…in Elbert County
First of all, forget the labels. Republican, Democrat and Tea Party mean nothing out here. They’re all nominally Republican.
On the right you have Limited Government, Personal Responsibility, Protection of Private Property Rights, and Fiscal Responsibility.
On the left you have New-Plains and Elbert-Grab.
Candidates promoted on New-Plains: Larry Ross * Robert Rowland * Steve Valdez
Rowland “is running as a Republican” but “does not believe Party should matter at the County level.” Valdez says, “Republican or Democrat-it doesn’t matter.” Ross believes in government regulation and is active in trying to shut down oil and gas development in the county.
The three have made statements indicating openness to increasing taxes, increasing debt, favoring zoning control of private property and private resources, and growing government.
Against these three candidates, real Republicans have opportunities to defend the actual conservative principles enumerated on their Lincoln Day Dinner advertisement above.
Now would be a good time to start.