govt thinks man is not creative
smoking guns and global warming scams
Live by the sword, and die by it too.
Last I checked, politics is not an EEOC protected category.
Democrats might begin to find it harder to get a job. After all, why should an employer hire people who believe in socialist non-merit based rewards? Employers are in business to compete in the market, make a profit, and thereby stay in business. It’s only reasonable for employers to seek employees who won’t undermine their businesses and the market system.
It’s time for conservatives to start impacting the Left where they can feel it – in their paychecks.
I know you are but what am I?
Charles Koch’s Free Society
the trap of revisionism
Fracking Bans Carry Grave Employment And Economic Consequences
The enviro-Left allow themselves to be led around by the nose by legal-minded activists attempting to impose their policies through clever language.
Those who’ve gone to law school know the mechanics of persuasive writing and how the English language with its vast arsenal of hyperbolic and descriptive devices, can be applied to any position about any subject whatsoever. There are no limits and few rules. The Constitution guarantees defendants receive a zealous defense, even going so far as to appoint public defenders free of charge. So lawyers train to defend the impossible in order to convince juries and get their clients off.
Environmental activists use those same techniques out of the courtroom to sway public opinion to side with the environmental belief system. Like defense lawyers, they don’t have to coordinate their arguments with objective truth. All they have to do is win because there’s huge money on the table and they aim to take a share of it.
Even if they get a policy wrong, disruptive matters will simply fall to numerous venues populated by self-anointed planning and regulatory bureaucrats to sort out – people who write book-loads of rules to tell us exactly how the great unwashed population was specifically meant to be controlled – for our health, safety and welfare of course.
Carving through these thickets of commands to open a path back to constitutional governmental limitations and our civil rights can be a daunting task, often requiring advanced educations that most voters don’t possess, just to get a word in edgewise.
I wouldn’t propose any speech limitations to change this system, for such powers would only lead to worse corruptions. But at the same time, one has to wonder whether the great majority of environmental activists, untrained to tell the difference between slick propaganda and founded language, have any clue how they get used.
No to Knowcialism
The Progressive Roots of Zoning
Before the twentieth century land-use and housing disputes were largely dealt with through courts using the common-law principle of nuisance. In essence if your neighbor put a building, factory, or house on his property in a way that created a measurable and tangible harm, courts could intervene on behalf of a complainant to force compensation or stop the action. This pro-property rights approach maximized liberty and minimized the ability of citizens and elected officials to politicize the development process.
This changed with the Progressive movement. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, Progressives argued that government should become more professional. Rather than being limited, government should use its resources to pursue the “public interest,” loosely defined as whatever the general public decided through democratic processes was the proper scope of government. Legislatures and, by extension, city commissions made up of elected citizens would set policy and goals while a cadre of trained professionals would use the techniques of scientific management to implement policies. One of the leading Progressives of the day, Woodrow Wilson, was skeptical of the value of elected bodies such as Congress because they interfered with scientific management of government.
While many in the twenty-first century might be tempted to dismiss this public-interest view of government—indeed an entire academic subdiscipline, Public Choice, has emerged to demonstrate the foibles of governments and explore “government failure”—Progressive ideas held a lot of appeal at the turn of the twentieth century. In addition to national concerns over industries such as oil, steel, and railroads, local governments were rife with corruption, waste, and inefficiency. Reforms, such as the city-manager form of government, civil-service exams, and in some cases even municipal ownership of utilities, were thought to provide more transparency and accountability than the patronage-laden times of political bosses. (Today municipal ownership is associated with higher costs, less transparency, and little accountability.)
The Progressive movement, however, had another, darker side that would end up being much more important to understanding the widespread acceptance and persistence of government land-use regulation: social control. [Read more…]
Zoned Out
Why and how we should seek to restore a free market in land
I once knew a man who was finishing his basement so that his daughter and son-in-law could live there. I spent a lot of hours down there with a nail gun before the city planners nixed the project. My in-laws in Modesto, California, had to move out of their house into a mobile home on their own farm, because their kids needed a place to live. The law, for some reason, allowed them to put a mobile home there if seniors would be living in it, but not to accommodate a young family.
