A Hot Mess
It would be a shame if this made the rounds again! pic.twitter.com/8TT7rQPjVw
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) October 7, 2024
The Issue Is The Revolution
ELO Denver 2024
Full text of Netanyahu’s UN speech: ‘Enough is enough,’ he says of Hezbollah, also warns Iran
Javier Milei, President of Argentina
Criticize Everything Theory
On “Maga extremism”
The Left don’t see individuals. They only see demographics. They don’t respect free will, except when it leads to killing babies. The Left form a dogmatic line in lock step with their communist leaders, probably because they fear what the deep state will do to them if they fail to salute correctly. And since this demographic model of group-think is the Left’s frame of reference, and since Leftist dogma does not recognize the reality of “others” beyond its cult boundaries, they mistakenly apply their cult model to the free world.
Trump supporters come from that free world. Trump’s proven record from his presidency of reducing regulation and taxation, expanded the domain of free choice in America. His policies empowered and protected Americans. Trumps supporters know this, and no amount of Leftist propaganda, name calling, misrepresentation, and violence, can alter that history. It’s a fresh history, and Trump supporters know how it was undeservedly abused by the corrupt 2020 election process.
The stinking corpse of communism is an artifact that should stay in the past. We don’t need its disaffected leadership and their rigged elections. Communism’s 100s of millions of dead deserve more justice than to see another failed utopian attempt rise again on top of their ashes.
And Kamala, that’s no laughing matter.
Hillary Clinton on what should be done to Trump supporters after the election:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 24, 2024
"We need to deprogram them" pic.twitter.com/vvFBr1vc0V
Who Democrats Really Are
Without the “Declaration of Independence” [DOI] and its guarantee of unalienable Rights from the Creator, America will be lost. Look up the DOI on Wiki. You won’t find the the text of it there. That’s because the DOI is unique, and the Left hate it.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Communists claim to serve the Common Good, but Communism inevitably leads to misery and death. Gullible people may swallow Communist bromides and vote themselves into it, but they will shed their own blood to get out of it.
Skies that bracket September days
Hoaxology 101
The American Debunk
They Want to Kill You Too
September Morning
A Walking Bag of Artifice
Supercut of Kamala cringe. She is terrible. pic.twitter.com/AtW8yDhluA
— MAZE (@mazemoore) September 18, 2024
Can history be objective?
History comes from historians who write about it. To achieve an objective understanding of history requires reading multiple historians. The chorus of Leftists interpreting history in the Marxist framework should be avoided.
I get tired of Democrats claiming to be on the “right side of history” when both their past and their present are so utterly sordid and destructive. So, if you are a Democrat, let me tell you about MY side of history and YOUR side of history.
— Cynical Publius (@CynicalPublius) May 12, 2023
My side of history is Cato the…
Hillary sounding unburdened by what has been
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 17, 2024
"There needs to be deterrence" pic.twitter.com/soxI3wl7To
Democrat Kammunism
A comprehensive fact check of the Kamala lies
This is the single most comprehensive fact check of the Kamala lies. Please send this to anyone you know who is a liberal. pic.twitter.com/jtRAn7Esbl
— Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) September 14, 2024
AI weighs in on the debate
So this guy put the entire debate transcript in ChatGPT and asked ChatGPT to analyze the moderator bias and every single person needs to hear this because oh my God is it right on the money. pic.twitter.com/aRyythOB6V
— Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) September 12, 2024
OK, who did this????
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) September 12, 2024