Nothing to see hear. Move along. These are not the Droids you’re looking for.
ECL (0) ~ Reality (1)
"Just the facts M'am, Just the facts." -- Sgt. Joe Friday
By Brooks
By Brooks
From: Cherie Radeker
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:10 PM
To: Brooks Imperial
Cc: Karen Shipper; Bill Harris, Del Schwab, John Shipper
Subject: FW: 2012 Primary Official Results
Attachments: 2012 Official Primary Results.pdf
Hello Mr. Imperial:
I have attached the Primary Election Results for your review. I have reviewed these with a few folks and my concern is….there was an error with respect to counting of the ballots. I was hoping you can review them and give me your opinion.
On or about June 27th a plethora of phone calls received from Citizens of Elbert County voicing their issues and concerns of which were brought to the attention to the Secretary of State, Elections Division, Wayne Munster. Pursuant to a phone conversation with Wayne Munster, the Secretary of the State’s office received many calls (25) as well and were planning to perform an audit. On that date, Mr. Munster stated he would contact Del Schwab, Nancy Harris and myself so that we may be present during the audit. Mr. Munster stated, the SOS believes in transparency and would make sure to contact this office prior to making arrangements for the audit.
On or about July 10th, during a meeting with the Secretary of the State at their office, with Mr. Munster, the Secretary of the State himself, Scott Gessler and a few other SOS employees’, it was reiterated on or about July 5th, Mr. Munster and another SOS employee came to the Clerk and Recorders Office, Elections Dept., to perform the aforementioned audit. To my surprise, none of the above parties were contacted. During the meeting on July 10th, Mr. Munster stated he had never said he would contact anyone! Mr. Munster’s statement is not true, he did. After listening to the concerns, Mr. Gessler stated he will “look into” certain matters reiterated.
There have been reports of alleged mis-conduct during the course of the election process to include but not limited to, training, seals, etc. If indeed there was a mistake or error made, the citizens of Elbert County have a right to be informed. On behalf of the many citizens who have called, I am asking for everyone’s assistance to make sure their Constitutional Rights were not misrepresented.
Everyone I speak to is saying, their “gut” tells them something is wrong if something is wrong!
Thank you for your valued time.
By Brooks
RE: (click box to see cartoon)
My statement, “And now they [the left] control the Elbert County Republican Party,” has apparently unhinged the Elbert County Leftist [ECL] McShay.
Next time, before an ECL member launches into a potentially libelous rant, he should read more carefully. I said, “And now they control ….” I didn’t say, “And then they controlled….” McShay has confused causation of alleged incidents in the past, with present and future causation. The two simply cannot connect.
My reasoning for saying, “And now they control the Elbert County Republican Party,” is based on the assumption that the Elbert County Republican Party has a goal of electing Republicans to local offices. I believe this is actually in their bylaws.
As has been substantiated in multiple writings, and as was again substantiated in the Denver Post excerpt within the blog item carrying the above quoted statement, the winners of the Republican primary in Elbert County associate with Democrats. They’re liked by Democrats, they share policies with Democrats, they’re published on a Democrat web site, and they even smoke cigars with Democrats and hang out socially.
So, reasonably, evidently, observably, I call them leftists. Democrats are leftists, so they must be too. It’s no stretch to connect those dots.
Now, and this is where McShay should pay close attention, if the Republican Party exists to elect Republicans, but they’ve instead elected known leftists, a reasonable person could conclude that leftists now control the Republican Party.
This is an important fact to keep in mind as the ECL takes over majority control of the BOCC for the next 4 years. What the ECL plan to do to Elbert County, the oppressive zoning, the takings of private property rights, increasing taxes, the suppression of commerce, the preservation of horse pastures, etc., these things are going to fall squarely at the feet of the ECL.
They wanted the power, they went out and got it, now they own the consequences. No more blaming Republicans. Sorry, that card has been removed from the deck.
Official BOCC decisions in the past in Elbert County cannot be directly ascribed to the ECL, however, the list of ECL talking points McShay detailed in his above referenced cartoon, points that also comprised the substance of Rowland’s and Ross’s campaign rhetoric, have all been factually rebutted or shown to be of no consequence. So those talking points at least can’t be ascribed to Republicans either. Maybe it’s because they don’t really exist?
