See: The New Road to Serfdom
See: The Lisbon Treaty
And see: Paul L. Poirot
see you in the funny papers Colorado
Stewie sings about local control amendments, fracking, Polis, Udall, Steyer, and the Guv’na
“No change is permitted”
“It takes people putting their thoughts and ideas together to actually accomplish something. These ideas must take into consideration the reality of the situations and the means to correct the problems.” Jerry Bishop, 6-11-14, The Prairie Times
Jerry wrote these words in a lead editorial where he also took exception to being labeled a leftist. Well if the shoe fits Jerry, you may as well put it on and lace it up. Look at the rest of the authors Jerry printed in this same Viewpoint edition of his fishwrap:
Paul Crisan, notorious planner, eco-green anti-business zoner, and leftist.
Robert Thomason, Democrat Party official, notorious leftist.
Jill Duvall, Democrat Party official, notorious leftist. (2 articles)
Anne Johnson, advises Republicans to “vote outside the party.”
Susan Shick, Democrat Party official, notorious leftist. (2 articles)
Name Withheld, advocates for totalitarian planning control.
Kelly Dore, “government’s role is to work with people to make their lives better.”
John Dorman, “commissioners have to manage the business of the county.”
Non-leftist viewpoints: None.
Not an individualist in the bunch, including Jerry. Not a hint of recognition in the whole lot of them that it’s the private sector who create wealth, provide jobs, and solve problems. These people share an obsession with all things collective and governmental.
Now let’s face it, government is the 900 lb. gorilla in the living room of Elbert County. There is no substantial private sector here so there’s little else to talk about in a local newspaper besides government. Government is the largest employer by far with the largest payroll in Elbert County.
It doesn’t matter which party controls here, government’s been used by all parties to keep Elbert County’s economy stuck in the 19th century from as far back as anyone remembers; and this will remain the case for the foreseeable future.
It would be so much more honest if all of these collectivists could just hang a sign out at the county border saying that Elbert County is a preservation zone where there will be no economic growth, no enabling of the private sector, no new jobs, and no changes. Perhaps they could purchase the right to name the county Pleasantville.
Just get rid of all the legal mumbo jumbo in county zoning, dump all the expensive lawyerly jargon that pays lip service to the illusion of property rights and constitutional liberties, and replace it with a simple sentence; “No change is permitted.” Put that on the sign at the county border.
Then all the leftists could go off to other battleground locals to community-organize and inflict their advocacy, and people would know before ever considering putting down roots here just what they’re in for.
Think of all the time and money this would save. All of the public meetings we now have with foregone conclusions – gone. All of the empty rhetoric from government officials and would-be government officials – gone. All of the legal work around the regulatory edges – gone. People in the private sector would still drive to town for work. The number of government employees could be cut way back. And Jerry would have to find something else to publish and write about.
Let’s stop kidding ourselves. The myth of American freedom in Elbert County is an expensive joke. Freedom, as an ideal, deserves better than this. If we’re not going to serve it, then we should at least stop sullying it.
Big Green Radicals
From: Big Green
“Colorado is ground zero for the fracking debate. That’s why national environmental groups are turning their attention and their checkbooks to the state, trying to gin up support for several anti-fracking ballot initiatives that would advance their radical agendas. But rather than being up front about their support and agendas, these groups are resorting to deceptive practices to trick Colorado voters into siding with them.
For example, knowing that its radical agenda would be unpalatable to Coloradans, big green’s out-of-state agitators founded the “local” group Frack Free Colorado (FFC). In addition to receiving generous support from out of state funders, FFC shared Water Defense’s Manhattan-based press secretary Ana Tinsely up until last year. And FFC’s leader, Russell Mendell, worked for Water Defense as recently as 2012 and didn’t even move to Colorado until that year.
That’s not to say that FFC doesn’t work hard to maintain the fiction that it’s a grassroots group. Following Water Defense’s bragging about the role it played in helping to pass several Colorado fracking bans in 2013, FFC deleted all mentions of Water Defense from its website. FFC also keeps quiet about its other outside Colorado founding members, including Food & Water Watch, (run by a Sierra Club operative), and Patagonia, a California clothier. Unfortunately for big green’s agenda, Coloradans know the difference between grassroots and astroturf.
