Paula Koch at October 8th Planning Commission meeting
“As a citizen I just needed to get on the record, I am tired of paying for the legal fees that have been incurred by the BOCC not following the vision of the master plan and the regulations of this county.”
“[I] would love to see this continued until after new commissioners take office.”
Over the years Ms. Koch’s liberalism has become a familiar fixture in Elbert County politics. As a promoter of regulatory planning, she’s been appointed to a Planning Commission of like-minded regulators.
Conversion of the Elbert County Master Plan to a regulatory document has been effected without a vote of the people and Ms. Koch helped by her encouragement of preventing the last BOCC from adjudicating the question.
The Planning Commission needed an appointment of an individual with a higher regard for private property rights than Ms. Koch has shown. It is unfortunate that Commissioner Schwab passed up an opportunity to appoint someone who would defend all property rights, not just the rights of property holders who have a no-growth prejudice.