Anyway, whatever I say will be formed into an unsavory mudball by the ECL and hurled at me with invective, ad hominem, innuendo, unsavory name calling and various misrepresentations. It’s what they do, and it’s what one gets who has the temerity to criticize our leftist overlords.
I try to remain philosophical about these personal attacks from the ECL. If they want to keep pulling their pants down to show their literary junk to the world, I figure the least I can do is comment about it, even though that apparently makes them keep doing it. They intend to silence those who dissent from their orthodoxy. That isn’t going to happen here.
By Brooks
“Jerry Koch, Water Task Force leader, is professing to provide, “Practical, objective educational water related information to the authorities, volunteers and citizens of Elbert County”
Maybe… but this sure looks like someone predisposed to the joys of fracking and not conservation of Elbert County’s water.”
12CW118 W. JERRY AND PAULA M. KOCH, PO Box 970, Elizabeth, CO 80107. Telephone: 303-646-4201. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF WATER RIGHT IN ELBERT COUNTY. Date of original decree: case 94CW045, 12-8-94; case 04CW277, 05-24-05. Koch Pumping Station located NW1/4, SW1/4, S20, T8S, R64W of the 6th PM. Diversion at various pts along Running Creek from 550 ft E of SW corner of NW1/4, SW1/4 to 100 ft E of NW1/4,SW1/4 S20, T8S, R64W of the 6th PM. Date of appropriation: 12-12-89. Amount: 2cfs Conditional. Decreed Use: Irrigation. Change of Use to (potential): Fish pond or water storage; oil drilling; fracing; sale of water; Augmentation; and water bottling.
Note well, this concerns OWNED surface water ALREADY PUT TO ANOTHER BENEFICIAL USE. It doesn’t concern ground water. It concerns a water property right owned by the Koch’s — a property right available to anyone in Colorado.
Now come the new-strange folks who imply that to even think about using a drop of Colorado water from any source whatsoever, and regardless of property right, in a fracking process, is an ignominious thought crime to be publicly reviled.
You elected these people to govern Elbert County. And they haven’t even started yet.
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
We all remember last August when we discovered that the current Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) appeared to be headed toward approving a Water plan for one Karl Nyquist that would have granted him statewide authority and that we believed and now know was a serious threat to our county water resources. We all remember how it took 1,200 of us showing up at that historic BOCC meeting to stop that threat. We all remember that this BOCC, under public pressure, then implemented a one-year moratorium on making water decisions, a moratorium now set to expire next month in August 2012.
Following that, the current BOCC selected individuals and put together a Water Task Force to study Elbert County water issues and to report back to this BOCC with recommendations for future decisions about our water resources. This Task Force has been meeting, and to date has not allowed any public comment or input into their meetings or procedures.
We all know that the primary election is over, and that two of the current sitting Commissioner will be leaving office in January of 2013. We all know that the one remaining sitting Commissioner made it quite clear last year that he supported passing the plan at that time, and was very vocal in stating his intent and support for the applicant.
We have been told that on July 12, 2012, the Water Task Force is presenting their recommendations to the current Board of County Commissioners in a meeting that must be open to the public. Our work is not done, and our presence and our voice in critical water decisions affecting every resident of Elbert County must be heard again. We do not know what the recommendations will be, we do not know what, if any plans the current BOCC have in making binding water decisions before the board changes in January. We are waiting for official confirmation of this meeting with the required legal public posting, which traditionally the BOCC does at least 24 hours in advance.
But we do know, that this issue, and the potential impact on our county is a very serious matter and requires that every one of us stands up, listens and participates to continue protecting our water resources.
We need a showing of citizens at this upcoming meeting that again sends the message that you are still our elected officials and we expect you to hear our voices. We need everyone to tell your neighbors, your friends, your email contacts that we must all show up at this meeting like we did last August. I will notify everyone the moment this meeting is confirmed, but we all need to mark our calendars now and plan on being at this meeting the evening of Thursday, July 12, 2012.
(Elbert County Board of County Commissioners)
7:00 P.M.
Location: Presumed to be Exhibit Hall, Kiowa Fairgrounds
(more information to follow)
Robert Rowland, Republican Candidate for Elbert County Commissioner, District 1
Received from Mrs. Shipper:
“The Task Force has no designs on water, neither do the Commissioners. And last August NOTHING HAPPENED. And with or without the crowd nothing would have happened. The Nyquist project didn’t pass the feasibility bar. So John and Del would have voted no. Thus, Nyquist simply withdrew — end of story.
