Elbert County Republican Central Committee Bylaws
“[R]esolutions introduced by registered Elbert County Republican participants at the precinct caucus are eligible for action by each precinct caucus. A majority vote by the caucus shall advance that resolution for consideration of the Resolutions Committee, and must include name, address, phone and if available email of the person submitting the proposal.
The Resolutions Committee shall meet after the precinct caucus and prior to the county assembly for the purpose of confirming the precinct caucus action and to determine if the resolution conforms to the requirement of expounding a fundamental principle of the Republican Party. A two-thirds majority vote by the committee shall advance that resolution for consideration of the county assembly.”
Caucuses are February 7, 2012.
Note: The Resolutions Committee has 5 people on it. That means it will take 4 out 5 affirming committee votes to pass a precinct caucus resolution on to the the county assembly.