- Do you think people should try to help themselves first before they ask for help from others?
- Do you think it’s wrong to game the public treasury for your own personal advantage?
- Do you think government entitlements discourage individual initiative?
- Do you think as taxes go up, charitable giving goes down?
- Do you think death should be tax exempt?
- Do you think business taxation is just another way to tax consumers through higher prices?
- Do you think everyone should pay the same tax rate?
- Do you think unfunded government mandates should be eliminated?
- Do you think private enterprise based on the opportunity for profit is the fairest way to allocate scarce resources?
- Do you think government force is a negative power that leads to corruption when used to control private enterprise?
- Do you think it’s wrong for government bureaucrats to use law to force private property owners to use their property in certain approved ways?
- Do you think zoning laws and regulatory laws should be proven with demonstrated outcomes before they are allowed to become law?
- Do you think that government codes, regulations, statutes, and zoning have choked off way too much creativity from the private sector in a vain attempt to achieve utopia?
- Do you think the earth is far more vast and resilient than environmentalists have shown?
- Do you think private property owners are the best stewards of the environment?
- Do you think there’s too much government in America?
- Do you think government is the least desirable place to look to find a real solution to a problem?
- Do you think the ends do not justify the means?
There are a million ways to ask these questions; this is no official list. It’s just a few things that come to mind as I think about expressing some Republican values. Republicans hold values like these because they lead to a robust, creative, evolving, sound, reality based, equitable, and peaceful society where everyone benefits. Ironically, the beneficiary model the Left promotes benefits precious few beneficiaries and a whole bunch of bureaucrats.
If you answered yes to the above questions, then you believe in fairness, freedom, individual responsibility, non-socialist solutions for successful living, and you’d make a good Republican. You can register as a Republican before May 29th to participate in the Republican primary election. Do it online, just Google it.