So the Task Force had a chance to get organized, the Commissioners put in place a one year moratorium on water projects. Nevertheless, Mr R must create a crisis.
I understand this meeting was announced at the previous meeting. Nothing is being hidden.”
By Brooks
The ObamaCare litigation is history, with the president’s takeover of the health sector deemed constitutional. Now we can focus on the rest of the Obama imperial presidency.
Where, you are wondering, have you recently heard that term? Ah, yes. The “imperial presidency” of George W. Bush was a favorite judgment of the left about our 43rd president’s conduct in war, wiretapping and detentions. Yet say this about Mr. Bush: His aggressive reading of executive authority was limited to the area where presidents are at their core power—the commander-in-chief function.
By contrast, presidents are at their weakest in the realm of domestic policy—subject to checks and balances, co-equal to the other branches. Yet this is where Mr. Obama has granted himself unprecedented power. The health law and the 2009 stimulus package were unique examples of Mr. Obama working with Congress. The more “persistent pattern,” Matthew Spalding recently wrote on the Heritage Foundation blog, is “disregard for the powers of the legislative branch in favor of administrative decision making without—and often in spite of—congressional action.”
Put another way: Mr. Obama proposes, Congress refuses, he does it anyway.
Similarly, when Mr. Obama wants a new program and Congress won’t give it to him, he creates it regardless.
This president’s imperial pretensions extend into the brute force the executive branch has exercised over the private sector.
And it has been much the same in his dealings with the states.
In so many situations, Mr. Obama’s stated rationale for action has been the same: We tried working with Congress but it didn’t pan out—so we did what we had to do. This is not only admission that the president has subverted the legislative branch, but a revealing insight into Mr. Obama’s view of his own importance and authority.
There is a rich vein to mine here for GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Americans have a sober respect for a balance of power, so much so that they elected a Republican House in 2010 to stop the Obama agenda. The president’s response? Go around Congress and disregard the constitutional rule of law. What makes this executive overreach doubly unsavory is that it’s often pure political payoff to special interests or voter groups.
Mr. Obama came to office promising to deliver a new kind of politics. He did—his own, unilateral governance.
Kimberly A. Strassel
By Brooks
“What if this,” Melvin Udall said, “is as good as it gets?” And in the heat of a building passion, Ronny Cammareri memorably delivered, “We aren’t here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us! We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and die. The storybooks are bullshit.”
Melvin was addressing a waiting room chock full of psychiatric patients, which is funny on a couple levels. For one, the fact the room was crowded and there were no empty seats remaining is a sight gag. For two, his question begs another question of whether his statement was limited to a rhetorical comment, or whether he sincerely expected an answer to this mystery of life from a member of a room full of mental patients. But he must have known the answer he’d get from a room full of people in treatment for some sort of mental problem they had not been able to resolve themselves. Those people must have had hope that this wasn’t as good as it gets, that it could get better. Without hope they wouldn’t have been there in the first place.
Ronny makes his speech in the important context of trying to talk a beautiful woman into his bed, a conversation most adults have experienced to some degree, either as protagonist or antagonist. It is a moment of supreme importance to a man and a woman, one in which the totality of human philosophy, recorded experience, and garnered wisdom may be marshaled to persuade the issue and push it toward an accord. Ronny’s case is self-serving, perhaps even self-deprecating, but he’s also probably correct to a large degree. And underneath it all, he has hope too.
Both Melvin and Ronny acknowledge the imperfection of man. Neither one expects to escape that fact of human life. They must content themselves with a step in the right direction, in Ronny’s case, a really huge and important step with a woman, while Melvin’s challenges come in smaller bits, like putting one foot in front of the other without stepping on a sidewalk crack. Both want to get through it somehow.
June, 2012, did not end well for the cause of hope in my head. This last week of the month was jammed full of iconic political downfalls, both nationally and locally, delivered against a scene of devastating natural catastrophes all over America. The unconstrained visions of H.L. Mencken’s prototypical Boobus americanus came unleashed last week as the Court staged its own versions of holiday fireworks fueled by the Constitution as combustible element. The imperial Senate and the regal President applauded these dismemberments of laws with gloved hands and golf claps, while their inner children did triumphant handstands for their latest power accretions.
