In the president’s revised version of history, he has not had a long and close association with Acorn. He did not nationalize General Motors and reward his supporters at the United Auto Workers with a chunk of the stock. He is not in thrall to the big labor bosses at Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. And the Democratic Party has not sold its political soul to trial lawyers who hound doctors and hospitals and increase medical costs by billions of dollars each year.
The president has also written a “let’s pretend” storybook of the naive genre.
• Not all taxes are taxes; government spending is free and debt never has to be repaid.
• He and Congress have our best interests at heart and are smarter than we are. They should run everything.
• Too much high-quality medical care is bad for us. We must switch to the government brand. It’s almost the real thing. It’s also “free.” Just take a ticket and be patient.
• Energy must be made scarce and more expensive. Never mind the job losses (more than a million per year from “cap-and-trade” alone). Forget about the economic destruction (at least $2 trillion over a decade).
• After America’s factories are shut, the Chinese will give us jobs in theirs.
Oh, and don’t forget: The president also says that we should not worry about the mullahs in Iran and their nukes. He will “friend” them.
From: Denying Truth and Rewriting The Dictionary
It is tempting to brush the Constitution aside to pursue political objectives, to let the ends justify the means. But if politics trumps the Constitution, the Constitution cannot limit government and, therefore, cannot protect liberty.
From: Politics of Health Care Legislation Endanger Constitutional Liberties