Obama’s speeches at DNC 8-20-24
The Fix Is In – The 2024 Election
Douglas Carswell on immigration and cultural relativism. America’s future is happening in the UK today.
The “Democracy” Censorship Predicate: A Quick Primer
The "Democracy" Censorship Predicate: A Quick Primer
- After 2016, the national security state, the foreign policy establishment, & the gov't-funded NGO-plex orgs redefined the word "democracy": it no longer meant a consensus of individuals, it meant a consensus of institutions pic.twitter.com/5gdxBqKZOR
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) June 26, 2023
The “Middleware” Plan To Restructure The Censorship Industry
Of the 45+ walk-n-talk videos I did this year, this one might be #1 most underrated in terms of its implications. Hopefully more folks will really get it now after the Tucker segment. ?
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) February 21, 2024
Let's see. Just give it 90 seconds before you click away, the good stuff really starts then https://t.co/DGjoKJKzEH
The National Science Foundation’s “Convergence Accelerator Track F” Is Funding Domestic Censorship Superweapons?
- The US government is giving millions to university labs and private firms to stop domestic US citizen opinions on social media.
- The National Science Foundation is taking a program set up to solve “grand challenges” like quantum technology and using it for the science of censorship.
- Government-funded projects are sorting massive databases of American political and social communities into categories like “misinformation tweeters” and “misinformation followers.”
- by Mike Benz
- January 29, 2023
The Deep State Exposed
Ep. 75 The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I’m describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy." pic.twitter.com/hDTEjAf89T
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 16, 2024
Next Summer’s Protest Recruitment Theater
Next summer’s protest recruitment theater [riots] to enlist more useful idiots willing to kill with conviction and moral superiority, is foreseeable. Democrat stronghold cities will bring in truckloads of OSB for patching things up after the Left finish the next round of recruiting, while law enforcement agencies collect data, and witness from the sidelines, the destructive [protected] speech of masked perps doing their worst.
The media will recruit for the revolution with free agitprop over the ostensible issues motivating the riots. But by the time the media realize that the issues are only bait to lure in the malleable young useful idiots, the revolution will have consumed them too and they’ll have lost the broadcast means to deliver any rebuttals to the new power.
When the revolution consolidates its power, the Bill of Rights won’t be worth the paper it‘s printed on. Utilizing the tools of persuasion and the artful linguistic constructs provided by the elastic English language – that can build a reason to support any proposition, however unrealistic – the BOR will melt away like a Spring snow, leaving only a shell, about which the state media will now fashion compliance directives.
But what if the people stood up and made law enforcement engage the law rather than the revolution?
What if the media was as focused on tyranny as it is on trannies?
What if parents took control of the curriculums their children were exposed to?
What if Americans stopped sniffing after every red herring dragged in front of them by the Left?
What if the failed communist dream was finally entombed in the last century where it belongs?
Yeah, next summer is foreseeable. But it doesn’t have to be.
Freedom. Use it or lose it.
Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the
Swing States
Social justice sociopaths?
The Debasement of Our Professional and Political Classes – By Victor Davis Hanson
The left-wing professional and political classes bequeathed a number of new protocols during the Trump derangement years. And it will be interesting to watch whether the Republicans abide by them in November should they take back the House and perhaps the Senate—and the presidency in 2024 as well.
Will they follow the New Testament’s turn-the-other-cheek forbearance, or go for Old Testament style eye-for-an-eye retribution?
What Are the New Rules?
Will Republican magnanimity suffice to shame the Democrats to be more professional in the future? Or will tit-for-tat deterrent reciprocity alone ensure a return to norms? Specifically, will Biden be impeached Trump-style, after losing the House in November? Say, to give just one possible example, for deliberately not enforcing and, indeed, undermining U.S. immigration law?
Will Speaker Kevin McCarthy, in Pelosi-fashion, start yanking troublesome radical Democrats off House committees?
Will a conservative Robert Mueller-like “wise man” head a $40 million, 22 month-long special counsel investigation of the Biden-family influence-selling syndicate—arrayed with a “dream-team,” “all-star,” and “hunter-killer” right-wing lawyers to ferret out “Big Guy” and “Mr. Ten Percent” quid pro quo profiteering?