Similarly, our unconstrained loose-headed locals wore dust patches into the tundras of their fragile switch grass in a prolonged dance of self-congratulatory puffing on their new-prairie plain-times swai-wrapped organs. Large dead animals can take months to macerate out in the field and you want to stay upwind of them while they do. So too, the phony campaign issues a minority of we-the-rubes gorged on will take some time to fade from sense memory. But fade they will, lest their ghosts remain to inhabit the chambers these posers-supreme plan on ruling.
I have to admit, last week’s local and national setbacks to sanity have damaged my hope. Coming at this time of natural mayhem and wreckage, one has to wonder if someone up there might be giving us a clue.
And to the undervote* of Boobus americanus setting up to run things in Elbert County, the next time a politician or pundit asks you a question for which there is no reasonable answer, or presents you an interpretation for which there is no reasonable support, stop for a few moments and think. Don’t just fish it down your gullet because it came to you on the hook of a properly punctuated sentence. The ability to ask a question is no guarantee that the question is reasonable.
For example last Sunday Chris Wallace asked, “How would you provide universal coverage?” While the question presents a tantalizing prospect, there is no real answer because the domain of the answer is mythical, unconstrained by reality. The respondent should have said, “What makes you think universal coverage is possible?” rather than implicitly affirming that the question had merit by trying to answer it. Elbert County’s recent road to political perdition was paved with the same sort of unconstrained intentions, and you lapped it up.
The Founding Fathers knew of man’s imperfection, they knew the mayhem that comes from unconstrained realities. Their conceptions of limited government came after all else had failed in history. Today the left would expunge that history from our consciousness, and along with it the exceptional America it led to, with no more thought than it takes to snuff out a candle.
If you proles don’t begin to raise your standards, if you don’t start making these power brokers prove the crap they presumptively feed us, I might lose what’s left of my hope for you.
*2000 of 6600 mailed-out ballots is not a mandate.
By Brooks
“The next Republican administration must understand that although the civil rights* industry is loud, and although its accusations receive a lot of attention in the media, the modern movement itself is thinly populated and totally isolated from mainstream America. Its absurd demands should be openly repudiated, not indulged out of a misguided fear of garnering bad publicity.
A future Republican administration must unreservedly proclaim its commitment to race-neutral* law enforcement. Because the vast majority of Americans support this approach, the only cost will be listening to the reflexive clang and gong of racialist* groups. As long as the new vision is clearly articulated and firmly rooted in the core principles of equality and the rule of law, defying the civil rights* industry will be a net positive, not a political liability.”
From Injustice by J. Christian Adams
By Brooks
For the last several months, I noted how the “public comments” section of BOCC meetings had been abused for electioneering and politicking by challenger candidates and their supporters. I was a little surprised to find proof of that practice in today’s public comments segment.
Now that the election is over in their favor, it appears the utility of their basket of complaints is exhausted.
By Brooks
Critics painted me as a defender of the old guard. Ha! The only things I defended in this election cycle were competence, sound management, realistic thinking, and the rule of law. Tragically, these bedrock principles did not win today in the Elbert County Republican Party primary. Well, the principles still exist, and it appears I will have plenty more opportunities to defend them in the future.
Come November, commissioner choices will be between agenda driven liberals and, um, agenda driven liberals. I’m sure this prospect has the New-Plains democrats, populists, and leftists, dancing in their switch grass patches tonight, however, consequences for the county will be grim.
We’ll see ubiquitous zoning and higher taxes. We’ll see environmentalism and its basket of unfounded mythologies unleashed in a flurry of ersatz relevancy as they consume the public discourse. We’ll experience these mythologies fail in an expensive protracted drama full of denial and blame. We’ll see none of these agenda progenitors take responsibility when their no-growth, anti-industrial, country-in-county ideas further impoverish Elbert County. We’ll see the few of us who use their 1st Am. right to dissent from these prevailing insanities called more names, if that’s even possible at this point.
I never wrote for the sake of the old guard. I wrote for the sake of limited sound government. A voting minority of Elbert County voted for bigger more intrusive government. They made a big mistake, and the county government they’ve chosen for all of us will make us pay dearly for it. That’s what unbridled government does to people and these people are all about the unbridling of government power.
The left has won. You’re not going to like these new-strange bedfellows when they start implementing their plans for you.
By Brooks
Article 1 – The Legislative Branch, Section 1 – The Legislature
Clause 1: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Article 2 – The Executive Branch, Section 1 – The President
Clause 8: Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Article 2 – The Executive Branch, Section 3 – State of the Union, Convening Congress
[H]e shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed[.]
