If we’re not going to stand by our leaders when they speak the plain truth, if we’re going to censor ourselves when the plain truth is on the table for all to see, then the professionally sensitive have won. With all that came out about Obama last week, with hindsight in that very same week proving Coffman 100% right on his Obama assessment, giving any credence to Coffman’s critics seems extremely unwise. The left continue to issue their self-incriminating reactions, and rather than capitalize on those revelations for all the really negative things they indicate about the left, Republicans want to talk about undercutting the conservative message, and undercutting conservative’s ability to get a message out!
The New Plains people this weekend went all in on subverting the Republican brand for our local primary election. They dropped all pretenses at legitimacy because, why not? It’s not like any Republicans are going to stand up and call them on it. And now comes the Denver Post again–they don’t hide their subtexts, why bother? The only issue it’s not about for the Denver Post is the very issue it is about–the very issue Coffman spoke about–the President’s legitimacy. As the song goes, Miklosi just can’t get started so the Post doubles down on Coffman to take the focus off their boy.
The PC police are coming out of the woodwork and we’re getting it coming and going. Liberal PC police would simply shout the truth down or spin it into something meaningless–same thing. And conservative PC police don’t want to risk offending anyone. They’d rather have us silent than give the opposition a target to shoot at. You can’t win a war by not shooting.
People need to stand up for what’s right ’cause the professionally sensitive are walking all over everyone. The PC police cannot be appeased–the standards they set–both conservative and liberal–pay no homage to freedom. When are we going to stand our ground? Reality is a lot simpler than artifice.