Archives for 2010
Touchtone “M” For Murder
more Islamic injustice
So, what is it that the Nation of Islam followers see in Islam anyway?
‘Al-Ghazali puts these words into the mouth of God: “These to bliss, and I care not; and these to the Fire, and I care not.” As disturbing as this expression of divine indifference may seem, it is clearly based on a supporting Hadith: “Abu Darda’ reported that the Holy Prophet said: Allah created Adam when He created him. Then He stroke his right shoulder and took out a white race as if they were seeds, and He stroke his left shoulder and took out a black race as if they were charcoals. Then He said to those who were on his right shoulder: Towards paradise and I don’t care. He said to those who were on his left shoulder: Towards Hell and I don’t care.”‘
Robert R. Reilly, THE CLOSING OF THE MUSLIM MIND, 2010, p 80.
Metaphysical justice would not appear to be part of the deal.
Awas v. OK Board of Elections
Awad vs. Oklahoma State Board of Elections
Islam is a religion, a political system, and a legal system. These three Muslim domains are intertwined and inseparable.
Plaintiffs repeatedly argue that Muslims require a Sharia legal system in order to practice their religion. American law cannot incorporate a Sharia legal system into its jurisprudence since doing so would also incorporate Islamic political and religious tenants into its constitutional common law. This would plainly violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.
Therefore this claim pleads for an unconstitutional remedy on its face and should be denied.
Mont Pelerin Society 2010 papers
Ideas of the Enlightenment: Their Contemporary Relevance
The French Enlightenment & its Implications for Liberty – Professor Alan Charles Kors
Jurisprudential Legacy of the Enlightenment – Professor Suri Ratnapala
Lessons from the Scottish Enlightenment – Professor James R Otteson
Towards a New Enlightenment: Understanding Human Nature
After Freud: What do neuroscience advances tell us about human nature? – Provessor Peter Whybrow
Building Political Structures with the Crooked Timber of Humanity – Professor Denis Dutton
The Modular Account of Open and Closed Societies – Dr Laurence Fiddick
Reconciling The Traditional with the Modern in a Liberal Society
Reconciling Modernity with Tradition in a Liberal Society – Professor Chandran Kukathas
Reconciling the Traditional with the Modern – Dr Lindsey Te Ata o Tu MacDonald
Externalities: Beyond Coase, Williamson and Ostrom
The Problem of Social Cost: What Problem – Professor Harold Demsetz
Coase Rules OK – Professor Jeff Bennett
If Hayek and Coase were Environmentalists – Professor Terry Anderson
GFC: What have we learnt from the 2008-09 event? A Stocktake
Been There Done That – Professor Peter Boettke
After the Fall – Professor Deepak Lal
The Global Financial Crisis and the Efficient Market Hypothesis – Professor Ray Ball
Australia – A Generation of Economic Reform
A Generation of Reform – Professor Wolfgang Kasper
A Generation of Reform – Paul Kelly
New Threats to Liberty and the Private Sphere – Nannies and Busybodies,Tax Harmonisation and the Surveillance State
Surveillance State – John Kampfner
Tax Harmonisation: A Threat to Liberty – Professor Sinclair Davidson
Nannies and Busy Bodies – Dr Eric Crampton
New Developments in Economics: A Sceptical View
The Use of Happiness in Society – Dr Jason Potts
The Economist as Guru – Professor Geoffrey Brennan
Science, Scepticism and the Future
Constructive Dissent – Professor Steven Schwartz
What Does Climategate Say About Science? – Professor Terence Kealey
Freedom vs Authority – What Path to Development? The Story of India and China
Paths Towards Development – Dr John Lee
The New World Order: Importance of China and India – Surjit S Bhalla
Washington Concensus – Professor Xiannon Xu
History, Culture and the Language of Liberty
The Language of Liberty – Professor James Allan
Individualism and its Contemporary Fate – Professor Kenneth Minogue
Calvin Coolidge and the Language of LIberalism – Amity Shlaes
no heroes in Colorado
Dan Maes thinks he saved the Republican Party in Colorado from minor party status and future obscurity and that he is a hero. He probably also thinks that his heroism was aided by divine intervention.
Colorado Tea Party people who supported Dan Maes think they saved the Republican Party too. They bought the myth fed to them during last Spring’s precinct caucuses that they represented the people of Colorado, and all the higher ideals of our constitutional representative system of government were invested in them. Trouble is, the people of Colorado never give their consent to be represented by the caucus system or those individuals who just show up one night in April to take charge of the caucus system. So, armed with a myth, Maes-supporting Tea Partyers soldiered on and now feel like heroes too.
Republican Party leaders appeared to sit the whole thing out. They watched from the sidelines while Maes and Buck worked the idealistic Tea Party types to their own advantage. All they could muster was a hope that the Tea Party wouldn’t fragment the Republican party. So, obsessed with their own political survival, they neglected to defend Jane Norton, or Josh Penry, and they left Tom Tancredo adrift–the only ones who really did embody Tea Party ideals.
They kept the Tea Party under the Republican umbrella all right, but threw out any candidate who actually walked the Tea Party walk. That left them with remainders who could be manipulated–the 11% who bought them a narrow dodge of minor party status in Colorado in an historic Republican wave that washed over the entire country. How they managed to avoid queering the Colorado statehouse turnover is kind of a mystery.
On the issues we had key government-limiting tax and debt measures to win, the death cult of abortion to defeat, immunity from Obamacare to enact, and the Republicans stood by and watched it all go down.
They really earned minor party status in my book. There are no heroes in this election in Colorado.