In run-ins with zoning laws, ordinary people encounter the perversity of government firsthand in ways that should make them receptive to the message of freedom and property.
You see, modern American society does not have a free market in land. Government interference with land use causes many of society’s problems. [Read more…]
Epic House on Elbert Road
Jim built this house with his own two hands. He did everything, including design and engineering. Anyone who travels the Elbert Road knows this castle built on a commanding bedrock promontory that reflects the majestic peaks of the front range. More than a house, it’s an inspiring testament to the creative potential that a man can achieve.
And he has great pricing on propane.
intensity X intelligence = a constant
Kiowa sunset
Eugenics and the Left
Eugenics – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Today, eugenics is regarded by some as a brutal movement which inflicted human rights violations on millions.[29] Some practices engaged in the name of eugenics, such as attacks on reputation and violations of privacy, reproductive rights, the right to life, the right to found a family, and the right to freedom from discrimination, are today classified as violations of human rights.
The practice of negative racial aspects of eugenics, after World War II, fell within the definition of the new international crime of genocide, set out in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.[30]
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union also proclaims “the prohibition of eugenic practices, in particular those aiming at selection of persons”.[31]
The Genocidal Duck Whisperers of the Post-Human Left
Pick up a copy of Obama’s $3.9 trillion budget and there among the TSA fee hikes, Medicare payment cuts and the $400 million for the Department of Homeland Security to fight Global Warming is a curious little item.
On Page 930 of the budget that never ends is $575 million for “family planning/reproductive health” worldwide especially in “areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species.”
The idea that the way to protect insects, fish and animals is by preventing human beings from having children is part of an approach known as Population, Health and Environment (PHE) which integrates population control into environmentalist initiatives.
PHE dates back to the 1980s and is practiced by mainstream organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund. The Smithsonian’s Woodrow Wilson Center, which is funded partly by the US government, aggressively champions PHE eugenics and USAID funds PHE programs and distributes PHE training manuals derived in part from Wilson Center materials.
PHE had been baked into Congressional bills such as the Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Act of 2013 co-sponsored by Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and Sheila Jackson-Lee which urged meeting United Nations Millennium Development Goals by using birth control as, among other things, a means of “ensuring environmental sustainability”.
Obama’s budget is more open about its PHE eugenics agenda. While PHE backers usually claim that they want to reduce population to prevent famine and promote gender equality, the PHE budget request explicitly states that its goal is to reduce human population growth for the sake of the animals, without any of the usual misleading language about feminism and clean water.
The budget is a blunt assertion of post-Human values by an administration that has become notorious for its fanatical environmentalism, sacrificing people on the altar of Green ideology.
A Chicken Endangers Boom In Oil And Gas
Lawsuit Challenges Use Of Endangered Species To Stop Energy Boom
Cloward and Piven takes on CO private property
Since 1876, the Colorado Constitution protected Colorado citizens from uncompensated property takings by the State of Colorado.
Private property shall not be taken or damaged, for public or private use, without just compensation. Such compensation shall be ascertained by a board of commissioners, of not less than three freeholders, or by a jury, when required by the owner of the property, in such manner as may be prescribed by law, and until the same shall be paid to the owner, or into court for the owner, the property shall not be needlessly disturbed, or the proprietary rights of the owner therein divested; and whenever an attempt is made to take private property for a use alleged to be public, the question whether the contemplated use be really public shall be a judicial question, and determined as such without regard to any legislative assertion that the use is public.
HISTORY: SOURCE: Entire article added, effective August 1, 1876, see L. 1877, p. 30.
As a judicial question, this right has been extensively litigated over the years. A few of the more interesting findings –
- SECTION AFFORDS GREATER PROTECTION THAN FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. This section affords an aggrieved property owner a greater measure of protection than does the constitution of the United States. The fifth amendment of the United States Constitution requires compensation only where there has been an actual taking. The Colorado Constitution, however, provides for compensation where private property has been taken or damaged. Mosher v. City of Boulder, 225 F. Supp. 32 (D. Colo. 1964).
- PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION of the constitution is to provide a remedy in damages for injury to property, not common to the public, inflicted by the state or one of its political subdivisions; and this section is not limited in application to condemnation proceedings. Srb v. Bd. of County Comm’rs, 43 Colo. App. 14, 601 P.2d 1082 (1979).
- IT MARKS BOUNDARY BEYOND WHICH PEOPLE HAVE FORBIDDEN LAWMAKERS TO PASS and have commanded their courts to hold any such passage illegal. How inviolable that constitutional inhibition is, is demonstrated by the fact that the supreme court once inadvertently permitted its protection to be threatened (North Sterling Irrigation Dist. v. Dickman, 59 Colo. 169, 149 P. 97 (1915)), but at the first opportunity overruled the dangerous precedent and returned to the solid ground of strict construction. Bd. of Comm’rs v. Adler, 69 Colo. 290, 194 P. 621 (1920); San Luis Valley Irrigation Dist. v. Noffsinger, 85 Colo. 202, 274 P. 827 (1929).
These findings and many more may be read at the free reference site Colorado Legal Resources.
The Colorado Constitution was 20 years ahead of the U.S. Supreme Court’s incorporation of the 5th Am. Takings Clause under the 14th Am., which extended this limitation on Federal power to also limit all States’ powers.
In 2005 the Kelo decision expanded the range of acceptable reasoning a government could use to take private property under the 5th Am.
An eminent domain action requires that the government’s taking of property be for a “public use”. A public use is generally one which confers some benefit or advantage to the public. The term does not necessarily imply — and is not confined to — actual “use” by the public. Moreover, the purported benefit to be derived from the taking of property need not be available to the entire public; it may benefit a smaller sector of members of the public in a particular locality, i.e. a subdivision of the general public. In other words, it is not necessary that the intended users be all members of the public; rather, it is the purpose for the taking that must be for the public, and not for the benefit of any particular individuals.
The use (purpose) must be a needed one, which cannot be surrendered without obvious general loss or inconvenience. However, the parameters of such needed public use move along a spectrum, and defy absolute definition because of factors such as changing needs of society, increases in population, and developing modes of transportation and communications.
In Kelo v. City of New Landen (2005), the U.S. Supreme Court was called upon to determine whether that changing parameter was broad enough to include for-profit development of real estate which would ostensibly result in needed economic growth for the community. In a decision that surprised many, the Court agreed.
Now come the Left to Colorado, nationally funded [see Wolves Among Us and Fractivist Laid Bare], promoting amendments to the Colorado Constitution to radically change the definition and scope of our private property. Radical change has apparently called for a radical strategy.
A Cloward and Piven strategy –
- “[W]ould produce bureaucratic disruption. . .and fiscal disruption in local and state governments” that would “deepen existing divisions among. . . [everyone]. . .to advance a federal solution. . .that would override local. . .failures, local class and. . .conflicts and local revenue dilemmas.”
- “[P]roposed to create a crisis in the current. . .system – by exploiting the gap between. . .law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed [outcomes]. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing [citizens] of their rights. . ., encouraging them to. . .overload. . .an already overburdened bureaucracy.”
- The authors pinned their hopes on creating disruption[.] “Group conflict, spelling political crisis for the local party apparatus, would thus become acute. . .and the strains on local budgets became more severe.”
