The group who attend each planning commission meeting to lobby against development and growth, yet who never manage to persuade the planning commission or the BOCC to see things their way, should consider why they are ineffective in stopping growth. There are only two reasonable explanations. Either they are, in themselves, poor representatives, or they in fact, do not represent a majority of citizens.
These periodic laments in the local fishwrap reinforcing a self-image of heroic victims of the money-grubbing enviro-stomping capitalist development nightmare, may comfort some people, but this position leads to only one conclusion –total obstruction. Cobbles of “smart” to growth, “health and well being” to environment, “unique” to Elbert County, and “commitment” to the future, all make nice sound bites, but from a bunch of folks with self-proclaimed vision, I would expect a little more discussable content. Slogans are just not persuasive.