The Clone War
Indivisible clones are baaack. The electorate spoke loudly and clearly, however, the woke indivisibles didn’t get the memo. In their updated publication [see below] not a sentence was spared from misrepresentation, misunderstanding, propaganda, hyperbolic emotion, false context, and toxic empathy. The layers of their cult onion effectively shielded them from perceiving the 2024 election outcome that sane people witnessed. This is an f’d-up tribe, apparently quite intent on remaining so.
Michael Shellenberger dissects the woke
[also see: Eric Kaufmann’s “The Third Awokening”]
Many Democrats say they want to understand what happened. Few genuinely do. That's because, at some level, they know they're guilty of having participated in a witch hunt in which they falsely accused their fellow Americans, and even their friends & family, of fascism & racism.
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) November 7, 2024
also see: – The word “narcissist” is among the most overused, but is nevertheless used properly when describing these insufferable people who feel impelled to angrily and self-righteously announce their intention to unfriend people who voted for the other side. Like that’s some kind of threat! What reaction is being sought, exactly? “Oh no, I’ve failed you! But to withhold from me that which is most precious — your approval — is a fate too great to bear! Have mercy on my soul, and restore me to your favor, oh blessed redeemer!” The arrogance of these people! Who do they think they are, the Old Testament God of Social Media, declaring to a fallen world their intention to cast all unrighteous into outer darkness? Like these are comparable consequences? What next, cleanse the land by flood? Who cares about you and your sad act? Unfriend someone if you are that insecure and egotistical. Please! You’ll be doing them a favor. But to broadcast it just proves you to be an attention-whore who wants applause for doing nothing because you have no real contribution to make. God forbid you recognize that maybe you haven’t achieved perfect knowledge and that maybe other people don’t disagree with you because they’re evil or stupid, but because different life experiences cause different perspectives, and that real evil and real stupidity is slandering them because you’re too lazy and feeble-minded and weak to challenge your own assumptions, and too arrogant, and your ego too fragile, to entertain the possibility that they might too have a point.
Javier Milei, President of Argentina
Social justice sociopaths?
The nobility of the American Revolution is humbling – see the closing paragraph of the Declaration of Independence below:
“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Having “candidly” itemized the facts of the tyranny under which they lived, the Founders announced a new relationship with the sovereign, and how they would proceed to establish it.
In the next decade, the Founders would studiously consider and publicly debate all recorded historical relationships between citizens and their governors from ancient times through their present. They would construct a Constitution to codify their conclusions about the best governmental structures to preserve the enumerated fundamental rights in the Declaration of Independence.
The deteriorated relationship between man and state provided legitimate justification for their bloody revolution. The Founders constructed a process that led through revolution to a sustainable better form of government.
Today, we’re not faced with a challenge anywhere near that quality.
This summer, the degree that citizens respect or disrespect the self-identifications of other citizens led to mass tantrums in the streets, not to a government-changing revolution, despite the sociological claims of the activists.
The woke-hokum, Marxist-derivative, pseudo-scientific sociology that excused the destruction, rioting, looting, arson, and thuggery in American cities, has no noble foundation. Self-identification is the personal issue that turned into a public cause celebre after selected police events were misrepresented to instigate the mob.
City centers morphed into dangerous adult playgrounds filled with spoiled brats acting stupidly. How do you fix generations of mal-educated, probably stoned, acting-out man-children, coincidentally under the enabling leadership of Leftist mayors and governors?
We have an incredible history in America. The man-children shouting little bromides in the streets today, expressing rabid hormonal outrage, seem oblivious to their lowered standard of ideation. They’re missing out on the great American story, and they couldn’t care less.
They have no better ideas to offer America, and they’re hopelessly lost, bound up in a complex philosophical hell with no desire to escape. From killing babies to killing businesses and cities, all they have is a terrible consistency.
The Left call their endless criticism and negative prejudgment of non-Leftist people and policies “social justice.” Get woke to their hypocrisy of labeling prejudgments as any form of justice because justice cannot be prejudged. Prejudgment is merely prejudice in practice.
The Left’s power dynamic consists of an antisocial oppression that elevates their voting constituents to advantageous legal status over non-constituents. To create constituents, the Left amplify virtually all human differences into good and evil identity proxies. Conveniently, their constituents are the good identities; non-believers are the bad.
So, the Left’s activist believers can have no compunction about committing offenses against the Left’s enemies who are – de facto – bad. Moreover, such demonstrations signal to the rest of the world that resistance is futile and will incur the Left’s unbridled wrath. The Left’s enemies are subhuman resource consumers who will ultimately be purged from the planet. They deserve contempt, ridicule, and legal subjugation.
