If someone is going to represent me, I want an opportunity to vote for that person. I didn’t vote for the Duvalls to represent me.
And when they use phrases like “our way of life” and “our collective health,” AS IF everyone agrees with them about what these expressions mean, that’s presumptuous of them.
I can guess what these expressions might mean to the Duvalls, but that would be pure conjecture on my part. I don’t have to guess what they mean to me, but the Duvalls never asked me about my definitions for these phrases.
We just had an election too! That would have been a great time to take a vote on some language to define “our way of life” and “our collective health.” If a majority of Elbert County citizens were to agree on such definitions, there might be a foundation for Elbert County government to promote those defined outcomes.
I doubt the Duvalls are really interested in a consensus definition, however, because then they might lose some flexibility in plugging these expressions into their political actions to fabricate justifications for their partisan agenda.
Let’s be clear. The Duvalls aren’t interested in your voice at these public meetings if you don’t happen to agree with their politics. And neither are the folks at New-Plains and the Prairie Times.