Don’t help them.
Dems became Left wing zombies
The least common denominator strikes again
Elbert County Democrats will be pleased to learn that the Facebook group Elbert County Republicans has torn a page from the Elbert County Citizens Facebook group and begun ejecting members with whom the moderators disagree. This practice infuriates me as it completely discredits the whole point of being a Republican, a political philosophy built on a foundation of reasonable and defensible ideas.
When a Republican must resort to high school clique antics to defend a position, then he should not be in a position of power over the publication of other’s ideas, Republican or whatever. Censorship is a notorious Democrat tool. A Republican who uses it has signed up for the wrong party.
—for if Men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind; reason is of no use to us—the freedom of Speech may be taken away—and, dumb & silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.
From George Washington to Officers of the Army, 15 March 1783
Democrats & media : an “unholy alliance”
Jill Duvall echoes national Democrat behavior => morphs electoral defeat into media spokesperson for the majority vote she didn’t get…