Republican County Assembly, Saturday, April 10, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Kiowa Middle School Gym.
The Elbert County Republican Central Committee Bylaws, Article II. Purpose, Section 2. Primary Purpose, “Recognizing the fundamental principals of the Republican Party…..the primary purpose of this organization shall be……to encourage all citizens to participate in the democratic process and in all phases of government; and to facilitate the free flow of ideas as they relate to the election process and all phases of government.”
Note: You must be officially recognized by the assembly to publicly address the county assembly. This is not a public forum, however, to my knowledge there have never been any restrictions against the public observing the proceedings. Any members of the public attending for the purpose of observation should exercise care to in no way interfere with the conduct of the delegates and the business of the assembly.
Next ECR Breakfast: