Going protectionist over a fantasy highway
Xenophobes see a threat to U.S. sovereignty in a Texas freeway project that would ease trade with Mexico.
By Shikha Dalmia and Leonard Gilroy September 20, 2007
With respect to conservatives, each one of the following ad hominem abusive adjectives was used in the above linked story:
paranoid, isolationist, jihad, sinister, xenophobes, apoplectic, paranoid rantings, protectionist fringe, hysterical, atavistic, ideologues of fear
This article is about Ports to Plains, a subject in which the TRW claim expertise.
Necessity makes for strange bedfellows though. The above authors are affiliated with the Reason Foundation, a group of Libertarians that a couple of TRW Democrats would probably find disagreeable.
As for Dalmia and Gilroy of the Reason Foundation, their opinions might be more persuasive without the ad hominems, and with a lot more “reason.”