Big green groups are also deceptively using the Trojan Horse strategy to advance their radical agenda. Rather than present their true motivations – a complete ban on responsible energy development – they advance the notion of mere “local control.” (Surely they have been told that this doesn’t sound as radical to Coloradans, who – as poll after poll shows – overwhelmingly favor responsible energy development.) Of course, local control is anything but: City, county, or statewide bans violate one’s local property rights, the sanctity upon which Colorado and the country was founded.
This is a dangerous game that big green is playing. As its deceptive practices are exposed, it risks real backlash from Colorado voters, who hate deceptive groups pretending to be from Colorado even more than they hate outside groups themselves.”
end planning and zoning
Project Veritas stings anti-frackers
the times they are a changin’
Republican/Independent/Democrat — Distinctions without a difference
Kelly Dore – “I will work hard to make sure that growth preserves our county rural lifestyles…”
John Dorman – will “…work very hard to improve our land and protect our lifestyle…“
It appears the Elbert County BOCC majority will soon shift back to country-in-county – rurally impoverished – economics.
Commissioner Rowland and Commissioner Schlegel should do everything they can to swing the pendulum in Elbert County toward freedom and liberty.
Repeal zoning. Repeal the master plan. Repeal planning regulations. Repeal all regulations.
NOW! Before the lifestyle Nazi’s get control.
Green Light Elbert County’s Private Sector! Free Elbert County Citizens from the planning Leviathan.
“Most of the rules and regulations that affect the rights of ordinary Americans are not laws written by elected lawmakers but regulations imposed by unelected administrative agencies that wield broad authority to interpret their own commissions, write their own regulations, and enforce their own rules in hearings overseen by their own agents. These bureaus are not accountable to the voting public in any realistic sense; they are generally beyond the control even of an affected citizen’s elected representatives. Yet courts review their actions with a lenient, deferential attitude, under the doctrine of Chevron, U. S. A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, a precedent that gives agencies power to interpret their mandates as expansively as they want except in the most extreme cases. In short, the modem administrative state has outstripped the quaint model of conscientious legislators deliberating about the public good, which might have justified a court in leaving citizens to the political process for protection. The idea that the people can “vote the bums out” if they dislike government policy is simply unrealistic.”
“Americans are realizing the dangers of expanding the scope of government and are protesting the continued calls for bailouts, handouts, entitlement programs, and restrictions on freedom, privacy, property rights, and other aspects of liberty. The time has come for the legal community to pay heed. The time has come to reject the notion that people have the right to control each other’s lives and to take the fruits of their labor. The time has come to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.”
Timothy Sandefur, The Conscience of the Constitution
expensive government wasteland
Now, see, your average Leftist will look at this hot mess of a conclusion and get a warm feeling in her belly that the government is out there on the forefront of pollution, actively protecting her.
But the language says nothing, does nothing, solves nothing, recommends no specific remediation, and only suggests that it would be good if some unspecified person kept thinking about something unspecified, to move the world forward in an expedient manner toward a goal that could take a very long time to accomplish – that we already know! – undo the effects of man.
The ultimate irony is all of those EPA goals will involve reestablishing a prior status or condition to the environment – that is, turn the clock backward – the only way the EPA knows to go forward. But since we’ve all seen where we’ve been, why on earth do we need a huge expensive government agency to tell us what we already know?
“Moving forward with the end in mind.” Good grief! Make up an acronym – an RAO in this case – and feed it to the rubes out there in flyover country. This stuff rivals the brilliant pronouncements of Peter Sellers’ Chauncey Gardner character.
God only knows how much this study cost. But I guess if it helps a Leftist sleep better at night, it must be worth it because there’s just no other point to this pablum.
the problem
Elbert County with its depressed local economy, high unemployment, anti-business regulations, and anti-growth planning, has proven to be a failed state. Without subsidies and grants for schools, roads, and county services, Elbert County would shut down tomorrow. Tweaks to this or that county procedure or budget line item, regardless of motivation from political party or constituency, won’t fix Elbert County.
The only necessary public function Elbert County should be engaged in is road maintenance. And even if the county focused only on that, it would still be challenged to produce a popular outcome. Emergency services should stand or fall on their own merits as separate agencies. As for the rest of it, the county hosts a Kabuki shadow play that redistributes wealth, enables failure, blocks free people from securing the fruits of the American dream, and crowds out competition.
