Progressives like McShay and Thomasson would find the world a much friendlier place if they stopped assuming that people who don’t agree with them are mental defects who don’t understand progressivism. Memo to McShay, people like me understand progressivism a lot better than the avant-garde progressives who never pause to look back to see the human wreckage progressivism left in its’ wake in the last century. For all its’ good intentions and admirable goals, no matter how well it’s packaged and sold [see Obama], progressivism will never overcome the basic fact of human nature that people work better when they work for themselves than when they work for others.
Altruism is necessary and nice if you can afford to do it, but it will never pay the rent. Progressives attempt to cure this “defect” in altruism by making it mandatory with government. They assume that if everyone is forced to participate then everyone will benefit, however, they consistently fail to take into account the overhead cost of the non-producing government necessary to enforce such a system. They also never acknowledge that government is inherently corruptible and subject to manipulation, and that progressive regimes over the last century have been the worst offenders in this respect.
An old boss of mine told me a story about a Chinese laundry in San Francisco that was located on the first floor of a two-story building. On the top floor was a brothel. The owners of the laundry worked tirelessly day and night but they could never seem to get ahead or make a profit. They had too much f…….g overhead.
Progressives need to stop scape-goating non-progressives. The real problems they need to overcome are inherent in, and exacerbated by, progressivism.