Would a Republican-led House set up a special committee to investigate the racketeering and “conspiracies” across state lines that led to a near “coup” and “insurrection” marked by “the riots of 2020?” Would such watchdogs offer up criminal referrals for all those responsible for attacking a federal courthouse and torching a police precinct or for setting an historic church afire? Or causing $2 billion of damage, over 30 deaths, and 1,500 law enforcement officer injuries—while carving out illegal no-go zones in major downtowns?
Given the need for “accountability,” the “threats to democracy,” and a need for “transparency,” would another congressional committee investigate the Afghanistan fiasco of summer 2021? Will it learn who was lying about the disaster—Joe Biden or the Joint Chiefs—and how and why such a travesty occurred?
Would a rebooted January 6 committee reconvene under new auspices—with Democratic members limited to those selected by a new Speaker McCarthy—to revisit the lethal shooting of Ashli Babbitt, to review thousands of hours of released surveillance video, to subpoena all email communications between the previous congressional leadership and the Capitol police, to demand the lists of all the FBI informants in the crowd, and to interrogate the sadistic jailers and overzealous prosecutors who have created America’s first class of political prisoners subjected to punishment without trial? Such a multifaceted legal inquiry would eat up most of Biden’s final two years in office. As accomplished leakers, Republicans then would also supply “bombshells” and “walls are closing in” special news alerts on cable TV, the fuel of supposedly “imminent” and “impending” indictments, based on special counsel leaks to conservative media.
Following the Democratic cue, should the Republican-majority Senate consider ending the “disruptive” and “anti-democratic” filibuster? Should there be a national voting law rammed through the Congress, overriding state protocols, and demanding that all national election balloting must require a photo ID?
Will Speaker McCarthy, Pelosi-style, in furor at more of Joe Biden’s chronic lies, tear up the president’s State of the Union address on national television?
A Permanently Politicized Bureaucracy?
Will the new Washington apparat likewise adhere to the Democratic Party’s new precedents?
Perhaps a newly appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs can reassure a Republican majority that its primary mission is not battle readiness—and certainly not climate change or “white rage”— but rather ferreting out service personnel with known ties to radical groups like BLM or Antifa or other “subversive” and “racist” organizations?
Will a conservative Lois Lerner emerge from the IRS shadows to start slow-walking nonprofit-status applications from left-wing organizations on the eve of a presidential election?
Will the FBI become a Republican retrieval service to hunt down and keep inert embarrassing lost laptops, diaries, and hard drives of absent-minded conservative grandees?
In the middle of a campaign, will the CIA Director believe it is his duty to inform the senior Republican leaders in the Senate that he has good “information” that leftists are intriguing with foreign governments to warp the election?
The Lettered Classes
And what of our corporate and professional classes?
Should conservative zillionaires pool their resources and, Zuckerberg-style, select key precincts in the next general election, hire armies of activists, and then absorb and supersede the work of state or county registrars? Only that way, could they ensure the “right” people vote and their “correct” ballots were accurately counted?
Should conservatives start rounding up “professionals,” “scientists,” and “scholars” to express their superior morality and erudition in pursuit of political agendas?
Certainly, a recent trend has been a spate of letters of “conscience” and “statements of concern” signed by revolving-door government, academic, and corporate grandees who pose as disinterested experts to mold public opinion.
When we read such letters of principle—characterized by shared and collective outrage by assorted professionals, replete with letters and/or titles after their name—beware!
Do we remember the recent “stellar” cast of Nobel-Prize winning and near-Nobel laureates who admonished us that Biden’s massive deficit spending programs would never lead to inflation?
In circular fashion, Biden solicited and then cited this “blue-chip” group of experts led by Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz. Stiglitz warned the hoi polloi not to worry about printing trillions of dollars at the very moment pent-up demand from the COVID lockdowns was surging, when for millions the government kept issuing checks that made staying home more lucrative than working, when interest rates were at near zero, and when the national debt was cresting at $30 trillion.
The distinguished economists promised us that if we just followed the Biden lead, then inflation would actually decrease. Or as they put it, “Because this agenda invests in long-term economic capacity and will enhance the ability of more Americans to participate productively in the economy, it will ease longer-term inflationary pressure.” [emphasis added].
As inflation nears or exceeds eight percent per annum, will they write an apology or instead issue yet another letter assuring us that inflation is easing?
Do we remember the 50 “former intelligence officials” letter writers rounded up by former National Intelligence and CIA Directors James Clapper and John Brennan? (The latter two previously had confessed to lying under oath to Congress.) Yet just two weeks before the 2020 election, these revered “professionals” assured us that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not just fake but likely Russian disinformation.