German-American Partnership Program
German-American Partnership Program – Elbert County host families needed!
The Elizabeth High School Foreign Language Department is seeking Elbert County host families for German exchange students who will be visiting for 3 weeks in April 2011. The students will attend school while here, and will have the opportunity to participate in the host families’ daily lives. There will also be planned activities involving all the students and their host families. This is a great opportunity to share the hospitality of our beautiful county, to develop life-long friendships, and to learn more about other cultures.
For more information please contact Elyse Coberly at (303) 646-4616, ext. 8024 or
healthcare pricing bias
As the author says, “It’s worse than that.” The “bias to always raise prices” on the part of Medicare price fixers, is shared by manufacturers, suppliers, providers, insurers, and legislators who all have interests in putting more money into the system. The beneficiaries’ interests, the ones who ought to be providing demand input to the health care market to control pricing and supply allocation with their health care consumption free choices, are effectively muted. (click panels below to enlarge)
Arizona S.B. 1070
From: Mountain States Legal Foundation – Perry Pendley
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 11:27 AM
Subject: Opportunity to battle Obama’s attempt to invalidate Arizona’s illegal immigration statue
I want to tell you of a unique opportunity to participate in the battle by Arizona, assisted by Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF), against attempts by the Obama Administration to invalidate Arizona’s illegal immigration statute, S.B. 1070.
On Monday, November 1, at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Savings Time, C-SPAN will broadcast LIVE, oral arguments before a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit in United States v. Arizona. The three judges include: Richard Paez (appointed by Bill Clinton), John Noonan (appointed by Ronald Reagan), and Carlos Bea (appointed by George W. Bush).
I will be watching. If you watch, I would be interested in learning what you think. [Read more…]
once upon a time
This grievance provided grounds for an American Revolution: “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”
Obama and the left have excited the modern tea party to take to the streets in protest. They have enabled the illegal immigration of merciless terrorists into our country who intend the “undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions” of Americans.
Once upon a time Americans revolted over governmental provocations like these.
the waning Maes
Looking at this political year in toto, lots of things stand out. Maes stands out for pure bitterness and vituperation. With each new day that Republicans allow themselves to be represented by this jerk, they do more lasting damage to their political brand.
Planners fiddle, business burns
reaction to elitism and narcissism
In the wake of NPR’s PC-spasm firing of Juan Williams, consider The Travails of Modern Islam by Daniel Pipes:
QUESTION: In relation to the two questions of what went wrong and how do we fix it, do you see a difference between hardcore Islamists and those that are less committed?
DR DANIEL PIPES: They are roughly the same. Various versions of Islamism exist. For example, in Saudi Arabia women can’t drive, can’t do this, can’t do that. In Iran, they can. The Iranian idea is that they’ve created an Islamic republic where women are safe. In the Saudi vision, danger lurks in every corner and females need to be protected. There are many such differences in both style and substance. But in the end, all Islamists aspire to the same thing which is the application of Islamic law. Islamic law differs slightly in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran and India. They have different schools, but these are again details and in general the aspiration to apply Islamic law is common to all Muslims.
The generalizations abhorred by the politically correct need the most scrutiny.
illegal immigration
Illegal immigration is a massive problem that causes your eyes to glaze over when you try to think of remedies in total.
At Tom Tancredo’s meeting in Elizabeth yesterday, however, the question was asked and answered about what percentage of illegal immigrants also end up in our criminal justice process. The answer, confirmed by Tancredo and Sheriff Frangis, is that between 15% and 20% of arrested perps are illegal immigrants.
That’s a huge statistic. Why are we not deporting the 15% to 20% of perps in our criminal justice system who are also known illegal immigrants? What a perfect place to start solving the illegal immigration problem!
Reduce prison load and save a boatload of money from that, make the streets of America safer by deporting a known criminal element, and reduce the illegal immigrant population by its’ most undesirable subset.
Can you think of a good reason why to keep illegal immigrants in our jails and prisons?
Maes is over
People who still support Dan Maes have effectively withdrawn from meaningful participation in this election for governor. Whether Maes goes or stays, you can make a plausible case that voters currently dedicated to Dan Maes are irrelevant to the outcome of the race.
Let’s assume he stays, which seems the most likely case. If all those pledged to him remain loyal and vote for him, they won’t effect the outcome of the race for governor. That race will be decided completely by people who vote for Tancredo and Hickenlooper.
On the other hand, let’s assume Maes withdraws–the unlikely case. Some of his pledged voters will still vote for him, and won’t effect the outcome of the race. Some will choose not to vote at all, and won’t effect the outcome of the race. Some will vote for Tancredo on the principle of conservatism, while others will vote for Hickenlooper purely out of spite. Let’s face it, after all that’s gone wrong with Dan Maes, of the people remaining in his camp today who don’t end up in one of the nullifying outcomes, they’re as likely to go one way or the other (conservatism or spite), and those two camps will cancel each other out.
The bottom line is, whether Maes stays or goes, his voters have become irrelevant. The race is between those who relevantly declare for Tancredo and Hickenlooper, and Tancredo has about pulled even in that contest.
we the people…
…did not found the Elbert County Tea Party and did not elect its self-appointed Chairman. When will the Elbert County Tea Party embrace the consent of the citizens that it claims to uphold and elect its own party leaders? When will the Elbert County Tea Party hold its own leadership accountable for supporting Dan Maes and for siding with the left on Proposition 1A?
tea party and liberal against 1A
Tea Party self-appointed leader Robert Rowland sides with Democrat Whistler on Elbert County Proposition 1A.
by Robert Rowland on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 1:30pm