Scalia’s closing essay in Arizona v US 11-182b5e1 amounts to an indictment of Obama in an official federal government publication for breaching his oath of office — no doubt a fleeting concern to the poser in chief unburdened by a confirmed past.
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
By Brooks
Where is the lack of transparency? This BOCC broadcasts and publishes everything they do in an official capacity. Where is the financial mismanagement? This BOCC has not increased overall county indebtedness, has balanced the budget, and has met functional county obligations with less revenue while preserving proportionally more county jobs. Where are the closed doors? This BOCC allows for public input at each of their meetings.
Take off the pink colored glasses and you’ll see a set of able administrators doing a decent job in the midst of an attempted strong-arm takeover that has thoroughly corrupted the two-party system in Elbert County and abused every available county process to create disruption, foment division, and generate a false sense of urgency that things are mismanaged.
This coalition of freelance power seekers brings an overall agenda made up of many subordinate agendas. All of them fall into a leftist basket of tricks. Scratch the surface of any one of them and you’ll find environmentalism, smart growth, anti-industrialism, and dictatorial zoning power, all waiting for the green light to unleash their do-gooding upon the county.
It is most disturbing that they hold themselves out as representatives of the people at large, but they do not follow a process that empowers the people at large. From the start of this campaign season they’ve attempted to shanghai a single party – the Republicans – through subversive manipulation of Colorado’s flawed caucus system. When subversion failed them, they went public with their plan and called for open corruption of the Republican primary system in an attempt to dilute Republican interest in their party, and put it in service of their leftist agenda.
Liberal publishers in the county, and there are many both in print and on-line, excuse this attempted coupe with ameliorative language about why we should all just get along. This has been tried many times with the left, but appeasement has never worked. It’s led to wars, a shifting legal standard that has gutted much of the constitutional foundation of the country, the dismemberment of religious liberty, coarsening moral decline, gaming the public coffers, and a reduction of liberty.
Listen to the loudest voices in the public spectrum this primary season. The ones you hear the loudest all share the agendas. They intend to do big things to you and me. Lots of things. Waving their various and sundry banners, they want licenses to direct us. They all fundamentally misconstrue the proper limits of government in America.
Interestingly, they’re all so steeped in their leftist mythologies that they actually think they can direct you and me, and that it’s a good thing. As a result, they’ve become shameless. They no longer hide their fascist inclination. Now they wear it proudly. Like I said, wars have been fought against this sort of thing.
Good intentions are admirable, but when those good intentions lead to compunction, force, and the execution of government power, they’ve become a means not justified by the ends.
I say we shut down the left at the polls in Elbert County, whatever party they happen to call themselves at any given juncture. I say we focus on limiting government in all its capacities and intentions. He who governs least, governs best.
Look at the candidates. Judge them by this standard when you go to the polls. Elect men, not agendas.
If the left want to impose their agendas, let them take their agendas, issue by issue, to the ballot box for the voters to decide. Don’t award activists carrying baggage quasi judicial authority with a commissioner seat in Elbert County.
In America, consent of the governed is measured by a vote, not by lip service from a commissioner who listens while mouthing bromides about transparency. Vote for commissioners who enable the people to govern themselves by bringing important county issues to the ballot box.
By Brooks
By Brooks
What Have They Done? Have They Earned Re-election? (1)
What Have They Done? Have They Earned Re-election? (2)
From the title, one’s mind opens to the implication that an objective analysis will ensue. This is just a device to get you to drop your guard. What follows, then, is a rehash of the rhetorical leftist myths about the current BOCC presented in quasi analytical tones, amply seasoned with conclusory innuendo, scare mongering, unfounded accusations, and fear.
Typically, the answers to the questions posed in the title were never in doubt.
The Democrat talking points got a much needed makeover in this journalistic facial. From the raw campaign effluvia the newly minted Democrat-light Republican challengers cobbled together to attack anything and everything they could tangentially associate to the current BOCC, now comes the polished product to set the stage for the big show.
Will Fogel and Duvall bite on these tempting tidbits Thomas chummed into the political waters this weekend? Will this grist also coalesce into a hard nut of Schlegel umbrage to fuel their recall, err, off year election continuation, efforts?
Since our loopy local left is incapable of reaching a conclusion that doesn’t lead to a little patch of utopian bliss under their lordship, the answers would appear to be foregone.