“I think we need to appreciate what we have and protect it.”
Nature vs. Greed, What Legacy Are You Teaching Your Children? from: Abe21.net 6/22/08
“A world without children will be a poorer world — grayer, lonelier, less creative, less confident. Children have always been a great blessing, but it may take their disappearance for the world to remember why.”
A World Without Children – Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe
The tension is between those who don’t have kids yet who are, ostensibly, trying to save the world for the kids of tomorrow, and those who are trying to figure out a way to live with their kids in the world of today. But those most active in preserving nature don’t appear too interested in having messy little kids muck around in their pristine wilderness.
So who really are the greedy ones in this paradigm? The folks who want to lock up vast tracks of mostly other people’s land because they like the way it looks, or the folks who want to mortgage their lives away for a small piece of property on the fringe of the metro area in the hope of securing a small piece of the American dream to raise a family?
You must be kidding. You read my article, misquoted what I said and then have the gall to interpret it as me wanting to tie up other people’s property. The quote was, “The pictures are not spectacular, but the point is
that Elbert County is an unspoiled gem where
wildlife is still in abundance. It needs to be
protected. Wasting money, inappropriate use of
county resources and greed are plaguing our
county. The argument is going to be made that the
only way that we can solve our financial problems
is to turn Elbert County into Aurora. Bring on the
roofs!” Brooks, I taught children for twenty-five years. I ran an outdoor education program for twelve years of those and believe me, the kids got to be out in the middle of the real world. You’re tilting at windmills Mr. Quixote. I want to empower people to protect their own land and their own property rights. You are scared to death that liberals are lurking behind every tree or shrub just licking their chops at the thought of taking away your stuff. Every written line is not an attack on your libertarian dream. Lighten up.
Robert Thomasson
“Only Patty Sward and I stood up for the notion that the Master Plan could or should be regulatory.”
“I will be giving as much as I can afford to stop this myth that a Master Plan has to be advisory.”
See: http://elbertcounty.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/the-peoples-master-plan.jpg
(This is why I include source documents in my blog.)
Making the Master Plan regulatory is the opposite of “empowering people to protect their own land and their own property rights.” Regulations don’t empower people; regulations empower the state.