The Script: (for causing legal and cultural changes to occur without benefit of reasonable fact-based analysis)
Desensitize by changing the terminology. Examples: homosexual–>gay, abortion–>choice, socialized medicine–>affordable health care. Do this until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome and the new terms merit no more than a shrug of the shoulders.
Jam and silence the opposition with widespread intimidation and misrepresentation of their motives. Example: Matthew Shepard was robbed, beaten and later died. Subsequent investigation showed that he was targeted for his money, not his homosexuality. Nevertheless, Christian Coalition, Family Research Council and Focus on the Family were all widely accused of fomenting an anti-homosexual climate and were associated with Shepard’s murderers.
Conversion of the negative into the positive. Hate is love, lies are truth. Positive elements are magnified, negative elements are completely suppressed. Classic propaganda techniques here.
Rewrite history. Revisionism including fabricating new historical figures, giving new motives and new behaviors to existing historical figures, and creating historical outcomes that never existed. For example, many of the early Nazis were homosexual, however, anyone daring to criticize homosexuality today is labeled a Nazi.
This is from David Kupelian’s, The Marketing of Evil. It illustrates the brain washing techniques issuing from the Obama administration with each new day. No matter the issue, the subjects are interchangeable, and the script remains the same.
If the thousands of pages of new federal legislation Obama has inspired don’t succeed in killing off the last remnants of America’s constructive capacity, surely the tedium of the left’s non-stop propaganda war against America will bore the country to death.