Cult Education Institute
Islamic Fundamentalists
gathered about Islamic Fundamentalists.
Mosque leader compares being gay to paedophilia and murder Bosnian Islamist militant jailed for 45 years over terrorist attack How widespread is Islamic fundamentalism in Western Europe? [Read more…] |
Confucius Institute Day
to be or not to be
It would be so easy to just become a progressive – to join the chorus of Leftists all quoting the same bad science, the same dead end economics, the same top heavy political and labor groupthink that follows leadership in lock step without dissent. What a simpler existence! You take all of the messy bits of reality that don’t fit the progressive agenda, and just forget about the lot of it. Who cares if it means ignoring that pesky scientific method with its difficult cause-and-effect that requires evidence to found a conclusion. What a royal pain. Forget all that stuff. They don’t use it anyway.
The planet is not warming up. Peak energy gets freshly refuted every month. Top down dictatorship, whether its religious or political spectacularly fails like clockwork every time it’s tried. Human creativity and invention just ruin the rationing/postcarbon/degrowth agenda. But none of it matters to progressives. All of it just rolls off their backs like water off a mallard.
Inside the climate controlled atmosphere of progressive armor, the weather is fine. The days are pleasant, not too hot or cold. And when dissonant ideas attempt to penetrate the ramparts, a ready made script of rules for radicals, like leukocytes to a wound, closes the breach, and obviates the necessity for further thought.
You almost have to admire the simplicity of a system capable of a-priori refutation of all competing ideas without ever having to actually construct a cogent counter argument. And the substitution of physical force for intellectual reason is a stroke of brilliance. Might is right. Who knew? Who would’ve thought that a group could actually succeed on brute force alone! I mean, most groups in history who gained power through force and suppression at least paid lip service to some novel idea. But not progressives!
Ideas just gum things up and get in the way of their experiencing the quiet contemplation of pure power. Best not to break stride. Just keep marching. Keep chanting. Keep demonstrating. Keep shouting. Keep fighting. Cause harm, and if necessary, kill. The willingness to kill gives them all the edge they need. Barbarity works.
History contains many lessons for winning strategies that don’t require intellectual honesty, provable science, fairness, justice, or moral approval. The progressives learned to get their way by walking through the opposition, not around them. And it doesn’t matter what the opposition is saying. Just shut them up, shut them down, ignore them, ridicule them, stomp them, and march on.
The pleasant weather around the well insulated powerful progressive is worth protecting. It is its own reward – a tautological compact of self-referential and self-reinforcing happiness that will not be disturbed.
And just look at what you have to look forward to if you don’t join them. Those who don’t join the progressive movement are an enemy to be crushed. They get to receive every indignation and insult known to man on a daily basis. They get to have all of their reasonable world view, proven in science, demonstrated in unrevised history to maximize real human progress and wealth, ridiculed as insanity.
So this is why I say maybe it would just be easier to join them. Take the blue pill and get with their program because the real world is full of nasty progressives who don’t want you messing with their matrix.
the Sultan speaks
Here we go
Roman v. Yampolskiy and Joshua Fox, Artificial General Intelligence and the Human Mental Model, Chapter 7 of Singularity Hypotheses.
“Hall* classifies future AGIs [Artificial General Intelligences], making the point that we should not expect AI systems to ever have closely humanlike distributions of ability, given that computers are already superhuman in some areas. So, despite its anthropocentric nature, his classification highlights the range of possibilities as well as the arbitrariness of the human intelligence point of reference. His classification encompasses
- hypohuman (infrahuman, less-than-human capacity),
- diahuman (human level capacities in some areas, but still not a general intelligence),
- parahuman (similar but not identical to humans, as for example, augmented humans),
- allohuman (as capable as humans, but in different areas),
- epihuman (slightly beyond the human level), and
- hyperhuman (much more powerful than human).”
*Hall, J.S. (2007). Beyond AI: Creating the conscience of the machine. Amherst: Prometheus.
I know what some of you are thinking. So and so is definitely hypo. Come on now. . .he’s talking about machines.
Chris Abani
Mr. Abani begins at 11:25.
Zoned Out
Why and how we should seek to restore a free market in land
I once knew a man who was finishing his basement so that his daughter and son-in-law could live there. I spent a lot of hours down there with a nail gun before the city planners nixed the project. My in-laws in Modesto, California, had to move out of their house into a mobile home on their own farm, because their kids needed a place to live. The law, for some reason, allowed them to put a mobile home there if seniors would be living in it, but not to accommodate a young family.
In run-ins with zoning laws, ordinary people encounter the perversity of government firsthand in ways that should make them receptive to the message of freedom and property. [Read more…]
Go to the sources, get answers
Okay. So the Prairie Times Advertisers are the reason I get this political fishwrap in my mailbox free – unrequested – every month, featuring diatribes and screeds from every present and past Elbert County Democrat Party official, Leftist candidate, former Leftist candidate, anti-oil&gas fractivist, and private-property-confiscating communitarian planner.
Fair enough. At least now I know who to talk to about it.
Maybe if each person out there picks just one advertiser to encourage, perhaps this excuse for news can develop into something worth reading some day.