Or as the shameful 50 put it in their sorta, kinda conspiratorial style, “. . . our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.” The guidance of Brennan and Clapper alone—apart from the clear evidence that the laptop was Hunter’s—should have made all Americans “deeply suspicious” that the Biden campaign “played a significant role in this case.”
Do we remember “the over 1,000 health professionals” who in 2020 signed a letter of conscience, assuring us that:
. . . we wanted to present a narrative that prioritizes opposition to racism as vital to public health, including the epidemic response. We believe that the way forward is not to suppress protests in the name of public health but to respond to protesters demands in the name of public health, thereby addressing multiple public health crises.
So, in “follow the science fashion” we were told not just that some violations of strict masking, quarantines, and lockdowns were more equal than others, but that flagrantly ignoring health mandates entirely was, in Orwellian fashion, actually good for the health of the exempt.
Do we remember the 27 Lancet “scientists” who signed the now infamous letter reassuring us the Wuhan lab played no role in the origins in COVID? Do we also recall that all but one of these progressive humanitarians failed to disclose that they themselves had connections with Wuhan?
Leftist professionals in politics, government, and private enterprise debased themselves for short-term political gain, or in furor at their bogeyman Trump, or in anger at the unwashed. They have now set precedents, which if embraced by conservatives and applied to the Left, would be called unethical at best and fascistic at worst.
In the end, all the warped grandees accomplished was to further discredit the entire notion that those with high salaries, prestigious degrees, impressive titles, and insidious influence are somehow less likely to lie, connive, cheat, and conspire than those whom they libel and attack.
By Victor Davis Hanson
A little pre-sunrise color

The nobility of the American Revolution is humbling – see the closing paragraph of the Declaration of Independence below:
“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Having “candidly” itemized the facts of the tyranny under which they lived, the Founders announced a new relationship with the sovereign, and how they would proceed to establish it.
In the next decade, the Founders would studiously consider and publicly debate all recorded historical relationships between citizens and their governors from ancient times through their present. They would construct a Constitution to codify their conclusions about the best governmental structures to preserve the enumerated fundamental rights in the Declaration of Independence.
The deteriorated relationship between man and state provided legitimate justification for their bloody revolution. The Founders constructed a process that led through revolution to a sustainable better form of government.
Today, we’re not faced with a challenge anywhere near that quality.
This summer, the degree that citizens respect or disrespect the self-identifications of other citizens led to mass tantrums in the streets, not to a government-changing revolution, despite the sociological claims of the activists.
The woke-hokum, Marxist-derivative, pseudo-scientific sociology that excused the destruction, rioting, looting, arson, and thuggery in American cities, has no noble foundation. Self-identification is the personal issue that turned into a public cause celebre after selected police events were misrepresented to instigate the mob.
City centers morphed into dangerous adult playgrounds filled with spoiled brats acting stupidly. How do you fix generations of mal-educated, probably stoned, acting-out man-children, coincidentally under the enabling leadership of Leftist mayors and governors?
We have an incredible history in America. The man-children shouting little bromides in the streets today, expressing rabid hormonal outrage, seem oblivious to their lowered standard of ideation. They’re missing out on the great American story, and they couldn’t care less.
They have no better ideas to offer America, and they’re hopelessly lost, bound up in a complex philosophical hell with no desire to escape. From killing babies to killing businesses and cities, all they have is a terrible consistency.
The Left call their endless criticism and negative prejudgment of non-Leftist people and policies “social justice.” Get woke to their hypocrisy of labeling prejudgments as any form of justice because justice cannot be prejudged. Prejudgment is merely prejudice in practice.
The Left’s power dynamic consists of an antisocial oppression that elevates their voting constituents to advantageous legal status over non-constituents. To create constituents, the Left amplify virtually all human differences into good and evil identity proxies. Conveniently, their constituents are the good identities; non-believers are the bad.
So, the Left’s activist believers can have no compunction about committing offenses against the Left’s enemies who are – de facto – bad. Moreover, such demonstrations signal to the rest of the world that resistance is futile and will incur the Left’s unbridled wrath. The Left’s enemies are subhuman resource consumers who will ultimately be purged from the planet. They deserve contempt, ridicule, and legal subjugation.