Consider some of the amendments proposed –
Summary of proposed Initiative 103, filed by Phillip T. Doe & Barbara Mills-Bria (Current as of 3/13/14):
Initiative 103 would amend the Colorado Constitution by adding a new section to Article XVI, the provisions of the constitution that govern mining and water rights. This amendment would:
Establish an “inalienable right” of the people of Colorado to clean air, clean water (including groundwater), and the preservation of the environment and natural resources (called “Public Trust Resources”), as common property of all people including future generations;
Require the state, as trustee of these resources, to conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people;
Require state government and its agents, as trustees, to protect Public Trust Resources from substantial impairment including pollution, applying a “precautionary principle” that any action or policy with a suspected risk, absent a scientific consensus of harm, places the burden of proving no harm on the proponents;
Obligate the state to seek natural resource damages from entities causing substantial impairment to Public Trust Resources, and to use such funds to remediate the harm;
Authorize all Colorado citizens (as beneficiaries) to sue to preserve Public Trust Resources against substantial impairment and to enforce the State’s obligations as trustee, to obtain legal and equitable remedies, and to recover attorney fees and costs when a court finds the state has not met its duties as trustee;
Require the state as trustee to use best available science in any process or proceeding that may affect Public Trust Resources, and to refer for criminal prosecution anyone manipulating data or scientific information for private profit; and
Apply to all public actions or commercial transactions that would violate these provisions, “regardless of the date of any applicable local, state or federal permits.”
Summary of proposed Initiative 89, filed by Caitlin Leahy and Gregory Diamond (Current as of 3/5/14)
Initiative 89 would amend the Colorado Constitution by adding a new Article, declaring and providing as follows:
Declares that Colorado’s environment is “the common property of all Coloradans”;
Declares that conservation of Colorado’s environment (including clean air, pure water, natural, and scenic values) is “fundamental”;
Declares that Colorado’s environment should be “protected and preserved” for all Coloradans, including future generations;
States that the people of Colorado, including future generations, have a “right to Colorado’s environment” (including clean air, pure water, natural, and scenic values);
Designates the state and local governments as trustees of “this resource” (referring to Colorado’s environment), requiring them to conserve Colorado’s environment (including clean air, pure water, natural, and scenic values) “for the benefit of all the people”;
Applies these provisions to the state, as well as to every city, town, county, and city and county, notwithstanding the provisions of the constitution that provide for Home Rule cities and towns and for Home Rule counties;
Provides that these provisions are self-executing and severable;
Provides that local governments shall have the power to enact laws, regulations, ordinances, and charter provisions that are “more restrictive and protective” of the environment than those enacted or adopted by state government; and
Provides that if a locally-enacted law or regulation adopted pursuant to the new Article conflicts with a state-enacted law or regulation, the “more restrictive and protective law or regulation shall govern.”
Summary of The Right To Local Self-Government from the Colorado Community Rights Network.
As all political power is vested in and derived from the people, and as all government of right originates from the people, the people have an inherent and inalienable right to local self-government, in each county, city, town, and other municipality.
That right shall include, without limitation:
The power to enact local laws. . .by establishing the fundamental rights of individuals, their communities, and nature. . .
. . .[to] define, alter or eliminate the rights, powers, and duties of corporations and other business entities. . .
The first two proposals above invent new public property rights that necessarily imply the abrogation of currently held private property rights.
The third proposal above invents classes of rights held by communities and nature [who speaks for nature?] and explicitly abrogates rights, powers and duties of corporations and other business entities – and it does so on the premise of our individual rights!
To say the least, these propositions are tough sells in the Land of the Free. Each one contemplates a revolutionary overthrow of property, contractual, and ownership rights in Colorado. Without any obfuscation or subterfuge, these questions demand a sober and detailed analysis.
Enter Cloward and Piven, and consider the Facebook page Yes We Can Ban Fracking, subtitled Jared Polis and Dark Money Democrats detailed below –
JARED POLIS and his friends at RBI Strategies, which is affiliated with Hilltop Public Solutions – a Democratic PR and campaign management firm known for running dark money campaigns and funding faux grassroots groups (links below) – and which recently opened an office in CO, has LAUNCHED A FALSE CITIZENS INITIATIVE CAMPAIGN called COLORADANS FOR LOCAL CONTROL, with the intent to CONFUSE and DIFFUSE public backlash to fracking in Colorado. THIS INITIATIVE DOES NOT OPPOSE FRACKING!
