A friend asked to do some guest blogging here and that sounded like a good idea. She will sign any posts she creates with her user name. This is really a first for this blog as everything heretofore has been from me, and most people know who I am. This version of WordPress doesn’t appear to provide user name tags under blog posts so we’ll have to put that information in the body of each post going forward.
Non-anonymity of posters should keep things reasonable and presentable.
Accepting guest authors raises the subject of editorial policy. I am not looking to create a job for myself. Authors should bear in mind the motto in the banner, “Just the facts,” and write responsibly from there. If posts turn into “just the contorted facts” or “just the spun facts” or “just the selected facts” or “just the facts beat to death like a rented mule” I would expect reader rebuttals to set things right again.
The other idea implicit in the banner motto is to place a premium on brevity. I generally do not produce long winded diatribes and I would expect authors here to honor that history and keep their comments succinct. Here again I expect reader rebuttals to set things right should they go off the deep end.
As for formatting, my preferred browser is Firefox and I format so things display well in Firefox. I don’t format for I.E. and I would prefer all authors use Firefox to construct their posts.
Other authors are welcome. Send me an email and I’ll set you up.