Illegal immigration is a massive problem that causes your eyes to glaze over when you try to think of remedies in total.
At Tom Tancredo’s meeting in Elizabeth yesterday, however, the question was asked and answered about what percentage of illegal immigrants also end up in our criminal justice process. The answer, confirmed by Tancredo and Sheriff Frangis, is that between 15% and 20% of arrested perps are illegal immigrants.
That’s a huge statistic. Why are we not deporting the 15% to 20% of perps in our criminal justice system who are also known illegal immigrants? What a perfect place to start solving the illegal immigration problem!
Reduce prison load and save a boatload of money from that, make the streets of America safer by deporting a known criminal element, and reduce the illegal immigrant population by its’ most undesirable subset.
Can you think of a good reason why to keep illegal immigrants in our jails and prisons?