The primary contact for public input on the Elbert County Transportation Master Plan is Karen D. Stuart of Carter Burgess.
707 17th St., Suite 2300, Denver, CO 80202 (720) 359-3044
The opening meeting was quite general. There were breakout groups for collecting prioritizing ideas. All ideas were voted on and the top 3 became topics for future committee meetings. People were encouraged to sign up for these future committees.
Meeting audio follows:
If a transportation master plan is required to obtain federal grant money then by all means develop a master plan that will pass muster in Washington D.C.. I spent over 26 years involved in big city government and I can tell you that the ability to obtain federal money is critical. Yes it does come with strings attached, like performance deadlines, regular reports and reams of paperwork, but in the end you get the money, and isn’t that what its really all about?