Until the private sector of Elbert County rises up and produces something that people elsewhere want, in other words, until Elbert County citizens engage with the free market outside of the county borders and successfully bring a stream of wealth and capital into the county, Elbert County will remain a failed state.
Today, and unless something drastically changes, for the foreseeable future, Elbert County citizens practice a form of voluntary servitude that can only consume them. Unless we add something of value to the supply chain, the future here remains bleak.
A map showing the foreclosure rate in 10 Colorado counties. Elbert county has the highest foreclosure rate (over 2.8 percent), while Clear Creek, Gilpin and Douglas plug in the lowest rates (under 0.8 percent). Denver Business Journal
In Memoriam
“These “factions”– a term Madison defined [in Federalist 10] as “a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole [populace], who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community”–can breach the limits that the Constitution places on their power and enact laws that deprive people of their private property, abridge religious freedom, or implement other “improper or wicked project[s].” When this happens-when either a small faction uses government to harm the majority, or where the majority uses government to harm the minority-the rights of individuals are placed at risk, just as they were before the establishment of government. Such a society is governed not by law, but by the unaccountable will of the majority. Madison rejected the notion that “the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong,” because unless it was “qualified by every moral ingredient,” that notion would be “only reestablishing under another name and a more specious form, force as a measure of right.” After all, “it would be in the interest of the majority in the community to despoil and enslave the minority.”
Timothy Sandefur, The Conscience of the Constitution
Now comes a manifestation of Madison’s foresight, 227 years into his future, in the form of Clifton Wilmeng’s Community Rights Amendment –
“That right shall include, without limitation . . .the power to enact local laws establishing, defining, altering, or eliminating the rights, powers, and duties of for-profit business entities, operating or seeking to operate in the community[.]”
On this Memorial Day, consider whether the sort of totalitarianism described in the Community Rights Amendment – packaged in various authoritarian political systems through the years – is exactly what they fought against.
Remember what nation it is whereof ye are
No recovery in Elbert County
Official unemployment in Elbert County is 6.7% of a 12,991 person labor force, or about 870 people. By extending the historical [before the age of Obama] relationship between labor force and total population (yellow lines), we see an additional underemployed number of approximately 2,000 people. So if we add those 2,000 back to the official labor force of 12,991, this yields 2,870 unemployed over a labor force of 14,991 for a real unemployment rate in Elbert County of 19% – about 3 times the official rate.
Coincidentally, statewide Colorado, last year the number of TANF families went up 19% from 37,607 to 44,639. Meanwhile Wyoming saw a decrease and North Dakota saw a substantial decrease.
apply precautionary principle to planners first
The precautionary principle–an underlying justification often espoused by planners in Elbert County to excuse repressive zoning–has a number of systemic problems, according to Goklany.
Can the Precautionary Principle Manage Risks Effectively? by Indur M. Goklany
- “[T]he precautionary principle . . . based on concentrating on its environmental costs while downplaying its public health benefits, fuels suspicions that the principle can be used (or abused) to cherry pick which risks one may focus on during regulatory inquiry and regulation.”
- “[C]ompanies. . .protect themselves from liability and lawsuits by seeking some level of governmental approval, bolstered by the desire to avoid unfavorable publicity. . . “
- “[L]arger companies, in particular, actively court regulation since that would lead to higher barriers to entry into the market for smaller, possibly more innovative upstarts.”
- “[L]egislative bodies, government agencies and their officers often seek to expand their power, and future employment possibilities, by filling regulatory vacuums.”
- “[N]on-specialists rely on error-prone “mental shortcuts” such as assigning higher probabilities to types of hazards they can readily recall, . . . an emotionally-driven tendency toward adopting the more alarming of competing narratives regarding a hazard (“alarmist bias” ). Moreover, today’s technology frequently detects chemicals to levels at which health impacts cannot be reliably replicated, . . . but since absence of future harm is unprovable, they resort to their mental shortcuts to interpret the significance of such low. . .levels.”
- “[A]n examination of all relevant risks and options might itself lead to “paralysis by analysis.”
- “[A]ny policy, regulation or action (or “policy”, for brevity) predicated on the [precautionary] principle should not increase overall environmental and public health risks. In fact, the principle should favor those policies that would reduce overall risks the most.”
