I’ve had enough of the progressives. Consider their accomplishments.
At the turn of the progressive century, in the name of civilization Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft gave us brutal repression in Cuba and the Philippines, hundreds of thousands killed, conditions that led to Japanese militarization and World War II, war on the Korean peninsula, war in Indochina, the Malay Peninsula, and Viet Nam. The progressive body count in the Pacific Rim runs into the millions. To the dead, a progressive bullet and a communist bullet are a distinction without much of a difference.
While saving the poor people outside of America from themselves, which basically involved hastening them en mass to their Christian afterlife, progressive domestic accomplishments have been similarly effective.
They’ve turned a robust amalgam of the world’s immigrants who came to America seeking nothing but an opportunity to create, to earn, to do something to better themselves and their families, into a dumbed down dependent population on federal subsidies, handouts, protections, special rights, social programs, welfare programs, healthcare programs, and bureaucratic regulatory monstrosities at every level of government, all operated by lawyerly overlords.
And as I write this little complaint, the president is in his castle putting his foot down to demand that elected representatives from the people’s house of Congress give him unlimited debt financing so he can “give” the American people more such progressive solutions which don’t work, never have worked, and never will work.
The progressive can’t see past her intentions to the negative outcomes she actually creates. The progressive never lets himself acknowledge the horrible consequences each one of his interventions in our lives actually causes. Progressives look forward, but when they look back, they never look at their own trail. They see the failings of other people and ignore their own.
Perhaps I should just shut up and be grateful God gave us these progressive perfect beings incapable of mistake to guide us. Scientifically, however, we’ve never had any reasonable grounds to expect better results from the progressive system because it has no reality feedback capacity. Progressivism is a one way train to the future conducted by good intentions.
The better the intention, the happier the progressive feels. And if they’re happy, we’re good to go. Historians can worry about the trail of destruction, but don’t trouble the progressive while she’s busy breakin’ trail.
As for outcomes, progressives’ effect on our international neighbors has been deadly. They’ve given us an unbroken chain of horrible messes abroad. Domestically they’ve given us an underclass of dependent American citizens, a business class of dependent bureaucratic functionaries, a governing class of unimpeachable overlords, a ceaselessly propagandizing media class, ghettos and wastelands in our formerly productive cities. They’ve walled off our natural resources, crushed many of our productive sectors and made the concept of American ingenuity into a quaint anachronism.
Whenever you hear a progressive spouting off about what some collective of Americans should do, or spend, here or abroad, look around for the body count they’ve ignored.
Yeah, I’ve had quite enough of progressive “solutions.”