Only a year ago it sounded extreme to categorize the U.S. Democrat government as socialist. Now it’s become the exception to see it referred to in more moderate terms. Republicans fooled themselves that compromise and occupation of a mythical middle ground were a sustainable political philosophy. The absence of a philosophy could never have become a philosophy. That’s like elevating agnosticism to the level of a religion. Sure, it’s a belief, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s an empty belief. And so goes the moderate fallacy–smoke and mirrors that dissolved to nothing at the hands of dedicated socialist ideologues.
Now that the Rubicon is crossed and government is inside and directing our major industries, our major financial firms, our securities markets, our doctor’s offices, our private waters, our open lands, and our formerly-take-home income, what’s next?
Well, there’s the free press, the internet and private communications. We’re not going to be able to keep those for very long because they enable way too much dissent. And dissent is very bad for socialism.
Then there’s those pesky firearms. We’re not going to be able to keep those either. The death-by-a-million cuts from the multitudes of G-men who will soon be coming to your door to impose all these new laws would be severely hampered by people able to defend themselves. They’ve simply got to go. Or maybe just the ammunition has to go. Certainly one or the other.
Then there’s our purchasing decisions like the cars we want to buy and the food we like to eat. Fast cars and rich food are just not essential in a society where everyone must be kept equal–at the same speed–at the same caloric intake level–at the same CO2 exhaust footprint. After all, someone who creates more CO2 is just not equal. We don’t exactly know why and the science behind the whole business is complete garbage, but it just doesn’t sound equal now does it? In the business of government they call that “non-evidenced-based” regulation. Look it up. It’s really big in China. It’s for people who don’t have time for that pesky scientific method. (Politicians love this one because it eliminates the need to ask them questions.)
So, you think it’s bad now after one year of leftist government? Just hold on to your hats because you ain’t seen nothing yet. The end point of this game has been done many times before. The end point is that some class of citizens will become undesirable and will be rounded up and neutralized. I should qualify that to say some additional class of citizens–as we already dispose of the unborn by the millions.
But there are more stages to go through before that. Hardcore socialism will have to settle in for a few years, although in this modern information age of immediate knowledge and sudden expressions of state power, it won’t take as long as it did under national socialism (Nazis), or Stalin’s regime, or China’s Cultural Revolution, or Cambodia’s Pol Pot. But as long as the left remains in power, we will certainly get to the exterminations of additional undesirables.
Look how many of Obama’s czars have nothing but praise for mass murderer Mao Tse Tung. Oh, forgive me. I know that’s really politically incorrect to refer to the great leader and his little red book that way. Just like it’s way politically incorrect to refer to Mohamed (peace be upon him) as the instigator of 1600 years–and counting–of Islamic (religion of peace) death and conquest. To be sure, the Islamic view of peace is not the same as the western view of peaceful coexistence. For Islam, peace means to get rid of the opposition–you know–like what the Democrats mean when they say “bipartisan.”
Well, to each his own I guess. All cultures are valuable because they’re all special. Even if some are especially oppressive and deadly, they also make beautiful buildings and colorful artwork to look at–presumably to draw the eye away from the rotting piles of corpses they create. But Oh! The food! Can they cook or what?