All of the above systemic problems with the precautionary principle must be actively mitigated to prevent unsound public policy and unjustified regulation. But in Elbert County — ignoring public health benefits from development and improved standards of living, regulators advancing their careers, the use of regulations for anti-competitive outcomes, amateur citizen planners reacting to alarmist political positions — the only safeguard we have to inhibit planners from practicing some or all of the above corruptions is the Board of County Commissioners itself.
“I am most concerned about demonstrating how a wrongly conceived precautionary principle applied to the dangers arising from the use of coal or nuclear fuel–that is, without a consistent, detailed, and thorough cost-benefit analysis–leads to solutions that are utterly ineffective and will put a disproportionate burden on our future. In real life, there is always a trade-off–even for caution. That trade-off tends to be most expensive. To argue the contrary would be irresponsible populism.” Vaclav Klaus
“Nothing like a predefined optimal state of the world exists that we should, for some reason, preserve and protect. The state of the world is the result of spontaneous interactions of a great number of cosmic, geological, climatic, and other factors, as well as of the effect of living organisms, which always look for the best conditions for their reproduction. The equilibrium that exists in nature is a dynamic one.
The environmentalists’ attitude toward nature is analogous to the Marxist approach to economics. The aim in both cases is to replace the free, spontaneous evolution of the world (and humankind) by the would-be optimal, central, or–using today’s fashionable adjective–global planning of world development. Much as in the case of Communism, this approach is utopian and would lead to results completely different from the intended ones. Like other utopias, this one can never materialize, and efforts to make it materialize can only be carried out through restrictions of freedom, through the dictates of a small, elitist minority over the overwhelming majority.”
Vaclav Klaus, Blue Planet in Green Shackles, 2007.
the progressive’s debt to slavery
Treatise on Sociology, Theoretical and Practical. by Henry Hughes, 1854
In the economic system of the Free-labor form of societary organization, order is not ordained and established. Association, adaptation, and regulation are free. They are not essential; they are accidental. They are not fundamental. They are not publicly instituted. The relation of capitalist and laborer, or of master and servant, is private. Their interests are not syntagonistic.
Systematic quantitative adaptation of laborers and capital, is not actualized. Laborers are not appreciated. They have not the value produced by circulation; the value of local production from where they are not in demand to where they are. To the capitalists, superficiency or excess of laborers, is desirable ; because more than a sufficiency, is more orderly.
Distribution is not by the function of justice or the State. It is accidental. The distributor may be either the capitalist or the laborer. Their interests are antagonistic. Their antagonisms are not equipollent. Injustice is actualized. Wages may vary below the standard of comfortable sufficiency. Inefficients are not warranted subsistence. None are warranted. Want is not eliminated. Wages are variable to unhealthy, criminal, and mortal want. The young, the old, and other inefficients are supported not by the capital of capitalists, but by the wages of the laborers. The amount of these wages, is not adapted to the amount of the consumers; there is no discrimination. Pauperism is not eliminated.
The consumption of laborers is not the least possible. The capitalist has no preservation-interest in the laborer. Loss of a laborer is not the capitalist’s loss.
Subsistence is not warranted to the laborers; neither is work or the means of subsistence.
In the Free-labor hygienic system, hygienic necessaries are not an element of laborers’ wages. Capital is not supplied for the production of his health. The capitalist is not hygienically syntagonistic. Medicine, medical attendance, nursing, and therapeutical necessaries, are not warranted to laborers. They are not treasured. Their sickness or death, is not a direct economic injury to the capitalist.
In the Free-labor political system, the interests of classes are not syntagonistic. Taxes are not an element of wages paid by the capitalist. Crime from economic causes, is not eliminated. There are no economic methods, for the prevention of offences. There are no economic general and special securities. The magistracy are expensive and political only. The rich and poor, conflict. Agrarianism is not eliminated. The fundamental laws for the public health, public peace, public industry and public subsistence, are not executed. The interest is deficient, and the order. Strikes and riots are not eliminated. The expediencies of the political system, are political only; the economic system is not civilly ordained and established. It is not a civil implement.
Both Free-labor and Warrantee forms of society, are progressive. Free-labor progress is a progress by antagonisms. Warrantee progress is a progress by syntagonisms. The Free-labor form of society, must be abolished; it must progress to the form of mutual-insurance or warranteeism. It must progress from immunity to community. It must necessitate association. It must warrant the existence and progress of all. Men must not be free-laborers; they must be Liberty-laborers. Liberty-labor Must Be The Substitute Of Free-labor. That must be abolished. But the abolition must not be sudden, or disorderly. It must not be that kind of abolition, which is mere destruction. It must be canonical. It must be humane, just, truthful, pure, and orderly; the envelopment of the evil, by the development of the good. The economic system in the United States South, is not slavery. It Is Warranteeism With The Ethnical Qualification. It is just. It is expedient. It is progressive. It does not progress by antagonisms. It progresses by syntagonisms. It is in no way slavery. Religiously, it is Ebedism; economically, Warranteeism. The consummation of its progress, is the perfection of society.
And when in other generations, this progress, which is now a conception and a hope of all, shall be a memory and a fact; when what is now in the future, shall be in the present or the past; when the budding poetry of the allhoping sociologist, shall ripen to a fruitful history; that history will be thrice felicitous; for it shall unroll the trophied poem, the rhapsody of a progress epic in its grandeur; pastoral in its peace; and lyric in its harmony. Such shall be its fulfilment. And then on leagued plantations over the sun-sceptred zone’s crop-jeweled length, myriad eyes, both night-faced and morning-cheeked, shall brighten still the patriot’s student glance and fondly pore upon the fullgrown and fate-favored wonder, of a Federal banner in whose woven sky of ensign orbs, shall be good stars only, in such happy constellations that their bonds and beams, will be sweeter than the sweet influences of the Pleiades, and stronger than the bands of Orion ; unbroken constellations—a symbol sky—a heaven which also, shall declare the glory of God, and a firmament which shall show His handiwork. Then, in the plump flush of full-feeding health, the happy warrantees shall banquet in Plantation-refectories; worship in Plantation-chapels ; learn in Plantation-schools ; or, in Plantation-saloons, at the cool of evening, or in the green and bloomy gloom of cold catalpas and magnolias, chant old songs, tell tales; or, to the metred rattle of chattering castanets, or flutes, or rumbling tamborines, dance down the moon and evening star; and after slumbers in Plantation-dormitories, over whose gates Health and Rest sit smiling at the feet of Wealth and Labor, rise at the music-crowing of the morning-conchs, to begin again welcome days of jocund toil, in reeling fields, where, weak with laughter and her load, Plenty yearly falls, gives up, and splits her o’erstuffed horn, and where behind twin Interest’s double throne, Justice stands at reckoning dusk, and rules supreme. When these and more than these, shall be the fulfilment of Warranteeism; then shall this Federation and the World, praise the power, wisdom, and goodness of a system, which may well be deemed divine; then shall Experience aid Philosophy, and Vindicate The Ways Of God, To Man.
The End.
UNL Varsity Men’s Chorus 4-28-2014
What is Groupthink?
Groupthink, a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972), occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of “mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment” (p. 9). Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups. A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making.
Janis, Irving L. (1972). Victims of Groupthink. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Janis, Irving L. (1982). Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes. Second Edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Symptoms of Groupthink
Janis has documented eight symptoms of groupthink:
- Illusion of invulnerability –Creates excessive optimism that encourages taking extreme risks.
- Collective rationalization – Members discount warnings and do not reconsider their assumptions.
- Belief in inherent morality – Members believe in the rightness of their cause and therefore ignore the ethical or moral consequences of their decisions.
- Stereotyped views of out-groups – Negative views of “enemy” make effective responses to conflict seem unnecessary.
- Direct pressure on dissenters – Members are under pressure not to express arguments against any of the group’s views.
- Self-censorship – Doubts and deviations from the perceived group consensus are not expressed.
- Illusion of unanimity – The majority view and judgments are assumed to be unanimous.
- Self-appointed ‘mindguards’ – Members protect the group and the leader from information that is problematic or contradictory to the group’s cohesiveness, view, and/or decisions.
When the above symptoms exist in a group that is trying to make a decision, there is a reasonable chance that groupthink will happen, although it is not necessarily so. Groupthink occurs when groups are highly cohesive and when they are under considerable pressure to make a quality decision. When pressures for unanimity seem overwhelming, members are less motivated to realistically appraise the alternative courses of action available to them. These group pressures lead to carelessness and irrational thinking since groups experiencing groupthink fail to consider all alternatives and seek to maintain unanimity. Decisions shaped by groupthink have low probability of achieving successful outcomes.
