The problem with viewing the world through the lawyerly lens is the prerequisite of conflict. The whole business exists to force someone to behave according to a law as interpreted by some judicial or quasi-judicial third party.
Conflict means a disagreement exists between at least two parties. The progression of law, therefore, is built on conflicts by people who, for whatever reason, cannot otherwise agree to get along. Where there is a-priori agreement, no law enforcement is necessary.
As an aside, so the Left can avoid inserting the canard of criminality in their expected rebuttal, obviously I’m not talking about criminal matters.
Now, the Elbert County Left love this legal business. Whether it’s a zoning matter enabling them to push the government to make some code to control land use behavior the way they want, or whether it’s an electoral claim to harass the Republican leadership of the county, the law is a game in which they can at least score points, and maybe even win.
One hopes that the Colorado legislatures who create the enabling statutes for governing the playing fields of county zoning and election law, do so with the intention that what subsequently occurs in those domains will inure to the benefit of Colorado citizens living with the consequences.
One hopes that the statutes aren’t created for the purpose of enabling a gaming environment where the law can be turned, within the rules outlined by the legislature, to the advantage of one group of citizens over another, based on how well the game is played.
If legislation allows, however, for sharp dealing, or heavily loading the boat on one side by filling public meetings with a noisy minority, or filling courtroom proceedings with a noisy minority, then unscrupulous people will seize those gaming opportunities to serve their own advantage.
Some humans seem to have a gaming instinct, an ability to set aside ethics for personal advantage. And fiat legal structures seem to attract people who look for an unjust enrichment or a power play in their own interest. Where no conflict exists to start the playing field conditions that might sustain a game plan, such people will simply invent the necessary conflict. Fish can’t “go blub” without water in the tank.
Ultimately our legal systems cannot prevail over deficient ethical sensibilities. Our systems cannot withstand continued gaming attacks from a dedicated minority of baby boomer Leftists, many of them sustained by publicly funded pensions, who despite repeated failed attempts to get themselves elected as Elbert County officials, think they should be governing Elbert County’s highest offices, and who do everything they can to impede the officials elected to those offices.
Evan Sayet summed up the syndrome in one passage as follows;
Everyone in the Democratic Party, then is convinced that he or she is a victim, and every one of them agrees on who their victimizers are: the men and women of God and science who do things and make things. Their victimizers are the people who, because they live in the real world, have to engage in discriminating thought and choose the best (but by definition not utopian) answer.
When a Shick, a Thomasson, a Duvall, a Blotter, or a Brown, take umbrage over a bit of zoning code or some judicial matter, they project an alleged offense personal to themselves. Cosmically, it’s them in the cross hairs, their whole world in the chain of causation directly targeted by the alleged harm. For the practicing Leftist, it’s always their water, their money, their property, their minerals, their rights, their speech. Leftist standing is assumed, but never demonstrated.
And since utopia is their measure, and no human being can possibly measure up because human beings operate with imperfect information and imperfect capabilities, and since Leftist standing is a given, the ingredients for an endless umbrage that can never be remedied are also a given.
But don’t fail to notice that the only times less-than-utopian outcomes matter to the Left, the only times they feel targeted, are when they’re not in control. That’s the false alternative the Left presents to the world. Either put them in control, or they’ll selectively engage their grievance machinery and make a living hell out of things as perpetual victims.
The dilemma they present does not materially differ from the one presented by the Taliban – whose world view provides sufficient motivation for them to make war on the West, notwithstanding anything the West actually does to avoid or provoke them. They have an offensive metaphysical foundation in Islam which they can choose to ignore or follow. Reasoning and reality feedback from the world external to their domain are largely irrelevant except to the extent they get in their way.
Those of us outside the cults are constantly placed on the defensive from endless experiments and harmful inventions presented as progress toward their utopias.
The adversarial system that the Left invest so heavily in can be manipulated. Despite systemic mechanisms that push in the direction of objective justice, those principles can be overcome by unscrupulous tactics. But the Left won’t publicly own the ethics they practice to reach the ends they consider justified by any means.
Their post-hoc explanations, which get utterly fantastic when they’re challenged, know no bounds. But their super-sensitivity to anti-utopian harm is no more than a tactic, a practiced art they’ll turn off the moment they get power.
Under the Left it’s one rule for me and another for thee. Under the Right it’s one rule for all and one chain of causation for all. That’s the difference.