10/15/2024 from Kiowa, CO, [photo-bombed by a commercial airliner]

"Just the facts M'am, Just the facts." -- Sgt. Joe Friday
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
USSCt Associate Justice Kavanaugh theoretically promises to return the Court to its initial role of Constitutional interpretation after decades, some might say centuries, in the role of policy [legal and statutory] definition – the constitutionally anticipated role of Congress.
The Left, media, talking heads, tier-1 TV journalists, apparently want their manipulative Court back. It’s been their own personal branch of government for imposing their visions of government power for a long time. The new Court hasn’t even convened yet and they miss it desperately, so convinced that the Constitution sans Leftist guidance will not serve their purposes.
But their favorite issues don’t sound for the majority of Americans. If they did, the legislative branches in State and Federal governments would pass the necessary statutes to implement them.
And how the Left love their process arguments! As if bureaucratic process was in Moses’ other hand when he came down off Mount Sinai. Any creative solution unforeseen by the Left becomes a presumptive violation for scripting the harangue of harpies sucking on the glass end of television cameras.
Crank up the poster printing presses, tune up those young righteous vocal tones for shouting shame-phrases, and go find a remote broadcast team to amplify the umbrage. Meet at Starbucks afterward for a post-engagement scrum.
Sound and fury without substance, clamor without content, what are you for, and who stands in your way preventing you from getting it. I’m worn out on demonstrations.
To recapture relevance, the Left must quit performing, get real in the context where we all live, and persuasively appeal to the majority to secure their consent.
For a group of totalitarians accustomed to dictating terms, I’m not holding my breath.
By Brooks
By Brooks