“The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” in Elbert County has become a license to infer magisterial malfeasance in every official set of circumstances, and to wantonly publish an unending stream of innuendo. Much as the left suffers from OBS (Obsessive Bush Syndrome) at the national level, the Elbert County local left also suffer from a deviant strain of that national illness, OCS (Obsessive Commissioner Syndrome).
Those so afflicted know no political season. For them, elections have the weight of a comma, not a period. Elections are merely momentary pauses to take the pulse of the electorate, after which, campaigning and the relentless pursuit of agenda immediately recommence.
The left have taken a noble constitutional protection out of the 1st Amendment, one intended to be used responsibly for the benefit of the entire republic, and turned it into an excuse for non-stop politicking. They prejudge with reckless abandon as they search for any detail to parse into the constructions of their prejudgments. Never mind the tedium of observing and developing conclusions as facts are presented, their conclusions are too important and long foregone to be seriously questioned. Facts that don’t fit their bias are held de-minimus, are ignored, or are attacked. And those who dare to propose inconvenient facts are openly reviled.
This naked lust for power and control gets prettified with concepts like “transparency” and “smart growth” but I think people see through these petticoats to their totalitarian heart. Just as the courts have become venues for non-representative leftist obsessive compulsive political aspirations, so have our local executive chambers gone.
With every right comes the responsibility to use that right judiciously. Rights are not licenses to be abused for personal gain or personal agendas. Habitual disrespect and abuse of our rights will lead to the loss of them for all. The left seem genetically incapable of understanding this.