Apparently I have so befuddled our local Democrats that they went straight to the ad hominem card. Normally they pretend to argue for a bit before they start name calling.
While I am not worthy of this honor, I am thankful for my enemies since they allow me to distinguish myself as not a pro-tax and spend, pro-planning and control, pro-grow government, pro-Dunn, anti-boy scout, not-in-my-backyard, elitist, country-in-county, condescending, leftist, and as one who respects private enterprise more than government because private enterprise must produce a real benefit to society in order to survive while government need only rely upon force and imposition.
The left think that their mere ability to propose a departure from the status quo should be enough to warrant a change. While they are quick to produce theories about how government can make things better for us, they never seem to point to any examples where that has actually happened. In our second century of progressivism you’d think that somewhere, someone might have got it to work. Even though no one has, the faith in progressivism that our local Democrats carry in their hearts remains strong.
It must be terribly difficult for them to slog on, year in and year out, without a single positive outcome to show for all their effort. Imagine how the world might look if all that progressive energy was spent on philosophies that actually work. “And if frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their asses a’ hoppin’ on the ground.”