Remedies for Groupthink
Decision experts have determined that groupthink may be prevented by adopting some of the following measures:
a) The leader should assign the role of critical evaluator to each member
b) The leader should avoid stating preferences and expectations at the outset
c) Each member of the group should routinely discuss the groups’ deliberations with a trusted associate and report back to the group on the associate’s reactions
d) One or more experts should be invited to each meeting on a staggered basis. The outside experts should be encouraged to challenge views of the members.
e) At least one articulate and knowledgeable member should be given the role of devil’s advocate (to question assumptions and plans)
f) The leader should make sure that a sizeable block of time is set aside to survey warning signals from rivals; leader and group construct alternative scenarios of rivals’ intentions.
carts before horses
In his book The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, Tim Ball, Phd, reported that on July 5th, 2005, Phil Jones, Directer of the CRU [Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia], wrote in an email to a colleague;
“If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political it is being selfish.”
Therefore, climate change is an unproven hypothesis – an experiment waiting for corroborating data. Mr. Jones is too generous in calling this science. This is a belief system.
Let your mind imagine an estimate of the opportunity costs incurred the world over from all of the unproven hypotheticals that have been translated into public policy without any corroborating evidence. Imagine what could have been done with all those resources, all those man-hours, and all that energy, had the work been available to accomplish necessary objectives, rather than hyped-up political fantasies. Imagine all of the real problem solutions foregone while men chased rainbows.
A man can only do so much in a lifetime. We should cull out the unproven hypotheticals from our public policies, no matter how sexy they sound. Translation – government has no business getting involved with 90% of what it attempts to do.
2014 ECRW Essay Contest
Legacy Academy student Reilly Blakeslee and her brother Logan Blakeslee, an Elizabeth High School student, need to plant a flag pole in their yard.
Thursday night, April 10th the Elbert County Republican Women awarded Reilly Blakeslee first place in their annual Patriotic Essay Middle School contest for her essay “The Freedom to Succeed”. Her brother Logan Blakeslee placed first in the High School Contest with his essay “The American Dream: Opportunity, Freedom, Optimism”.
Both received a United States flag from the Elbert Count Sheriff’s office and a Colorado state flag (that has flown over the Capitol in Denver) from State Representative Tim Dore. Representative Dore also presented certificates from the Capitol to the First, Second and Third place winners of both contests and letters of commendation to the remaining top ten essayists in both contests.
The High School First Place essayist also received the $1,000 Mary Rathbun Memorial Scholarship, donated in Mary’s memory by her husband Larry Durner and her sister Karen Marant.
Other winners of the Middle School Contest were: second place, McKenzie Smith (Big Sandy Middle School, Simla) and third place Peyton Baldwin (Legacy Academy). In the High School Contest, second place went to Ashley Baller (Ponderosa High School, Parker) and third place to Caleb Dotten (home school, Elizabeth).
For both Middle and High School Contests, the Elbert County Republican Women awarded $100 for First place, $50 for Second Place and $25 for Third Place.
The remaining Top 10 High School essayists were: Kimberly Peterson (Elizabeth High School), Connor Wills and Ryan Wills (Kiowa High School), Colten Trent and Menzi Spiller (Elbert High School), Hailey Edwards (Simla High School) and Julianna Dotten (home school).
The remaining Top Ten 10 Middle School essayists were: Delaney Kretsinger, Megan Frahm and Erin Shiely (Legacy), Sedona Levy, Allison Schieffer and Juan Gomez (Elbert Middle School), and Morris Richardson (Big Sandy Middle School).
The Elbert County Republican Women thanked the 21 Middle School students and 25 High School students who entered the contest by presenting each student with a “Your Are the American Dream” pin.
This non-political, nonpartisan essay contest is designed to encourage students to think and write about the privileges and responsibilities of American Citizenship. It is divided into two divisions: one for Middle School Students (6th through 8th grades) and another for High School students (9th through 12th grades). The 2014 essay contest’s topic was “The American Dream and How It Relates to You.”
The Republican Women will announce the topic for their 2015 Patriotic Essay contest in the fall of 2014.
Karen Shipper
“a closed loop of the left”