Note well: None of the Left’s identification proxies refer back to any objective measures of value or human accomplishment. The Left’s human classification system says nothing about what individuals have personally done. And because many of their identity proxies can be assumed ad hoc, there are low barriers to entry into many of their protected classes.
The Left’s constituent identities are brands, not unlike the labels burned into the hides of cattle to signify ownership – only in this case the Left dictate the terms of ownership, a deal they glorify as social justice.
There is no equality at the end of the Left’s utopian rainbow. There is only submission.
Everyone should get woke to this scam.
Wake up to the wokesters
The Constitution was written and ratified in the context of Christian state governance and culture. To this day, it provides successful mechanisms for the governance and growth of America.
Constitutional language succeeded in curing the country from the Civil War because both Northerners and Southerners shared Christian religious foundations and a common understanding of the origins of God-given liberties memorialized in the Declaration of Independence. Their fight over slavery was subordinate to a common Christian foundation.
Now come the Left who have rejected our Christian religious foundation, and consequentially, rejected the principle of God-given liberties. The Left think the state is the grantor of liberty.
A grantor of liberty and a guarantor of liberty have fundamentally different powers. A grantor can withdraw their grant and thereby eliminate liberty altogether, whereas a guarantor can merely fail to guarantee liberty, but the right continues to exist.
This fundamental division between the Left and Constitutional adherents cannot be compromised. There is no middle ground between the two positions.
A similar irreconcilable division exists between Islamic and Judeo-Christian fundamental beliefs. There is no middle ground for compromise between the Common Law and Sharia Law.
Now that American Democrats have turned hard Left, their fundamentally irreconcilable positions have ripened to a relevant concern.
Previously, the Christian approaches to constitutional confrontations with deviant political and religious beliefs have emphasized tolerance – based on a Christian value of forgiveness and a belief in the strength of our constitutional system to provide resolution mechanisms – just as it did during and after the Civil War. But a common foundation no longer exists with the hard Left.
It’s become clear that the Left give no credence to Christian sensibilities, and, moreover, actually intend to dismantle the Constitution and all of its related fundamental liberties in favor of omnipotent governance.
Do you remember the scene in the movie Independence Day where the President shares a telepathic connection with the Alien, and the Alien says, “No Peace.” The President asks what the Alien expects us to do, and the Alien says, “Die.”
That about sums up the Left’s intentions for constitutional conservatives. Today, tolerance is a fool’s errand.
One does not require metaphysical certainty about religion – Christianity in this case – to appreciate the fundamental principles that make America possible and successful. The Left have nothing to offer that remotely compares to our constitutional framework grounded in the DOI and the Common Law in their systemic capacity to provide an orderly framework for American success.
It’s time every American awoke to the wokesters and considered what should be tolerated, and what should be intolerable. Dismantling our successful constitutional system is intolerable.
The Rule of Men
The Left’s devices for supporting their various agenda items share a common theme. They all have the effect of removing personal responsibility from their chosen [i.e. politically correct] behaviors.
You want to be gay? No problem. Consider yourself pre-destined to be that way through mysterious mechanisms. Anyone who disagrees with your position is a de-facto bigoted homophobic racist.
You want to abort babies? No problem. Define them as not babies, but inhuman fetuses, and sell their body parts to baby body part brokers.
You want to get stoned? No problem. Recreational drugs can be legalized and taxed. Don’t worry about health consequences, job consequences, impacts to families and children, etc. It’s all legal.
You don’t like a law? No problem. Just ignore it and wait for someone to sue you. You’ll probably get away with it. But if you’re caught, legions of lawyers looking to make names for themselves, write books, and get on the commentariat circuit will step up to defend you. And then you’ll probably get away with it.
Your guy loses an election? No problem. The 1st Am. protects the right to demonstrate to your heart’s content. Assemble a few like-minded friends and attempt to de-legitimize every possible aspect, feature, behavior, decision, family member, and characteristic of the guy who beat your guy, until the next election. Occupy all public spaces and keep doing it ad infinitum until your chosen [i.e. politically correct] result is achieved.
You don’t like the content of somebody else’s speech? No problem. Threaten violence at every venue that person attempts to speak at and make it too expensive for the host to risk allowing the speaker to be heard.
You don’t like what your neighbor does with his property? No problem. Go to your local government and instigate proceedings under any number of thousands of laws that will tie him up in court for the next century.
Talk about cultural misappropriation . . . The Left are masters at it. They issue non-revocable guilt-free licenses to themselves to do whatever they want. And in so doing they fracture and balkanize America into a set of contentious sects who will never get along with each other.
Diversity, as a flag of convenience for excusing the Left’s agenda, is nonsense. It makes a chaotic mess of the orderly society our Founders attempted to legalize with the Constitution.