Go to the sources, get answers
Okay. So the Prairie Times Advertisers are the reason I get this political fishwrap in my mailbox free – unrequested – every month, featuring diatribes and screeds from every present and past Elbert County Democrat Party official, Leftist candidate, former Leftist candidate, anti-oil&gas fractivist, and private-property-confiscating communitarian planner.
Fair enough. At least now I know who to talk to about it.
Maybe if each person out there picks just one advertiser to encourage, perhaps this excuse for news can develop into something worth reading some day.
on publishing public meetings
“In America today we have television and the Internet, vehicles of instant mass communication unimagined previously. One might say that these prove Madison wrong. What do they show in the political debate except a clamor of distortion and cock-and-bull, self-serving and partisan? But does it not often happen that someone gets a camera and a microphone into a political meeting not meant for the whole public? And when that happens, one hears a tone that is very different. The person who yesterday was saying in a televised interview that he had great respect for his opponents and hoped to reach agreement with them says in private company that he hopes to push them in the ditch. Open communication must be more civil; it must appeal to a wider sense of justice. The effort to seem fair elevates the public debate and confines our speech to more reasonable points. Also it is harder to get away with pushing someone in the ditch if you have promised not to do it.”
Larry P. Arnn, The Founders’ Key, 2012, p. 104.
See you on Bambuser. . .
Levin on guns, gangs, & govt.
accountability and transparency
Commissioners Meetings Details
Please click here to see Special Meeting-Executive Session
“. . .to discuss specific legal matters with their attorneys.”
Meeting Name: | Elbert County Board of County Commissioners-Special Meeting |
Meeting Type: | Commissioners Meetings |
Date: | 1/15/2013 |
Start Time: | 02:00 PM |
End Time: | 03:00 PM |
All day meeting? | No |
Location: | 215 Comanche-County Administrative Offices, 2nd Fl |
Contact Name: | Candace Meece |
Contact Phone: | 303-621-3133 |
Contact Email: | candace.meece@elbertcounty-co.gov |
“(b) Conferences with an attorney for the local public body for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions. Mere presence or participation of an attorney at an executive session of the local public body is not sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this subsection (4).”
“Specific legal matters.” Unaccountable and transparently vague.