Craig Hughes recently left RBI to open Hilltop’s Denver office. Hilltop employs former Polis campaign staffers, including Lisa Kaufman, Polis’s campaign manager of six years, who is an affiliate in the firm’s newly opened Denver office. Hilltop is running campaigns for candidates who support oil and gas extraction.
Polis and friends have co-opted language used in a ballot initiative know as the COLORADO COMMUNITY RIGHTS AMENDMENT, BALLOT MEASURE 75, which will be on the 2014 ballot and which is supported 100% by ACTUAL COLORADO CITIZENS.
Polis and friends, in attempting to drown out the voices of Colorado citizens, have introduced not one but NINE, yes NINE initiatives, all the same with slightly different language. They are attempting to confuse voters and drown out the public backlash against fracking in Colorado.
Who’s behind this masquerade to confuse the public and diffuse the public backlash against fracking in Colorado?
Well…aside from Polis and RBI Solutions, the NINE initiatives, including the Orwellian named Coloradans for Local Control, were submitted by Caitlin Leahey of Lafayette, longtime Fundraising and Events Coordinator for, you guessed it, Jared Polis. The other name on the ballot initiatives is Gregory Diamond, longtime Democratic Party political operative whose wife, Faye Diamond, is a partner at RBI Solutions. The tangled webs we weave! Gregory Diamond IS NOT EVEN A RESIDENT OF COLORADO. He owns a home in Colorado, but resides in Orange County, CA, where he is currently running for office.
Confused? Well, that is the objective!
Follow Colorado Frack Attack on FB ( and Twitter (@COFrackAttack) – use these links so you don’t wind up on a false site – as we unravel this tangled web. If you’re itching to know more right now, here are some links to get you started:
March 3, 2014
Contact: Rick Ridder
Coloradans for Local Control Introduce Ballot Language to Protect Coloradans from Impacts of Fracking
9 Potential Initiatives Explore Different Solutions to Coloradan’s Concerns with balancing Oil and Gas Development with residents’ quality of life and property values.
(Denver, CO) – Today, several Colorado citizens took a stand for better balancing oil and gas drilling, including fracking with residents’ quality of life and property values. Coloradans for Local Control introduced language for potential ballot initiatives that, if passed, would help citizens ensure that fracking and oil and gas drilling is done in a way that minimizes the negative impact on property values, health, safety and environment.
These initiatives aim to allow the oil and gas industry to operate safely while protecting homeowners from health risks and losses in property values that result from fracking taking place too close to where we work, live and play.
Introducing multiple initiatives recognizes that there are several ways to address this issue. Coloradans for Local Control acknowledges the importance of starting a conversation with the citizens of Colorado on the best way to make sure communities and citizens have the right to determine where and how oil and gas drilling and fracking is done – the same rights that exist for nearly all other industrial usages of land and water.
From schoolyards to backyards, these initiatives will give greater protection to Colorado families and neighborhoods.
Rick Ridder
ARTICLE: Polis Backing Coloradan’s for Local Control (don’t be fooled, it’s PRO fracking)…
The above Facebook event boldly misrepresents the initiatives as being for fracking, when in fact they’re all constructs designed to shut down fracking. Every link and reference points to a pro-Leftist issue, organization, individual, or opinion. Moreover, while perpetrating a grand confusion, the author blames others for sowing that confusion.
This intelligent propaganda overwhelms logical reasoning. It seeds the internet with the false assumption that the majority of Colorado is against fracking. It motivates activists to militate against fracking. It feeds them a set of can’t lose “alternative” propositions that all fundamentally accomplish their objectives, and it motivates activists to go out and argue about them.
This smells of a Cloward and Piven strategy to produce an outcome by confusing and overwhelming the electoral system in Colorado.
But it would be odd to expect the people who intend to dispossess Colorodans of much of their property to play fair. That’s just not something that truly fair minded people do, despite how they represent their motives.
It’s what con men do.
homo progressivus