Note well: None of the Left’s identification proxies refer back to any objective measures of value or human accomplishment. The Left’s human classification system says nothing about what individuals have personally done. And because many of their identity proxies can be assumed ad hoc, there are low barriers to entry into many of their protected classes.
The Left’s constituent identities are brands, not unlike the labels burned into the hides of cattle to signify ownership – only in this case the Left dictate the terms of ownership, a deal they glorify as social justice.
There is no equality at the end of the Left’s utopian rainbow. There is only submission.
Everyone should get woke to this scam.
Death throes of the Left
The Long View

Last night after sunset, before the moon had risen, our dark skies revealed a few constellations for us to enjoy. From our front porch on a warm late summer night, my wife and I saw a very clear Scorpio due South of us with Libra to the West. Saturn and the bright Jupiter were up just above Sagittarius.
We shared these permanent views with countless ancestors throughout the ages, unchanged, just as they saw them in ancient times.
And we talked about how lucky we are to be so oriented in these timeless perceptions while, meanwhile, we see from afar, crowds of disoriented people, united in their disorientations, externalizing and inflicting mass confusion upon our city centers.
The confused are masters at filling the little electronic boxes we observe them through. They seem united in the conviction that the little slices of theater they present as reality represent all human experience.
But they don’t. Not at all. They are the 1%. And they don’t appear to see themselves that way. Or maybe they do know this on some unconfessed level, and that’s partly what makes them so angry.
Anyway, their clamor will eventually burn out along with them. But for now, they seem intent upon inflicting more damage before they lay down their arms.
But they’re not touching the permanent things. Not in the sky, and not in human hearts. I wish they could see the real scale of their demonstrations in the long view. They might not so eagerly inflict damages upon their surroundings and upon the people around them if they understood the true scope of things a little better.
Kiowa Trustees say “No” to Pot
The Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees voted 4 to 2 with 1 non-vote, against placing a measure on the November ballot to hold a vote on allowing a marijuana store to open in the town.
Below is an audio recording of the discussion on the motion. Trustee Trevor Smith gave an eloquent and persuasive rebuttal to the motion. Non-voting town administrators argued in favor.
In public comments prior to the discussion, Sheriff Norton gave the most concrete analysis of the negative consequences to Elbert County from bringing in a marijuana store – numerous and serious.
Had I been given a chance to speak, I would have recalled my experience with child protection and the stressors that can combine to cause bad outcomes to kids. Some time ago, over a span of many years, I provided citizen oversight on Elbert County’s child protection team – a weekly meeting between social workers, law enforcement, and child advocates to discuss ongoing cases.
The common elements to many cases were substance abuse, alcohol abuse, divorce, single parents, unemployment, poor education, etc. Life without these complications is plenty difficult, but add in the above elements and things can get toxic – especially to the kids least able to self protect. That’s when kids got harmed and the harm was often lasting.
Now come the marijuana advocates who talk about filling potholes with marijuana tax revenues and allowing the people to have a vote. They talk about marijuana as if it’s an alternative to alcohol, not an addition to other substances. It’s not an “OR” proposition. It’s an “AND”.
Child protection services were busy 10 years ago. I doubt the case loads have diminished. Oddly, no one from Elbert County was present at the meeting to make the CPT case to the town.
The State of Colorado decriminalized marijuana, but subordinate government bodies have no obligation to accelerate the negative consequences of marijuana by facilitating the marketing of it.
Kiowa Trustees made the right decision. Just barely.
the Mob

Leftist provocateurs – community organizers – play the mob each day by teasing it with power. Mob feedback loops come from acting out physical rage, command of urban turf, and the kowtows they get from government authorities, police, media, sports and entertainment figures.
The mob will not allow appeasement. They will always demand more because dissatisfaction is their source of power.
Any vehicle to generate dissatisfaction will do, and the media provides an endless supply of carefully crafted media images, audio and video to encourage the aggreived.
Racism is particularly useful because it’s an infinitely adaptable thought crime with no limits. One doesn’t have to actually do anything to be classified a racist. All that’s necessary is to find one’s self in the path of the mob, ideologically or physically.
The mob will decide who are racists. The mob will decide their punishment.
With endless marching and mind-numbing repetition of banal slogans that actually prevent any reasonable conversation from occurring, we have long passed any potential for communication contemplated by the 1st Amendment’s “right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.”
Don’t be a tool. Be against the mob. Don’t allow it to overtake our American republic.